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powered by Yahoo! is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global newsgathering team of almost 4,000 news professionals. features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.
We hope this page will be helpful in finding an answer to your inquiry.
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Where can I view a schedule of CNN's programming?
• CNN International
• CNN Money
• CNN en Español
• CNN Airport Network
• CNN Radio
• CNN Radio Noticias

Can I send my feedback about CNN programming?
CNN appreciates your taking the time to contact us. While we can't respond to every email personally, your input is forwarded on to the appropriate department for review.

To better serve our users, employs an integrated web form for you to send e-mail. This form is unique in that it helps us to better pinpoint your concerns. We provide you the option to give us more information such as including a link to a relevant story or selecting the type of feedback you are giving. You can access that by clicking here or at

How do I submit an idea for a show or story?
Thank you for you interest in CNN! Please submit your story by sending an email to CNN Public Information.

How do I order a tape or transcript of something I saw on CNN?
CNN has many options for you to order tapes and transcripts.

CNN Domestic/CNN Financial Network -You can order programming shown on CNN and CNNfn by contacting the Federal Document Clearing House. FDCH archives CNN footage from 1996 - present. You can contact the vendor by calling 1-800-CNN-NEWS or on the web at

CNN International/CNN Headline News - Tapes and transcripts can be obtained by contacting Multivision (800) 560-0111/ or Video Monitoring Service (212) 564-2887/

More Options on Personal Usage:

CNN Viewers' Link to CNN Programming

CNN ViewerSource works with businesses and non-profit organizations to grant program dissemination or public display rights and transcript reprint permission. Other requests for viewing copies and transcripts are handled by one of several monitoring services. The video availability, price, turnaround time, and ease of ordering differ from service to service. If there is any question, CNN ViewerSource can help and, if necessary, provide video directly.

Monitoring Services

Multivision, (800) 560-0111,
Videotapes: CNN (domestic) 1 year. CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNNI: 2 months
Transcripts: CNN (domestic) 1 year. CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNNI: 2 months
Federal Document Clearing House (FDCH), (800) CNN-NEWS,
Videotapes: CNN (domestic) 1996-present, some CNNfn: 1998-present
Transcripts: CNN (domestic) 1996-present, some CNNfn: 1998-present
Video Monitoring Service (VMS), (212) 736-5615,
CNN (domestic), CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNNI (European feed): last 2 months
Broadcast Monitors (London),
Tellex Monitors (London),
CNNI (European feed): last 2 months
Monitoring and Analysis (Mexico City), 52.5.566.0454, (CNN en Espanol: 1 month)

After contacting our monitoring services, if you are still unable to locate the footage, or if you need CNN footage from 1980 - 1995, please contact our CNN ViewerSource library at 404-827-1335.

More Options on Business or Media Usage:

CNN ImageSource

Access CNN's extensive video collection of news, entertainment and lifestyle images to enhance your own production. Hundreds of companies do. Filmmakers, advertising agents, corporations, desktop publishers, charitable organizations, educators and other news agencies and entertainment companies all rely on CNN ImageSource for excellent service at competitive prices. We've tailored our services to meet your needs, including self-service online research and ordering at and the personal assistance of a full staff of researchers and licensing agents trained to address rights and clearances issues. Same day turn-around is common because we offer an option to skip the screening step. We'll send edit masters from the get go without obligating you to licensing fees if you don't use the images we send. It's all about choice. More than 30,000 items are catalogued in our on-line database. Search it and you'll find a wealth of subject matter, covering almost any topic. And we've compiled the best of the best in several popular categories including Economy, Geography, and Disasters. CNN ImageSource is also proud to represent the collection of over 340 local news stations giving you easy access to a notoriously tough-to-access cache of unique material.)

Do you provide transcripts of CNN programming on your Web site?
CNN does provide limited transcripts of live programming, located at You can access these transcripts for two weeks by clicking on the airdate. Older transcripts are archived by show. Not all of CNN's programming will be posted to the Web site, but most can be ordered in video format. Transcripts of Headline News are not available on

If I see a story on a CNN network, will it be posted to the Web site?'s editors and producers must limit the news posted to to that pertaining most to national and international interest. Although many of the stories you see on CNN are originals, due to the combined newsgathering aspects of CNN, (The Associated Press, Reuters, over 800 local affiliates, and many others) we can not post every story that we report.

Where can I learn more about CNN's anchors and reporters?
Information about all CNN networks' anchors, reporters, and executives can be found at

Can I take a tour of CNN?
Interested in a behind the scenes look at CNN headquarters? Immerse yourself in CNN on a guided tour offering a dramatic look at the history of the CNN group networks, their coverage of events that shape our world, and the state-of-the-art studios responsible for bringing the news to over one billion people around the globe. Contact info: Phone: (404) 827-2300 or 877-4CNNTOUR, Email:

Where can I purchase CNN merchandise?
The Turner Store Online


How does protect my privacy?
To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used at

Where can I search through stories posted on the Web site?
CNN provides a variety of resources for you to more effectively track information. To explore all stories posted to our Web site, visit our search engine located at This page also contains many helpful tips for locating a specific news item. Another resource available is's online transcript library, providing free transcripts of live programming. You can access this site at If you are interested in purchasing a tape or transcript, click here.

