Item Code: #740
Title: War of Darkness
Type: Adventure
For: 4-6 characters, levels 12-14
Author: Mark Perry
Published: 1986
Format: 32-page book w/double-cover
"There is evil there, total evil."

"There is a war in the land. The forces of evil control most of the south and have a strong hold on the north regions." The cleric Tonnath points toward the altar. "A god's strength lies in such holy, or unholy, places. You must find the sanctums of evil deeds and cleanse them. The powers of our true enemy lie in such a refuge.

"Let the Lord of the Undead beware my wrath!"

The armies of evil lurk throughout the land. It is up to you to put an end to this war of darkness.
There is no turning back.

For 4-6 characters of Skill Levels 12-14.

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