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support troops
Enough time has elapsed and it has become common knowledge of the lies told upon which we went to war in Iraq. It is obvious that the events of 9/11/2001 was a self inflicted wound. It is time for our troops to do their duty in protecting our country from its domestic enemies.
22 May 2006

Only grownup on the playground
Oh, isn't this nice? What a bunch of schoolyard silliness.

On the one hand, we have this fellow who seems to believe that what he reads in one newspaper must be right, even if everyone else says it's wrong. It never occurs to him that Hurwitz might possibly be a large advertiser in that paper. A whole lot of people lost big in the S&L; deal; maybe you aren't old enough to remember it, but I am. A lot of people lost everything - Hurwitz walked away with HIS shirt still on his back - the federal government bailed him out. Contrary to their trying to ruin his reputation, they have done everything they can to make his life easier.

Then, we have our other friend here - comes in using schoolyard language, taunting someone (unnamed and unidentified - just a sort of taunt to the house, I suppose). I get visions of recess, with kid number one sticking out his tongue at kid number two, calling him silly little names, and all of them go bawling like babies back to momma. Well, you should fit in nicely around here.

Sad to see what the state of debate has come to in this country. I came in here because I saw a couple of articles that were worth reading (kudos, Ken Shade - you really rock), expecting to find a high quality, intelligent debate, and instead, I get this. Childish, irrelevant, and contributing nothing of any real merit to the discussion.

No wonder this country is headed for the toilet.
16 May 2006

Rob Adcox |
I think you're a snivelling little liberal crybaby. "Waaaa", you cry. Whatsa matter, widdle baby? Did the big, scary Michael Savage scare you and hurt you widdle bitty feelings? Why don't you grow up -and grow a pair while you're at it?
12 May 2006 - Virginia

THE HURWITZ STORY ON FAULKING TRUTH IS 90% FALSE. (They did get his name correct.) Texas Monthly Apr 06 edition set the record straight. Get it and read it how the goverment is eager to ruin people with lies, half-truth and politics. The faulking truth article should be move to the urbanlegends website where it can live on with Bill Gates wants to send me to Disney story.
11 May 2006

Myspace is the faulking devil!
24 April 2006 - Sandyeggo

Joseph Martin | |

The information you just have acquired is shocking and contrary to what we are told by our government. Everything in this e-mail and web-page can be easily verified so don’t just take our word for it. Take the time to verify it for yourself. Our Country’s future is at stake. Our country has been hijacked and our nation is in serious trouble. Now there is tangible evidence and yet our government is still lying to us to protect the Bush administration from prosecution for treason. Our government did everything they could to try to stop us from hearing what really took place and how our people died in New York at the World Trade Center. It took a court order and three years of litigation to obtain these audiotapes that our government does not want you to hear. In this web-page are five clips from a surveillance camera that was outside the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks, and former immigration officer for Homeland Security, Mary Schneider, implicates the Bush administration. Eyewitnesses at the scene speak out about the World Trade Center collapse, and the voices of the rescue workers from audio tape 776923 where a rescue worker yelled out "EXPLOSION!" as his radio went dead and the 26th floor exploded and one of the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. Click here for more information: We need to bring the Bush administration to justice for what they have done to our country and for the murders of our people. Thank you for listening.
22 April 2006 - Albuquerque

Joy Sieminski |
Very interesting site. Corporate America has destroyed the "news". It is almost impossible to find out any dependable information without going to many sources. I shall include yours in my growing list.
17 April 2006 - Vero Beach FL

Although the markets were closed yesterday, we can all mark the 14th of April, 2006, as an official Black Friday!!! More closed-door meetings took place than any of us realize, or can possibly conceive after those closed-door meetings, more people were either A, fired, or B sent directly to jail!!! I am not kidding.
16 April 2006 - NYSE

Arkanzas | |
Interesting information, thanks! I thank you for your advice and which side of history will you be on ? The truth of the matter is that the revolutionaries(patriots) won a great battle.
16 April 2006 - US

prince yusef |
join RTO-FILMZ and lets Erase these liars !!! begets PEACE...LIES begets Confusion !!
15 April 2006 - NYC

8 April 2006 - NYC

John Tutman |
Has anyone looked at OTCBB: IFLB, it has been on the REG-SHO list for 150 days now cumulative and has traded around 200mm dollars through it since January 2004. Seems that the boys at alphacapital and LH financial are behind the naked shorting.
6 April 2006

