- BLOGFEST 2005!
  Because sometimes we're just
too lazy to write a real article...
  by Ken Shade

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  Some Faulking Links -

www.MichaelMoore.com - Dude, where's my website?

www.MotherJones.com - Excellent investigative journalism (but we're funnier, so we'll call it even).

www.GhostGadgets.com - Oklahoma-based paranormal research group, great site. (Yeah, it's my son's website....what of it? It's called "nepotism", live with it.)

www.Onion.com - The opposite of MotherJones.com.

www.SatireWire.com - Looking for something serious? It's not here.

www.thefairandbalancednews.com/ - A great website that really is fair and balanced....and no, it's not O'Reilly.

www.whatreallyhappened.com/ - Anti-war, anti-lie, anti-nearly everything. Makes The Faulking Truth look like a Fox publication (well, almost).

www.investigatethesec.com/ - The title speaks for itself, plus a lot of great links about OTC investors' issues.

www.ivarkreuger.com - This website lists so many worldwide news sources, The Faulking Truth is even on it. That's right, I said worldwide. Yeah, baby!

www.allyshouse.net - A foundation started by Toby Keith and Linda and Scott Webb to provide financial and emotional support to families who have children with cancer. A wonderful cause, and one that The Faulking Truth personally supports. Named in honor of Allison Webb, who passed away from cancer just before her third birthday. Go there and contribute, you'll feel better for it.

www.suite101.com/discussion.cfm/investing/106539 - An excellent forum for finding out more about the "StockGate" scandal. Articles and emails from The Faulking Truth are posted there as well

rtoadm.blogspot.com/ - Random Thoughts of a Deranged Mind - A great blog on politics, the evironment, and everything else from a Faulking Truth regular.

www.lionelonline.com/ - Liberal radio talk show host, which means you can't listen to him in Oklahoma. So what else is new? - What Bush really thinks of us....One-finger Victory Salute

filmstripinternational.com/ - A little ditty about our President.....don't go here if you're offended by the word "asshole", in fact, don't even read this sentence.

homepage.mac.com/duffyb/nobush/iMovieTheater256.html - "We'll take care of the counting". New York Congressman Peter King tells a documentary film maker how the Republicans have the election in the bag, six months before the election.

www.blogarama.com/ - A blog search engine - we're on it, so it must be cool.

www.blogwise.com/ - Another good blog search engine.....blogs are taking over the world!

www.antandsons.com/ - Another advocate for stock market reform. Good articles about naked short selling.

www.thesanitycheck.com/ - A collaborative website advocating stock market reform....Faulking Truth editor Mark Faulk has a blog there. Das right.

www.americaneedstoknow.com/ - Excellent website dealing with the Stockgate scandal.....this crusade is a collective effort!

ncans.net/ - National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling....See? I told you that this is a collective effort.

cfrn.net/video/stream-low.html - "Where is My Stock?" video by Darren Saunders (good work, Darren)

bobosrevenge.blogspot.com/ - Bob O'Brien's blog about Stockgate. I don't know who this guy really is, but I'm pretty sure that it's not Mark Cuban.

austinoklahoma.com - This is where lyza jane of Faulking Truth fame and her sister from Austin peddle their wares.

www.supportouroops.org - Half of their proceeds go to support our troops.....for real.

www.voterunlead.org/ - WOMEN ALERT!!! This website encourages women to run for political office and strive for positions of leadership in our country. PLEASE DO IT BEFORE MEN SCREW THINGS UP COMPLETELY!

www.faulkingtruth.com/Database/Documents/Naked_Short_Selling.wav - This is an audio file of a report by New York City NBC affiliate WNBC on naked short selling from Feb. 2005

Latest Articles
Blogfest 2005 - May 23, 2006
   MySpace is the Devil (Redux)
   by Mark Faulk

    I can see the upside of MySpace. As this little commentary illustrates, however, it's the fact that there is no division between those who are there to merely connect on a casual basis and those who are wearing adult diapers (or worse) that's the problem... more

Investing 101 - May 25, 2006
   The Circle of Greed: The Cloak of Invisibility
   by Mark Faulk

    For every company that the federal government has exempted from following the same laws that every other publicly-traded company has to adhere to, there is another potential Enron waiting to happen. Except this time, we might never know about it... more

Global Warning - May 14, 2006
   Nothing Seems Right in Cars**
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This guy walks into a bar and says... - Apr 9, 2006
   Those who hope for no other life are dead even for this. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) Gray Like Me: Part 4
   by Ken Shade

    It should be clear to anybody watching the F/X network's "Black. White." that, barring a Biblical epiphany, there is no hope for Bruno. He clearly went into the project with no intent other than to find underpinnings for his bigotry. He can't find... more

Commentary - May 28, 2006
   The Ghost of Freud and Mr. Rumsfeld
   by Mark Faulk

    Was it a moment of unscripted, unplanned candor, where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld forgot the “official version” of the 9/11 story and told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for one brief stunning moment?... more

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