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  Down The Middle  -  Aug 20, 2005  -  Printable Version
- Ten Years After
   by Down The Middle

     When Kenny Trentadue walked into the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Station, the only thing on his mind was knocking down a couple of months time for a minor parole violation and getting back to his wife and baby (he had stopped reporting because his parole officer refused to let him drink beer). He could never have imagined that this small infraction, coupled with a simple case of mistaken identity, would prevent him from ever walking back out that door again. Nor could he imagine that his death would be the spark to blow the lid off the U.S. Department of Justice's cover-up of the Oklahoma City Bombing.

     Kenneth Michael Trentadue had made plenty of mistakes in his life...but his only mistake lately (other than trying to be honest about the beer with his parole officer) was looking similar to the John Doe #2 suspect in the OKC Bombing, as he attempted to cross the border at San Diego to find work in the U.S. He was arrested and jetted away to the Federal Transfer Station at Oklahoma City, where he assumed he was to undergo no more than a parole violation hearing with the possibility of spending a couple of months in jail...but something went terribly wrong. Somehow, Kenny ended up in SHU (Special Housing Unit), a solitary confinement lock down where he should have been absolutely safe...but it was there that his family claims he was brutally murdered.

     Jesse Trentadue, a respected Salt Lake City attorney and brother of the deceased, was determined that Kenny's cruel and unusual death would not be passed off as just another prison suicide, exactly what the staff at the FTC would have us believe (Even the state coroner refused for almost three years to call the death a suicide, but finally folded out of his fear of the government.)
     Seeking the truth about what had really happened, Jesse filed a lawsuit to collect damages for severe emotional distress to his family...but in the process of investigating his brother's death, he received a strange message through an even stranger intermediary who had been jailed with Timothy McVeigh, telling him that McVeigh thought Jesse's brother was tortured by Federal agents who had mistaken him for a suspect in the bombing case. With this new information, Jesse Trenadue filed a Freedom of Information Act request for FBI documents related to the OKC Bombing suspects, and although the FBI and DOJ appealed on the grounds of "National Security", U.S. District Court Judge Dale Kimball ordered the FBI to turn over all such relevant "bombing files" in the case of Michael Trentadue".

     EUREKA! With the release of the first documents, the pieces of the Oklahoma City bombing puzzle are rapidly falling together, and the picture they are forming is frightening, to say the least. The list of names is almost endless, stretching from bank robbing neo-Nazis like Richard Guthrie (who also resembled John Doe #2, and supposedly hung himself in his prison cell, like Trentadue) to top government officials like Louis Freeh, Clinton's Director of the FBI.    

     For years, we have heard the rumors that the OKC bombing was a failed "sting" operation, set up against domestic white supremacists by the ATF and covered up by other government agencies when things went wrong and 168 plus innocent people were killed. This theory has gained broad acceptance among government watchdog groups and internet sites, and seems to be in line with what little independent media still exists in this country. But as tragic as that is in itself.......is it really just that simple?

     Should we start with Timothy McVeigh's mention of a shadowy figure, "the Major", coming to him before he left the first Gulf War and recruiting him to infiltrate the the right wing militias, back home...or should we talk about Andreas Strassmeir, a former German soldier with intelligence training and a politically connected family, who not only trained militias in explosives but sold them AK47s, all the while pushing them to attack the government...and his old roommate David Hollaway, former Green Beret and self confessed CIA contract pilot who worked for the Southern Law Institute, and by proxy, the FBI? When everybody was looking for John Doe #2, Hollaway was personally smuggling Strassmeir out of the country WITH the approval and aid of Director Freeh. Then, there was Al Hussain Hussaini (who also matched the description of John Doe #2), a former Iraqi Republican Guard and Intelligence operative who was identified that morning, standing with Timothy McVeigh in the basement garage of the Murrah Building, and later, fleeing the scene just moments before the explosion. And what about "Roger Moore", U.S./Israeli intelligence operative? What's he got to do with all of this?    

     But let's not forget our "protect and serve" folks, like Harry Everhart, the ATF spokesman in OKC who had spent the nine months previous to the bombing out at White Sands, New Mexico, blowing up ammonia nitrate car and truck bombs for the "National Security Council"...and special agent Bob Ricks, (you might remember him from Waco) who was ordered out of the FBI by Louis Freeh after the bombing and now admits that he had stopped an ATF raid on Elohim City.    

     As I sift through all the information, there is one question that keeps coming back to me. Who the hell was going to get "stung"? Virtually every name connected with this most heinous crime of mass murder is also connected with the government, in one fashion or another. It seems to me, had there been no provocatuers, there would have been no attack.

     In fact, the only "good guys" in this case are people like Sgt. Terry Yeakley, the Oklahoma City cop who was the first man in the building, and continued rescuing victims for two days without sleep. He was "Trentadued" a couple of weeks before the first anniversary of the bombing (when he was to receive citations for his rescue efforts), because he knew too much and was willing to tell it.
     So, was this just a simple case where a bunch of Keystone cops blew their sting operation and got a lot of innocent people killed.......and was the subsequent cover-up, as elaborate and deadly as it was, only to protect those who are sworn to protect us? Or could it be that we're still not seeing the bigger picture?    

