

  • PERSON OF THE YEAR: Time Magazine is only weeks away from naming its coveted “Person Of The Year”, and so far, it’s shaping up to be “You.” No, seriously: YOU. So wipe the Velveeta off your face and put on your “clean” sweats… you’ve got a cover shoot to prepare for! (WWD Online)
  • CATFIGHT: Justin Timberlake rags on an anonymous source in his latest tune, and some skeptics are claiming the song is slamming Janet Jackson. The song goes something like “Hey tinynose/ Hey nippleface/ Flashin yo t*tty/ Yo big ol’ breast right in my faaace…” (MSNBC’s The Scoop)
  • TRANSEXUAL CHOCOLATE: Eddie Murphy claims that acting eased the pain of his divorce… well, that, and the warmth of a gigantic “woman” hand paid to stroke his shoulders in the back of a pick-up. (People Magazine)
  • ROSACEA STONE: All jokes aside, WTF is wrong with Carrot Top’s face? He’s starting to look like a Richard Simmons… but gay. (Cityrag)
  • NERD SUICIDE WATCH: The newly-svelte Peter Jackson is waywayway too busy doing ab crunches to worry about making The Hobbit into a movie. In a related story, Elijah Wood’s sex life is quoted as saying it’s “never been happier.” (E! Online)
Photoshoppers Make Keira Knightly… Knightlier

KEIRAKNIGHTLEYCUBE.JPGWorth1000 is a photoshopping contest site that, on a fairly regular basis, offers up the challenge of photoshopping our favorite celebrities into brand new and sometimes strange creatures. Recently, they challenged their digital artists to recreate some of our favorite celebs as Cubist Blockheads. Some are better than others (note how Elijah Wood would make an rexcellent Max Headroom eplacement.) But our favorite entry, hands down, would have to be this “reimagining” of Keira Knightley… if only because its creator realized that hardly any photoshopping was needed. Because she’s a natural born cubehead. Look at that pic! She’s never looked Knightlier. (Link via Cityrag)

COMIC RELIEF: Beating a Dead Hobbit

We know the Jared Leto vs. Elijah Wood story is past its expiration date (due in no small part to our own relentless shock and awe campaign against Catalano), but we simply couldn’t resist the temptation to have some fun with these exclusive photos of the incident, which we found via our good friend Brooklyn Vegan. Enjoy!


SIZZLER: Gollum Leto Hates Hobbitses


From our live-blogging perch in a dark corner at last night’s mtvU Woodie awards, we couldn’t see much more than a bunch of drunken college kids screaming “Woooooo!”, which is why we missed this delicious little morsel of celebrity interaction, first reported to us by BWE reader Pee Dee, and now corroborated by another eyewitness report over at Dlisted. Apparently, in between his pretentious acceptance speeches and constant eyeliner application, Jared Leto found the time to saunter over to Elijah Wood’s table and harass Frodo nearly to the point of blows. Here’s what we know so far:

Jared starts whispering stuff in his ear and and occasionally pulling back to look him in the face. Jared then walks away and Elijah turns to his date…and says something. Well something about this must have pissed Jared off because he comes running back to the table, grabs Elijah by the neck and starts screaming at him. All I could catch was Jared calling him a “f*cking asshole”. He then shoves Elijah and storms off. Bodyguards come up and Elijah assures everyone he’s fine.

I’m not sure what Leto could have against the Hobbits, but it probably has something with their peaceful, friendly way of life being at odds with his own agonized, angst-ridden emo existence. Also, if anyone knows more about this, be sure to let us know!

Wealth of Hilarity: Celebrities as King

ELIJAH.JPGEvery year during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the Krewe of Bacchus puts on a lavish parade involving elaborate floats and desperate topless girls on the verge of having their lives ruined. But little did we realize that each year, the Krewe dubs one celebrity as Bacchus himself, dressing said person up in a fancy ornate costume fit for a really gay king. And, yes, a photo gallery of these celebrities exists. Each year is worth checking out, but our personal faves are Larry King, Steve Guttenberg, Ron Howard (+ bonus Fonz) and Jean-Claude Van Damme. You can view the rest of the gallery here.

If you can spot the trend, they tend to go with male celebrities who have some sort of humorous edge to them (Can you say John Laroquette? Us neither.) The 2007 Bacchus title is still up for grabs, so we put it to you: Who do you nominate as Bacchus for next year? We’ll kick things off with our nominee: Christopher Walken. Discuss.