How do I locate a story that I do not see posted?
Due to the wide range of coverage that CNN provides, it is not possible to follow up on all news items. If you know where the story took place, visit our U.S. page at and look for local links from our affiliates. These links to local news pages can provide more in-depth coverage of local affairs. If the story you are looking for was featured on the news crawl, then you may want to search the Associated Press web site at To send a search request to our Public Information department, please visit and submit your request through the corresponding section. "Specific Question" links are location near the top of the page.

Does CNN have any email newsletter services?
Breaking news email updates - Keep as current as the news

CNN provides up-to-the-minute headlines delivered to your email address. We are striving to keep you informed throughout your busy day! Click here, or go to

Personalized email updates - For the news that matters to you

Are you tired of weeding through the day's news to get to the information that you want to hear? offers email updates as numerous and diverse as your tastes. Click here or go to

Does CNN deliver news to mobile devices?
CNN Mobile - Just because you're on the move doesn't mean you need to leave CNN behind.

CNN Mobile is currently available to more than 90 million subscribers in 24 countries around the world. Click here or go to


Does provide technical support? does not provide personal technical support. If you are unable to find a solution to your problem in the links provided, you may want to check with your computer manufacture or Internet service provider.

How do I make my home page?
If you are using Internet Explorer:
To make your home page:

• Open the CNN home page using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Click on Tools, then choose Internet Options.
• Click the General tab.
• In the Homepage area, click the 'Use Current' button. This automatically makes CNN your homepage. To restore your original homepage, click Use Default.

If you are using Netscape Navigator:

• Open the CNN home page in Netscape.
• Choose Edit from the menu bar and then choose Preferences.
• On the left side of the window for Preferences, there are several categories to choose from. Select Navigator.
• Under the subheading "Navigator starts with," choose Home page.
• In the same window under the Home page option, select Use Current Page, and then click OK.

How do I add to my list of favorites?
If you are using Internet Explorer:
• Open the CNN home page on Internet Explorer and click on Favorites.
• Click on "Add to favorites". A window will open confirming that Internet Explorer will add this page to your Favorites list and confirm the name of the page.
• Click OK to continue.
• You may also file CNN within a folder in your list of Favorites.
• Click Create In to file the page in an existing folder or click New Folder to add another folder to your list.

If you are using Netscape Navigator:
• Open the home page in Netscape.
• Click Bookmarks (on the upper left of the page, find Bookmarks next to the Location and URL).
• Choose Add Bookmark to automatically add CNN to your list of bookmarked web sites.
• Choose File Bookmark to file your CNN bookmark in a separate folder.
• Bookmarks can also be found under the Window option on your menu bar.

What is a plug-in? takes advantage of several technologies which require special browser enhancements called plug-ins. Plug-ins are necessary to receive features such as streaming video, streaming audio and 360 degree pictures. Below is a complete list of the plug-ins used on the site and links to where you can download them.

Macromedia Flash: Flash allows you to experience animation and entertainment on the web in a bandwidth friendly manner.

Macromedia Shockwave: Like Flash, Macromedia Shockwave gives you fully interactive multimedia, clickable and dynamic animations, graphics, text, and audio from directly within your web browser.

Quicktime: QuickTime is the multi-platform industry-standard multimedia architecture used by software tool vendors and content creators to create and deliver synchronized graphics, sound, video, text and music.

Windows Media Player:

Real Player: RealPlayer plays live and on-demand RealAudio and RealVideo. This plugin will allow you to listen to or watch CNN programming as it streams to the player. You don't have to download the entire file to your desktop before using it.

IPIX: IPIX is an interactive, spherical image, offering users a complete field of view, from earth to sky, floor to ceiling, horizon to horizon.

The Cult3D Viewer: A plug-in that allows users to view Cult3D objects on the Web, in Microsoft Office applications, and Adobe Acrobat(.pdf) files. does not appear to be updating -- the timestamp is out of date.
If you are using Internet Explorer:
Press the shift key and click the Refresh button at the same time to force your browser window to refresh.

To force your browser to refresh everytime a page loads:

• In Microsoft Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then choose Internet Options.
• Click the General tab.
• Click on the Settings button. Under "Check for new versions of stored pages" click the option for "Every visit to the page" then click OK twice.

If you are using Netscape Navigator:
Press the shift key and click the Reload button at the same time to force your browser window to refresh.

To force your browser to refresh everytime a page loads:

• Choose Edit from the menu bar and then choose Preferences.
• On the left side of the window for Preferences, there are several categories to choose from. Under the category Advanced, select the option Cache.
• Change the Disk cache amount to 0, and click the option for "Every time" then click OK.

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