     The picture of Timothy McVeigh standing there, looking like Lee Oswald, waiting for his handlers to come and save him...when it is, in fact, they who must destroy him. The picture of government provocatuers supplying, training, and actually participating in the largest mass murder and cover-up of it's day. Or the picture of a grand conspiracy running through the 1991 Trade Center Bombing, the 1995 OKC Bombing and the 9/11/2001 Twin Towers attack.

     After ten years of asking the question, who killed those sons and daughters of Oklahoma, that day, the answer now seems clear. We did.

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Down The Middle Archives:
       "Wanted: Dead Or Alive" and "Will Bush Give Us The Lottery Again?"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, May 31, 2004)
       Shock and Awe or Shuck and Jibe?  (Down the Middle, Jun 17, 2004)
        "Reefer Madness?" and "Let Freedom Ring!"   (Down the Middle and To the Left, Jun 27, 2004)
       It's John John  (Down the Middle, Jul 21, 2004)
       Wanted: An Alternative For Drug Offenders  (To The Left, Aug 3, 2004)
       WAR IS OVER ...If You Want It  (Down The Middle, Aug 23, 2004)
       Drug Store Cowboy  (Down The Middle, Sep 6, 2004)
       "George Bush's 'Other Woman' "and "Count Your Children"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Sep 15, 2004)
       John Wayne Died at the Alamo  (Down The Middle, Sep 26, 2004)
       "The Last Time I had Bush" and "Bush Secrets - Did You Know?"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Oct 3, 2004)
       Don't Want to Lose Ya in Fallujah  (Down the Middle, Oct 15, 2004)
       When Left is Right and Right is Wrong  (Down the Middle, Oct 25, 2004)
       The Day the Music Died  (Down The Middle, Nov 3, 2004)
       "Goin’ Up North...Fo’ Freedom" and "Religion or Spirituality?"   (Down the Middle and To the Left, Nov 9, 2004)
       Scott Peterson Attacks Fallujah  (Down The Middle, Nov 14, 2004)
       It Can't Happen Here  (Down The Middle, Nov 17, 2004)
       Natural Born Liberal  (Down The Middle, Nov 27, 2004)
       Mister, Can You Spare a Dime?  (Down The Middle, Dec 2, 2004)
       The Monster  (Down The Middle, Dec 8, 2004)
       And So This is Christmas  (Down The Middle, Dec 18, 2004)
       "Man of the Year" and "Tribute to a Cowboy - Happy Trails to You"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Dec 26, 2004)
       "The Pursuit of Happiness" and "Woman"  (Down The Middle, Jan 1, 2005)
       "Live Fast, Die Young" and "Social Insecurity"  (Down The Middle, Jan 8, 2005)
       "George Bush’s Viet Nam" and "The Religious Wrong"  (Down The Middle, Jan 15, 2005)
       Next Stop, Iran!  (Down The Middle, Jan 23, 2005)
       "Letter to my Friend, S.K." and "It's the Bomb!"  (Down The Middle, Jan 30, 2005)
       Strange Days, Indeed!  (Down The Middle, Feb 7, 2005)
       The Dogs of War  (Down the Middle, Feb 20, 2005)
       Revolution #9  (Down The Middle, Mar 10, 2005)
       With a Little Help From my Friends  (Down The Middle, March 19, 2004)
       Live and Let Die  (Down The Middle, Mar 25, 2005)
       Bush's Third Term  (Down The Middle, Apr 3, 2005)
       The Pope and I  (Down The Middle, Apr 12, 2005)
       You've Been had....Again!  (Down The Middle, Apr 19, 2005)
       Hey!!! They're Stealing My Wind!  (Down the Middle, May 3, 2005)
       Freedom!  (Down The Middle, May 28, 2005)
       The Big Chill  (Down The Middle, Jun 4, 2005)
       Support Our....Oops!  (Down The Middle, Jun 21, 2005)
       The Worm Has Turned  (Down The Middle, Jun 25, 2005)
       Bushwhacked!  (Down The Middle, Jul 3, 2005)
       The Coming Wars  (Down The Middle, Jul 14, 2005)
       Hey, O! Wa S'up?  (Down The Middle, Jul 21, 2005)
       JFK Assassin Identified!  (Down The Middle, Jul 25, 2005)
       Say Cheeeese!  (Down The Middle, Jul 30, 2005)
       The Sun Also Rises  (Down The Middle, Aug 9, 2005)
       Ten Years After  (Down The Middle, Aug 20, 2005)
       My Brother's Keeper  (Down The Middle, Aug 29, 2005)
       Baghdad on the Bayou -  The Cavalry's Coming!  (Down The Middle, Sep 5, 2005)
       Return of the Dragon  (Down The Middle, Sep 17, 2005)
       OKLAHOMA!  Where The Bombs Come Sweeping Down The Plains  (Down The Middle, Oct 4, 2005)
       In the Eye of the Eagle  (Down The Middle, Nov 25, 2005)
       Let the Eagle Soar  (Down The Middle, Dec 5, 2005)
       Dr. Rumsfeld or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb  (Down The Middle, Jan 10, 2006)
       Where Eagles Dare  (Down The Middle, Jan 21, 2006)
       Through the Looking Glass  (Down The Middle, Feb 12, 2006)
       Beware the Ides of March  (Down The Middle, Feb 23, 2006)
       The Last Patriot  (Down The Middle, Mar 6, 2006)
       Beating the Bushes ...and the Clintons  (Down The Middle, Mar 16, 2006)
       By Dawn's Early Light  (Down The Middle, Apr 11, 2006)

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