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  Down The Middle  -  Nov 27, 2004  -  Printable Version
- Natural Born Liberal
   by Down The Middle

    It may have come to notice by some of my more frequent readers that I seem to lean a little to the Left, all the while claiming to be Down the Middle. I, however, see no conflict in this, as I do actually agree with some of these so called, “conservative” values. {Wait a minute...Don’t start screamin’ yet!} Of course, the conservatives these days are so far out in “right field”, they would probably take one look at me {A year ago, I was actually kicked off of three juries, in as many weeks, because the D.A. assumed I was a “bleeding heart liberal”} and petition Tom Delay to declare that I’m more liberal than Ted Kennedy. {Does that mean I’m really John Kerry?}
    The modern Democratic Party came into it’s day with the defeat of Herbert Hoover, who kept telling the people, “There is no depression!”, while the money disappeared and soup lines formed. {Actually, there wasn’t any less money... just a few people had it all!} For decades, the Republicans would be known as the Party of the rich {and protectorate of “Big Business”} and the Democrats, the Party of the common man. Myself being one of the latter, I guess you could say I was a natural born liberal.

    So what is this term, “liberal”, that the right wing so recently turned into...well, I really don’t know what their actual definition of “liberal” is {they just keep making all those terrible faces when they say the word, as if they need to scrape something off their shoe}. In my day, it just meant you were some commie, pinko prevert...yes, “prevert”. {I seldom miss another viewing of “Strangelove”?} I guess now, all “liberals” are supposed to be gay, gun burning God haters! Well, guess what? I’m not gay, I haven’t burned my gun, and I love my God, as I hope he love me. {That doesn’t mean, I voted for Georgie!}    
    No, I’m not gay...but I don’t hate gays. I don’t believe in their life style, but I’m not sure that’s any of my business, and I’m really sure it’s not the Government’s business. In fact, to hate gays, I suppose I would have to hate the memory of my younger brother, who died ten years ago of AIDS...but I don’t. I loved my brother {he was a very talented Broadway singer/actor/dancer} and I stood by him, up to the moment he drew his last breath, as he had always stood by me. I could tell you about his struggle for life and his final capitulation but...you know the story. I could give you an opinion about “why” he was gay {born or raised}, but I’m not here to dissect the “whys and hows” today.
    Like all groups, the homosexual community would like everyone {society and government, alike} to give them their “stamp of approval” so they can be an excepted part of the greater community and, as so, be eligible for any and all rights and protections, thereof. {Well, all I can say is, “Get in line.”} My own opinion still defers to the separation of church and state. If the state allows civil union, so be it...but marriage is actually a religious sacrament and should be defined by the church, yea or nay.

    From a religious point of view, I believe God laid down these laws to early man, as a structural foundation for the survival of the race, physically and spiritually. It always struck me as strange that, along with the abomination of a man lying down with another man, is the abomination of eating pork {not to mention, “fried catfish” and other American favorites}. How is it, that “Christians” are excused from this law {Is it because, when Jesus was questioned about not washing his hands before eating, he said, “It is not what goes into your mouth that will hurt you...but what comes out.”} and other laws, such as womens’ dress {something still observed by Moslems and, quite frankly, something many American “Christians” have used to belittle Islam}. I admit, it would be convenient for all of us sinners {and all men are sinners} to rewrite the law {I could certainly use a few deletions on judgment day}, but that all seems a bit ridiculous for us “true believers” to start amending it, simply to conform {or excuse} the lifestyles we exhibit. {Late in his life, W.C. Fields was “caught”, I believe, by his nephew, peering into a bible. Being shocked at the sight of his very “nonreligious” uncle with an open Bible in hand, he asked, “What are you doing?” Field’s reply was {in that special W.C. way of saying things}, “Lookin’ for loopholes.”

