ICYMI: Clay Is Sorta Kinda Totally Maybe Gay, Which Is None of Your Bee’s Wax

Good Morning America’s multi-part Clay Aiken Confessional Booth series continued this morning with Diane Sawyer randomly pulling an “Are you gay?” question out of nowhere, utterly shocking him into giving a rambling 300-word response that essentially says, “Yep”. We admire Clay’s courage, and Diane’s subtle “probing” and “in the closet” puns.

17 Responses to “ICYMI: Clay Is Sorta Kinda Totally Maybe Gay, Which Is None of Your Bee’s Wax”

Kat says:

I heard “none of your fucking business” and “what does it matter because asshat bloggers are going to believe what they want to believe,” but I definitely didn’t hear a “yes.”

More power to him. He gave the rumors exactly the amount of attention they deserve. Not much. He was rather dismissive. It was kinda cool and ballsy. After all, he’s right, it’s his life, not the bottom feeder bloggers.

Alex, you really need to see someone about this Aiken obsession of your’s. According to Aiken, Paxil helps!

Evan says:

I don’t think the guy can win. He flat out said that the tabloids and internet rumors were al lies, and that the constant questioning was rude and nobody’s damn business, yet here you are totaly ignoring what he said and being offensive — just like he was saying in the interview.

Prove his point much, Alex?

FernLaPlante says:

Of course he is gay but who cares? He is this generations Barry Manilow. Clay has one core set of fans - desperate, lonely housewives that worship him for some odd reason. They can barely whisper the word “gay” let alone acknowledge that their beloved Clay is a homo. Clay has a power over these Claymates, they have been infected with Claymidia. There is no doubt that Clay is gay but if he were to admit it, these women would collectively explode.

Alex Blagg says:

The issue isn’t that he’s gay, it’s that he thinks there’s something so wrong with his own nature, he can’t publicly admit it.

Also, I like pissing you Claymates off.

shelley says:

he really is this generation’s Manilow and if you had asked me when I was 7 years old dancing around to an LP of “Copacabana” whether I cared who the guy was sleeping with I would have looked at you like you were nuts.
does that have something to do with me?

Jim Treacher says:

Is it really a question of whether he does, or is it a question of how many per day?

I just think it’s rediculous that any celebrity gets all up in arms because the public wants to know about his private life. You know what? If you wanted your life to stay so damn private, then you shouldn’t have done something to become famous in the first place, damnit!

The only reason I care to know if he’s gay or not is because I want answers to why he looks so bad with that haircut of his. I don’t listen to his music, and other than watching the Claymates get really pissed off at anyone who even thinks bad thoughts of their precious Aiken, I don’t have any interest in him.

Gay or not, I just wish he’d say something as brief as possible and let it rest instead of copping out to the “tabloids lie” excuse. If you’ve got nothing to hide, say your not gay and be done with it.

And you want to know what real rude questions are (the type I do not want answers to from him or anyone)? Are you shaved? Circumsized? What size are you? What’s your favorite position? Do you pick your nose and eat the contents? Inappropriate questions during funerals. Etc.

And I meant “you’re”, and if I misspelled anything else, I apologize because I’m not the best speller in the world.

alexlovesclay says:

Alex, you know you want Clay. I think its time you embrace it. Really, there’s nothing wrong with your own nature or your crush on Clay. I don’t know what business it is of yours whether or not Clay embraces his own nature unless its that you want him, but then we just PROVED that, didn’t we? Much in the same way Clay’s reponse of none of your business proved to you that he’s gay. Bullies hear what they want to hear, and yes you certainly proved his point. All the gay bloggers kept saying it would be fine if he said no comment, just stop saying he’s straight. He did that. Not good enough. Alex, please go rub one out to Clay’s hot new pics so you’ll be in a more gracious mood. As for Fern, I’m not sure what it is about Barry and Clay that threatens people to the point that they spread such stupid shit, but FYI Barry is not gay and both of these two have fans of all ages who would accept them gay or straight, and if you were just a little bit better informed you would know this.

Alex is in LOVE says:

Real classy way to generalize people, Fern. Except not. Speaking of exploding, if you had more than two brain cells to rub together in that narrow, bigoted mind of your’s, I think YOUR head would explode. I’m neither desperate, lonely OR a housewife, I usually prefer bad boy rockers, yet I think Aiken’s okay no matter what he choses to do in his bedroom (Alex’s head just exploded with lust thinking about THAT).

Josh says:

Clay is as gay as eight guys blowing nine guys. but who gives a shit. what a fucking no-talent.

kandidas says:

I said it before and I will say it again, GAY,GAY, GAY! if only he would come out he would feel much better and everyone would quit ragging him about it.

avemaria says:

Wholly crap! I can’t believe this is a discussion. Who cares? I mean, WHO cares about Clay Aiken?! Even if he isn’t gay he’s gay. Just spending time on this email turns my stomach but I have to say this once-waste your time on something else. Someone else. Anyone else. Clay Aiken is NO celebrity but even if he was….Who caaaaarrrrrreeeeesssss?

ipodjunkie144 says:

“What I do in my private life is no one’s buisness!” Yeah Clay Im sure you do A LOT of things {uhm..guys..uhm} in your private life! I’m getting sick of his damn excuses! He always says “Oh, I just haven’t found the right gurl yet!” Yeah suuuure Clay, your not fooling anyone here! We all know your gay! And what is his new album called? A thousand different ways? I’m sure he goes A LOTTA different ways, lol. Now all the Claymates can bash me, go ahead!

Sasha M says:

*clears throat and puts down soap box*

When a man refuses to answer a simple question like that, with a rant generally means they’re gay. But that seems to be the lesser point. Because you see kids, I can remember a time when Diane Saywer was a respected member of her profession. I believe she’s interview heads of state, Civil Rights Leaders, and other important news makers of our generation. And now, she’s asking Clay Atkien if he’s gay? This is a little like Time Magazine interviewing Fergie. Isn’t there like a war going on? Or Famine in the Sudan? Or something that people should be talking about on ABC news that is news?

*steps off soap box*

Nick says:

OMG everyone knows hes gay and no one really cares besides them homophobic fans out there that wish he wasnt……All ya’ll HOMOPHONBIC Peeps out there go to hell and let him do what the fuck he wants to do theres no one in this world that cares well i dont i have a brother and sister thats gay and bi and it dont fuckin bother me so…oh and if u wanna know test came back that 1 out of every 4 teens are gay….BUt if u have something to say email me back down_low_slut@hotmail.com and tell me what you think…….!!!!!!!!!!

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