- BLOGFEST 2005!
  Because sometimes we're just
too lazy to write a real article...
  by Ken Shade

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  Editor's Corner  -  Feb 28, 2005  -  Printable Version
- Look at Me, I'm Flying!
   by Mark Faulk

    It's eleven o'clock on Sunday night, and my birthday is in an hour. As to how old I am, this is how I explained it in the Guestbook: I was born 5 hours before Leap Year, soooooo......if I had been born 5 hours later, I'd be turning 12 and three-quarters this year, which, by a remarkable coincidence is exactly my maturity level (you do the math). All I'm asking for this year is the end of the war in Iraq, the resolution of the stock market scandal, the saving of our environment, and the end of hunger, poverty, and racism....and of course, a better educational system and future for our children. See? I'm easy to buy for......

    Once again, we increased our readership this month, for the eighth month in a row, so I have to thank all of you for helping us spread the word about the Faulking Truth. We're closing in on 100,000 hits a month, and it looks like we'll break it next month....just in time for our one-year anniversary. Whoo-hoo! Break out the Champagne.....or the Boonesfarm Strawberry Hill wine, whichever you prefer.

    And in the category of best faulking articles ever written, the nominees are.....

"Fear and Loathing in the 21st Century"
By Mark Faulk
    Hunter Thompson resided in a world of his own making, an alternate universe inhabited by real lounge lizards, imaginary swarms of flying bats, and every color and shape of illicit drug known to mankind, and those of us who "discovered" him through his writing were just happy to be invited along for the ride.

"Hurwitz Who?"
By Robin Buckallew
    The story begins in Texas, where Charles Hurwitz and Michael Milken were involved in one of the larger savings-and-loan scandals of the 1980s. They looted United Savings Association of Texas, and when it crashed, the federal government had to bail it out. It cost the United States taxpayers $1.6 billion.

"The Dogs of War"
By Down the Middle
    Throughout the history of organized warfare, and nearly as old as the art of war itself, they have fought side by side, with such armies as King George's British "red coats" against the American Revolutionaries, and Alexander the Great's Greek phalanxes against Darius and his Persian hosts. They are the guns for hire, they are the soldiers of fortune, they are the "dogs of war". They are the mercenaries.

"A Simple Matter of Conscience"
By Mike Bohling
    Individually, few of us would make the choice to deliberately imperil the lives of future generations. It is the decisions that are collectively made by our leaders that put the future in danger. The choices made by this administration, by administrations past, and by leaders all over the world are all a step removed from being a “matter of conscience”.

"What Women Want"
By Robin Buckallew
    Throughout history, there has always been a certain level of puzzlement and intrigue surrounding the question of what women want. This has been deemed a singularly important question by nearly every conceivable group. Men want to know what women want because men want women.

"Economic Corruption US Style"
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
    The latest semantic chicanery of the Bush administration is to talk about the “ownership society” as part of its attempts to privatize social security. Give Americans “personal” accounts and make them owners through investments in the stock market. Who says you can’t fool most of the people all of the time?

By Mark Faulk
    It was a dream come true......No longer would we have to stay up until 3 in the morning watching three movies in a row just to avoid the dreaded "late fee" for movies that invariably weren't even worth the $4 we paid to rent them in the first place, much less the additional $4 for returning them past the due date. "THE END OF LATE FEES!"

"A Blockbuster Article....or Self-Indulgent Whining?"
By Mark Faulk
    Maybe that's why the Blockbuster issue struck a chord in our readers, maybe they are tired of deception on ALL levels, and this is just a starting point for venting that anger. Now, if we can just channel that enengy into some areas that really matter, then maybe we will finally get the rest of the world to see the Faulking Truth.

And don't forget to read our "Letters to the Editor" section, our latest "Words" entry, and my ode to procrastination, "The Land Where Time (Almost) Stood Still" at http://www.faulkingtruth.com/Articles/FaulkingAround/1021.html ......that's right, I promised to post it two weeks ago, and finally posted it on February 22. Live with it.

And finally, Kelsey Renee Faulk and I contribute two heartfelt odes to Valentine's Day at http://www.faulkingtruth.com/Articles/BlogFest/1027.html Read them, they'll make you shed a tear or two, but not for the reasons you think.

    So, another year older, and I still haven't grown up....that's right, I'm the Peter Pan of cyberspace. You should see me in a pair of tights, or......maybe not. If you want to do something nice for my birthday, click on our google links when you visit us so we can afford to do this forever, and go post something in our guestbook.....and while you're there, tell Lily, lyza, and all the regulars to quit making fun of me, 'cause I'm not THAT old....andthatsthefaulkingtruth.

