November 17th, 2006 at 10:29 am

Tina Fey Hates Paris Hilton, Too

Tina Fey Hates Paris HiltonGotta love SNL’s Tina Fey for being the voice of truth and rippin’ on Paris Hilton, calling the useless piece of junk a “piece of shit.”

Tina revealed that Paris asked the writers to make a skit in which she could play Jessica Simpson “because I hate her…she’s fat.” Fey also claims that Paris was so self-centered that staffers had a bet going on as to whether she would ask anyone something personal (like “How are you?”) during her week on-set. They only lost when she asked, “Is Maya Rudolph Italian?” (she’s half Black, half Jewish).

Also during the talk:

Paris has “the hair of a fraggle”, and left “nasty wads of Barbie hair on the floor” from her “cheap weave”!

She caught Paris’s giant man hands and said they were as long as her forearm.

Paris actually takes herself seriously and “embraces her stupidity”.

Paris asked them to write a skit so she could play Jessica Simpson “because I hate her” “she’s fat”.

She did at one point ask someone “is Maya Rudolph Italian?” (She’s half Black, half Jewish.)

You can read the whole thing here. Way to go, Tina! We know how you feel. We all could go on all day exchanging many reasons why no one likes Paris. But it’s always better to have a good faith celebrity like you to speak up for us bloggers. Haha. Because of what you said, we were inspired to post pictures of Paris in her “cheap weaves” and her giant hands (below.)




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