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Edit your location details

This page shows the details of your currently selected location. You can either enter the data manually, or select your nearest town from an online database. If you have already selected a town from the database, the form will have the details filled in, but you can edit them if you wish. This information need only be provided once, after you have reached the next page you can save it in your list of favourites and go directly there the next time - all the details of your location will be saved in the address.

If you are entering your coordinates manually, you can get your latitude and longitude from an atlas, it only needs to be accurate to within half a degree or so, but the more accurately you can specify it, the more accurate the predictions will be. You will also need to select your time zone from the list - all the predictions are given in local time and properly adjusted for any daylight saving time during summer.

(in decimal degrees, positive north of equator
e.g. 34.984 and NOT 34°59'2" or 34.984N):
Akku Gericom
Angelsport Fishing
Bewertungen mit Video
Coaching Hotel
DSL Angebote
Geschenkideen Kinder
Hörbuch Download für Kinder
Handy Shop Handys ohne Grundgebühr
lightsticks, magic, juggling
Massageliege Kosmetikliege
Miami Real Estate - Aventura FL
MP3 Download
Register International Domain Name
Sell Text Links
vl leistungen
Website Tools
(in decimal degrees, positive east of Greenwich
e.g. -110.392 and NOT -110°23'31" or 110.392W
IMPORTANT! all points in the U.S.A. have negative longitude!):
Elevation above sea level
(in meters, set to zero if you don't know):
Location Name:
Time Zone
(daylight saving time will automatically be added):

Developed and maintained by Chris Peat, Heavens-Above GmbH
Please read the updated FAQ before sending e-mail.
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