Are Americans aware that many of the founding fathers were still loyal to King George...It's all been done right in front of 'our' faces for the most part. America's wealth was traded for green paper, where is the gold? Follow the yellow brick road leading out of Emerald City...I don't think we're in Kansas anymore KS ,
No heart, courage nor brain...just a tax identification number (T.I.N. Man) and who is this STRAWMAN ? It isn't is merely the governments re-creation of you, from your registered (pledged)birth certificate. They spelled the name exactly the same...or did they??? Isn't it odd they use all CAPITAL letters on your government issued ID's etc.
The created can never be greater than the creator...There you have it, in a nutshell. The government created 'you', has no power over government. The real flesh and blood you; must have the heart, find the courage and brains to take the power back from the pipsqueek(s) behind the curtain!
5 April 2006 - OZ

Messenger - is that you Darren? What did they do to you, come in sit down - take the weight off your cerebral hemispheres, you poor thing. I'm stunned - you sound madder now than you did went you went inside. How was it? Is it true about the soap?

Your friend
4 April 2006 - HMP Brixton

This may be hard for most, if not everyone, to believe...
The biggest problem in this country, and most of the world as far as that goes, is that the revolutionary war was won by the British ! ! ! A handful of 'patriots' did not defeat the British Empire, period. The Federal Reserve is owned and operated by the Bank of England, The 'American' Bar Association is a Corporation(incorporated in England)...Is it any wonder the majority of our law-makers are attorneys and members of the Bar Association...
It will become obvious to anyone willing/able to spend the time and consider this as a 'possibility'.
The truth of the matter is that the revolutionaries(patriots) won a great battle. The Crown simply changed tactics and led the people in this country to believe the war was over so they would get on with the business of developing this country and all of its resources...All,or the majority, of its wealth to be delivered in the distant future.
We must first realize this war is still going on if we are to stand a chance of winning it.
4 April 2006 - prison of america

MadClikr |
I like your Stupid Things article, nice site!
3 April 2006

rinoflow |
Mr Faulk

You are being sidetracked in your campaign against shorting by this irrelevant rant about stock certificates. Checkout Crest system in UK (if not EU wide) - most stocks are held 'electronically' these days. It is not a problem.

btw where's Darren? (I worry you know ;)

25 March 2006 - Serious for a moment

Editor's Comments:   The issue with paper certificates has to do with evidence of corruption. The source of corruption is in the DTCC borrow pool that allows stock counterfeiting, and in loopholes and poor oversight of the hedge funds, but we need the certs to prove the past corruption.

It all goes hand-in-hand.

Patrick J
The Global think tank can not be stopped. Make no mistake this is a revolution.
Great site!
24 March 2006

David Allen Smith |
Mark - I have important information about State Street Corporation's role in DTCC.

See: http//

See also: (under construction, about to go live)
24 March 2006

Cathy Harris | |
I just discovered a writer named Mark Faulk off a rant entitled Stockgate. It's about time, great job. Mark, I can tell you are ready to just say noe more. This country is not ready for Tom and Bernadette Noe. Take care ~~ Cathy
24 March 2006 - Naples, Florida

Editor's Comments:   Thanks's an uphill battle all the way, but the people who have gathered here and elsewhere on the internet are making a difference. But damn, I'm tired.

Re: the brotherhood |
They have a plan to kill many on earth to keep the population down. Virus or whatever, the ailen invasion is another 'pearl harbor' shock they may use. Saucer tech has come a long way since the 'foofighter' days of WW2.
Weather modification, Haarp can and will manipulate storms at will (why did they build it otherwise)?

Then the survivors will work in slave camps. The microchip in hand and unquestionable compliance. If you can step back out of your sheltered and 'programed' life you can see how far this plan has developed so far.

NWO, it has been in action for decades.
23 March 2006 - London

Great site! If I had to register I would not write in the guestbook.

What is this secret society that Bush belongs to? Does anyone have connections to really find the facts on this tidbit?. I don't know if I should get a tin hat or a rocket launcher.
22 March 2006 - St. Louis

Alice | |
I did not understand the bit about pool.
And how did men mess up USA? It is the world leader in technology and charity?
19 March 2006 - Wonder

Editor's Comments:   The pool analogy was about the DTC selling shares of stock from their "borrow pool", which is how they sell nonexistant shares. It's about small companies and investors getting screwed.

And you're kidding about men not screwing up the US, right? I mean, does the phrase war/environment/imbalance of wealth/massive national debt/loss of personal freedom/rigged stock market mean anything to you? It's a white man's world, love.

you know why they started using powdered soap in jails/prisons ?

because it takes longer to pick up...
14 March 2006 - amerika

Bush |
I can't believe you morons elected me. I have f*cked up America but GOOD.
2 March 2006

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