    Jesus did not come into this world to persecute men...He came to save them from their sins. “Let he without sin cast the first stone.” {Okay, Falwell...put down the rock and back away slowly, you overdressed, pious twit.} As Christians, we should not turn away the stranger at the door...for he may be an angel of God.
    I have found America’s “religious right” to be more like the Jews that Jesus agreed had followed the letter of the law...but not the “spirit” of the law. {In my short life, I have generally found conservatives always seem to be more concerned with making money then looking out for their fellow man.} In fact, he said, it was as hard for a rich man to get into heaven as to get “a camel through the eye of a needle”. {Sounds like Republicans to me.}
    On another “liberal” question of the day, if I were to approach that same door, I would be more than a little cautious, not to get “blown away” by a nervous, “conservative” gun owner, who believes the protection of his home and property is “the reason” we have the right to bear arms in this country. {Something I just heard someone say, the other day.} I would also be more than a little tentative to support the suggestion that the right to bear arms has anything to do with hunting {whether it be Bush’s duck or Kerry’s goose}. I, myself, gave up the “sport” years ago, and haven’t taken a shot at any living creature since.
    The fact is {and, the one thing that you will never hear a politician from either side say}, Americans were given the right to bear arms to defend themselves against a tyrannical government {Ruby Ridge and Waco...neither tragedy would have happened, if the Government would have “acted” prudently and correctly...It didn’t have to go down that way} and, if we give up this right, all of the others may soon follow! I think the “Right to Bear Arms” was one of the most “liberal” ideas Jefferson ever had! {Think about it...the People having the power to protect themselves from dictators, kings and totalitarian governments.}
    I can almost hear some of you laughing at the thought of me taking on Big Brother, and yes, I do realize that I have little chance of emerging victorious after facing down Abrams tanks, Apache helicopters, and F-22 Raptors, with my 12 gauge pump and a box of “bird shot”. Yep, no doubt, they can wup the hell out of me {I may be crazy but I’m not stupid} but, if they’re faced with having to “shoot it out” with hundreds, even thousands of citizens {most all, blood relatives of other citizens}, the risk of inciting a general uprising would be very risky, indeed.
    I fully realize the extreme problem we have with guns in this country, and I do not take it lightly. Innocents are being killed every day, either by accident or murder. If it were up to me, all of the guns and missiles in the world would disappear, tomorrow...but it’s not up to me and, as long as men make slaves of other men, I think I’ll just keep mine handy. {Now, go ahead and shoot me!}

    Today’s “conservatives” would like us to believe they have a monopoly on God and therefore, are somehow anointed to impress their church’s philosophy on our government and indeed, on all of our citizens. This, of course, runs contrary to our Constitutional duty {to separate church from state} and is, in fact, the exact purpose for which it was included {to keep America’s government secular and it’s people free from “any” religious dictates}.    
    I was told by several of these “religious” voters, during the recent Presidential campaign, that they could not vote for a Party which condoned abortion and that God would hold America accountable. I agree that abortion is a terrible thing and would hope we could find better alternatives {adoption and, oh yes, even abstention!}. I confess, when I was a young man, I was personally involved with an abortion {possibly, even probably, my own child} and I have never forgiven myself. It will haunt me every day of my life. Even today, I look at my daughter {she is my only child, the life’s breath within me} and remember how the “doctor” recommended to her mother that this child be aborted, due to complications she had with the birth of a son, some years earlier. No...no more abortions for me...but, do I have the right to tell someone else what to do? {Unfortunately, I can’t...that is between them and their God.}
    Even if Roe vs Wade were to be overturned, what would we have? Quite simply, this will not cure all of the ills this situation presents. I’m afraid we will revert right back to the days where rich girls would still be able to pay for a “quiet” clinical abortion, while desperate poor girls would return to the back alley, “coat hanger” abortionists. {Education, responsibility, and support.}
    I suppose, I have always identified more with the “left” because I sprang from “Dust Bowl Democrats”. My farming Grandfather {and Grandmother} raised seven children and he never worked a day for the W.P.A. {He had a neighboring farmer, with a great handlebar moustache, that never missed an opportunity to say, “Big Business has got us grabbed.”} My lawyer father and his two lawyer brothers all worked the district for the Democrats when they were young. {I still remember, my cousin and I “hanging” campaign posters for them, when we were kids.} My state also produced such famous liberals as Will Rogers, who often said, “I don’t belong to any organized political party...I’m a Democrat!” and Woody Guthrie, who wrote and sang, “This Land is Your Land”, {an extremely popular song, still, when I was a kid but now, considered too “Left”}, both of these men, sympathizing with the “common” people. The truth is, it has always been the “liberals”, at the forefront of the battle for individual rights. Indeed, our forefathers rebellion, to break away from the King’s rule and create a republic, based on “democracy”, was a “radically liberal” idea and, if not for these heroic “liberals”, we would not be free to have this discussion, today. {I’m sure, the conservatives would have the “thought police” out looking for us.}
    I may not share all the same beliefs with some of the more extreme “Left” of the political spectrum, but yes, I am a liberal and I am proud of it! The next time you hear “Oxy-Limbaugh” or “Practice my smart look in the mirror-Hannity” spouting off about liberals, ask them to open their Thesaurus and quote a few words likened to the term “liberal”... such as; generous, free, handsome {I’ll except that}, openhanded, progressive, broad minded, radical, tolerant, unbiased, bountiful and generous. {I think we liberals can live with that.} Maybe J.F.K.
said it best;                 
    I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.
                        Senator John F. Kennedy
                        September 14 ,1960

