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  Featured Column: Commentary  -  May 28, 2006
- The Ghost of Freud and Mr. Rumsfeld
   by Mark Faulk

    Was it a moment of unscripted, unplanned candor, where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld forgot the “official version” of the 9/11 story and told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for one brief stunning moment? It was a few words caught on videotape that even the most ardent conspiracy theorist couldn’t have scripted, the political equivalent of Perry Mason getting the suspect (who usually wasn’t the one charged to begin with) to confess to murder on the witness stand, except that on the Perry Mason Show, they always hauled off the confessor in handcuffs.

    It happened during Rumsfeld’s surprise visit with troops in Iraq during Christmas of 2004 when he made the Freudian slip comment "shot down the plane over Pennsylvania", but a video clip showing the excerpt from his speech to troops, coupled with Vice President Cheney’s ominous comments on Meet the Press just five days after 9/11, news reports of other aircraft seen in the area where United Airlines Flight 93 “crashed,” and the recent movies about Flight 93, have raised new questions about what really happened that day in rural Pennsylvania.

    This is what Rumsfeld said when addressing troops on the Friday before Christmas, 2004:

    "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten – indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."

    Just a few days after 9/11, on September 16, 2001, Cheney had this to say in response to Tim Russert’s questions about the administration’s policy concerning hijacked planes:

Vice President Cheney: "Well, the – I suppose the toughest decision was this question of whether or not we would intercept incoming commercial aircraft."
Russert: "And you decided?"
Cheney: "We decided to do it. We'd, in effect, put a flying combat air patrol up over the city;... more

  Featured Column: Faulking Opinions  -  May 26, 2006
- Stockgate: Taking it to the States
   by Mark Faulk

    Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. just signed a new state law that calls for stiff penalties against brokers, clearing firms, hedge funds, and anyone else who sell and then fail to deliver stock to customers, in effect creating counterfeit shares that artificially depress the value of company and shareholders’ stock. On the very same day, it was reported inn the New York Times that the top 26 hedge fund managers all earned over $130 million dollars each, and the top two managers made more than a billion dollars apiece. That’s 25,000 times what the average wage earner in America earned last year.    

    Well guess what? Now it’s our turn. Since our federal government and Congress have abandoned its own citizens in favor of the big money special interest groups, it’s up to the states to do the right thing for their citizens. Every state in America should pass similar... more

  Featured Column: Commentary Too  -  May 28, 2006
- The Land of the Free
   by S.K.Eleton

“We are allowed to … express the opinions of the majority with the utmost freedom.”
Col. Robert Ingersoll (1833-1899)

    What would you think if you received an e-mail requesting your support for a cause you believed in, and most of all, requesting your monetary support…and began by insulting you? Would you immediately rush off to get your checkbook or credit card, and send off a big donation? Would you rush to forward it to all your friends in hope that they would donate, too? Nearly every day, something similar happens to me. In fact, for a number of years, I have grown accustomed to overlooking little slurs, little pokes, little jibes from those who are my “friends” and my “colleagues”, and have gone on marching beside them, working along with them on valued causes, keeping my mouth shut because I have believed it was important to keep... more
  A new blog from CFRN.net - it has a link to last week's radio show with Mark Faulk and Debi Kionte:


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Investing 101 - May 25, 2006
   The Circle of Greed: The Cloak of Invisibility
   by Mark Faulk

    For every company that the federal government has exempted from following the same laws that every other publicly-traded company has to adhere to, there is another potential Enron waiting to happen. Except this time, we might never know about it... more

Commentary - May 28, 2006
   The Ghost of Freud and Mr. Rumsfeld
   by Mark Faulk

    Was it a moment of unscripted, unplanned candor, where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld forgot the “official version” of the 9/11 story and told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for one brief stunning moment?... more

Global Warning - May 14, 2006
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Blogfest 2005 - May 23, 2006
   MySpace is the Devil (Redux)
   by Mark Faulk

    I can see the upside of MySpace. As this little commentary illustrates, however, it's the fact that there is no division between those who are there to merely connect on a casual basis and those who are wearing adult diapers (or worse) that's the problem... more

This guy walks into a bar and says... - Apr 9, 2006
   Those who hope for no other life are dead even for this. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) Gray Like Me: Part 4
   by Ken Shade

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Down The Middle - Apr 11, 2006
   By Dawn's Early Light
   by Down The Middle

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Commentary Too - May 28, 2006
   The Land of the Free
   by S.K.Eleton

    I submit to you the following proposition – the true freedom of a representative democracy is not to be judged by the way the majority is... more
Faulking Around - May 6, 2006
   Welcome to Our Shangri-la
   by Mark Faulk

    From now on when I invite someone into my alternate world, the first thing they will see when they arrive will be the new sign that I've... more
Faulking Opinions - May 26, 2006
   Stockgate: Taking it to the States
   by Mark Faulk

    This is not just about shareholders’ rights, it’s about our state economies, attracting... more
Off The Rail - May 7, 2006
   I Can Fix Your Teeth, But It’ll Cost You An Arm And A Leg
   by Mike Bohling

    In trying to plot out my retirement, I have to face the harsh reality that as fast as I... more
Editor's Corner - Mar 13, 2006
   The Really, Really, Really Late (yet again) Faulking Truth Update
   by Mark Faulk

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      In case you missed them.....
 Ken Shade - Apr 1, 2006
"I don't want to have to watch my words!" (Gray Like Me: Part 3)
    White America has been giving black America conflicting orders for one-hundred and thirty-one years, now,... more
 Mark Faulk - Apr 27, 2006
Faulking Truth recommends abolishing the SEC
    As we listened to SEC Chairman Chris Cox talk in circles (and end up right back where he started…which is... more
 Mark Faulk - Mar 24, 2006
The Parallel Universe of the DTCC: “Bits and bytes in book-entry form.”
    In an article written to convince states and the securities industry to eliminate stock certificates... more
 Mark Faulk - May 10, 2006
It is a very mixed blessing to be brought back from the dead.
    Here I sit. Another night trapped inside my uncomfortably crowded head. Writing a book is kind of like being... more

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