Post your opinion in our Guestbook at www.faulkingtruth.com/GuestBook/

   Voice your opinion on our message board (you don't have to sign up to post), or post in our guestbook.

Editor's Corner Archives:
       The Faulking Truth - Page One  (Mark Faulk, Apr 2, 2004)
       Over 1,600 Sold Worldwide (and Counting)  (Mark Faulk, Apr 16, 2004)
       The Winds of Change  (Mark Faulk, May 18, 2004)
       June, I'm home!  (Mark Faulk, Jun 4, 2004)
       The Unfunny, Uninteresting, and Unedited Update of "The Faulking Truth"  (Mark Faulk, Jun 24, 2004)
       How I Spent My Summer Vacation  (Mark Faulk, Jul 19, 2004)
       John John For President?  (Mark Faulk, Jul 25, 2004)
       The Dog Days of August  (Mark Faulk, Aug 7, 2004)
       Not-So-Swift Boat  (Mark Faulk, Aug 23, 2004)
       Repeat After Me: "Anyone But Bush"  (Mark Faulk, Sep 6, 2004)
       Kerry: The UnBush  (Mark Faulk, Sep 18, 2004)
       Counting Our Blessings (and our "Freedoms" and Liberties" too)  (Mark Faulk, Sep 29, 2004)
       Working Hard....Because.....It's Hard Work  (Mark Faulk, Oct 6, 2004)
       Heads I win, Tails you lose  (Mark Faulk, Oct 17, 2004)
       A Vote and a Prayer  (Mark Faulk, Nov 1, 2004)
       "I only have escaped alone to tell thee...."  (Mark Faulk, Nov 9, 2004)
       Finally! Another Faulking Update   (Mark Faulk, Dec 2, 2004)
       Say the Word I'm Thinking Of  (Mark Faulk, Dec 19, 2004)
       Happy Faulking New Year!!!  (Mark Faulk, Jan 3, 2005)
       We're Having a Party!  (Mark Faulk, Jan 12, 2005)
       Ducets From Heaven  (Mark Faulk, Feb 13, 2005)
       A Blockbuster Article....or Self-Indulgent Whining?  (Mark Faulk, Feb 20, 2005)
       Look at Me, I'm Flying!  (Mark Faulk, Feb 28, 2005)
       All We Are Saying......  (Mark Faulk, Mar 13, 2005)
       The Neurotic, Psychotic, Compulsive, Paranoid, Faulking Truth Update  (Mark Faulk, Mar 27, 2005)
       The Short and Sweet Faulking Truth Update  (Mark Faulk, Apr 9, 2005)
       The Perfect Faulking Update  (Mark Faulk, Apr 27, 2005)
       A Mother's Day Song   (Adam Sandler, May 8, 2005)
       If Hits Were Ducats......  (Mark Faulk, May 16, 2005)
       The Really, Really, Really Late Faulking Truth Update  or...I Wish the Real World Would Just Stop Hassling Me  (Mark Faulk, Jun 11, 2005)
       And Now for Something Completely Different.....  (Mark Faulk, Jul 2, 2005)
       In Cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream....  (Mark Faulk, Jul 23, 2005)
       North to Alaska.....  (Mark Faulk, Jul 30, 2005)
       National Preparedness Month  (Mark Faulk, Sep 5, 2005)
       You're the reason God made the Faulking Truth  (Mark Faulk, Nov 4, 2005)
       Skies of Green and Fields of Blue  (Mark Faulk, Nov 26, 2005)
       Sending out an SOS.....  (Mark Faulk, Dec 15, 2005)
       CRFN Radio Interview (Friday, Dec. 30, 2005) at 9:30 AM  (Mark Faulk, Dec 29, 2005)
       CRFN Radio Interview: Naked Bull or Cash Cow?  (Mark Faulk, Jan 12, 2006)
       CRFN Radio Interview: Daytrading America  (Mark Faulk, Jan 19, 2006)
       Overstock.com to Promote “The Naked Truth”.....Rod Young, Mark Faulk to Appear on CFRN  (Mark Faulk, Feb 2, 2006)
       Vote on this CNBC Poll Now!!!  (Mark Faulk, Feb 27, 2006)
       The Really, Really, Really Late (yet again) Faulking Truth Update  (Mark Faulk, Mar 13, 2006)

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