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Down The Middle Archives:
       "Wanted: Dead Or Alive" and "Will Bush Give Us The Lottery Again?"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, May 31, 2004)
       Shock and Awe or Shuck and Jibe?  (Down the Middle, Jun 17, 2004)
        "Reefer Madness?" and "Let Freedom Ring!"   (Down the Middle and To the Left, Jun 27, 2004)
       It's John John  (Down the Middle, Jul 21, 2004)
       Wanted: An Alternative For Drug Offenders  (To The Left, Aug 3, 2004)
       WAR IS OVER ...If You Want It  (Down The Middle, Aug 23, 2004)
       Drug Store Cowboy  (Down The Middle, Sep 6, 2004)
       "George Bush's 'Other Woman' "and "Count Your Children"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Sep 15, 2004)
       John Wayne Died at the Alamo  (Down The Middle, Sep 26, 2004)
       "The Last Time I had Bush" and "Bush Secrets - Did You Know?"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Oct 3, 2004)
       Don't Want to Lose Ya in Fallujah  (Down the Middle, Oct 15, 2004)
       When Left is Right and Right is Wrong  (Down the Middle, Oct 25, 2004)
       The Day the Music Died  (Down The Middle, Nov 3, 2004)
       "Goin’ Up North...Fo’ Freedom" and "Religion or Spirituality?"   (Down the Middle and To the Left, Nov 9, 2004)
       Scott Peterson Attacks Fallujah  (Down The Middle, Nov 14, 2004)
       It Can't Happen Here  (Down The Middle, Nov 17, 2004)
       Natural Born Liberal  (Down The Middle, Nov 27, 2004)
       Mister, Can You Spare a Dime?  (Down The Middle, Dec 2, 2004)
       The Monster  (Down The Middle, Dec 8, 2004)
       And So This is Christmas  (Down The Middle, Dec 18, 2004)
       "Man of the Year" and "Tribute to a Cowboy - Happy Trails to You"  (Down The Middle and To The Left, Dec 26, 2004)
       "The Pursuit of Happiness" and "Woman"  (Down The Middle, Jan 1, 2005)
       "Live Fast, Die Young" and "Social Insecurity"  (Down The Middle, Jan 8, 2005)
       "George Bush’s Viet Nam" and "The Religious Wrong"  (Down The Middle, Jan 15, 2005)
       Next Stop, Iran!  (Down The Middle, Jan 23, 2005)
       "Letter to my Friend, S.K." and "It's the Bomb!"  (Down The Middle, Jan 30, 2005)
       Strange Days, Indeed!  (Down The Middle, Feb 7, 2005)
       The Dogs of War  (Down the Middle, Feb 20, 2005)
       Revolution #9  (Down The Middle, Mar 10, 2005)
       With a Little Help From my Friends  (Down The Middle, March 19, 2004)
       Live and Let Die  (Down The Middle, Mar 25, 2005)
       Bush's Third Term  (Down The Middle, Apr 3, 2005)
       The Pope and I  (Down The Middle, Apr 12, 2005)
       You've Been had....Again!  (Down The Middle, Apr 19, 2005)
       Hey!!! They're Stealing My Wind!  (Down the Middle, May 3, 2005)
       Freedom!  (Down The Middle, May 28, 2005)
       The Big Chill  (Down The Middle, Jun 4, 2005)
       Support Our....Oops!  (Down The Middle, Jun 21, 2005)
       The Worm Has Turned  (Down The Middle, Jun 25, 2005)
       Bushwhacked!  (Down The Middle, Jul 3, 2005)
       The Coming Wars  (Down The Middle, Jul 14, 2005)
       Hey, O! Wa S'up?  (Down The Middle, Jul 21, 2005)
       JFK Assassin Identified!  (Down The Middle, Jul 25, 2005)
       Say Cheeeese!  (Down The Middle, Jul 30, 2005)
       The Sun Also Rises  (Down The Middle, Aug 9, 2005)
       Ten Years After  (Down The Middle, Aug 20, 2005)
       My Brother's Keeper  (Down The Middle, Aug 29, 2005)
       Baghdad on the Bayou -  The Cavalry's Coming!  (Down The Middle, Sep 5, 2005)
       Return of the Dragon  (Down The Middle, Sep 17, 2005)
       OKLAHOMA!  Where The Bombs Come Sweeping Down The Plains  (Down The Middle, Oct 4, 2005)
       In the Eye of the Eagle  (Down The Middle, Nov 25, 2005)
       Let the Eagle Soar  (Down The Middle, Dec 5, 2005)
       Dr. Rumsfeld or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb  (Down The Middle, Jan 10, 2006)
       Where Eagles Dare  (Down The Middle, Jan 21, 2006)
       Through the Looking Glass  (Down The Middle, Feb 12, 2006)
       Beware the Ides of March  (Down The Middle, Feb 23, 2006)
       The Last Patriot  (Down The Middle, Mar 6, 2006)
       Beating the Bushes ...and the Clintons  (Down The Middle, Mar 16, 2006)
       By Dawn's Early Light  (Down The Middle, Apr 11, 2006)

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