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Caught in a bind

Talkbacks for this article: 35

The liberal Jewish community in the United States finds itself in a difficult bind. The only trouble is that it does not know it. Liberal Jews in the States are so wedded to their ideological positions that the sweeping historical events that have recently overtaken the Middle East seem to have had little effect on their mindset.

I have been on a lecture tour throughout America. Because of my affiliation with Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), my natural audiences have been liberal Jews. One would think that we would have a common language, but I find that we are miles apart - not in our conclusions, but in the process we undergo to reach them.

When I spoke at a Jewish religious think-tank that serves as a powerful lobby for liberal interests, I was asked a question about funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) in light of the rise of Hamas. It was not that the group was genuinely interested in my opinion, but rather seeking validation for what it had already decided - to lobby the Bush administration to continue to support humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and to pressure Israel to release the taxes collected on behalf of the PA.

While I agree with this end position, what bothered me was that the process they underwent on the way to this conclusion seemed devoid of any serious scrutiny. They were blinded by an almost immutable purity of thought: Of course, Jews should provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.

The world that we live in is not black and white. The gray areas are far more dominant. As I fashioned my response, I could see a discomfort descend over my audience. They were disturbed that a fellow-ideological traveler would raise any objections to what seemed like a slam-dunk. For them, continuing to supply humanitarian aid is a question of Jewish integrity, not to mention Jewish morality. The difference is that, for me, supporting humanitarian causes is not just a matter of moral integrity, but also of moral practicality.

Rabbis for Human Rights was founded because it felt that the Israeli government was carrying out excessive measures against the Palestinians that were antithetical to the richness of the Jewish literary and historical tradition. Since the government and religious establishment were speaking in our name, we felt a responsibility to present an alternative understanding of Judaism that spoke of concern for the "other." However, RHR's activism has always been predicated on moral steadfastness and moral pragmatism; that is, a decision that may seem moral today, may have immoral consequences tomorrow.

Just as we in RHR accept collective responsibility for our government's actions, even if we did not directly carry them out, so too must the Palestinians assume collective responsibility and the concomitant consequences for their actions - and their votes. After all, if we are not all guilty, we are all responsible.

Palestinians who voted Hamas into power are both guilty and responsible. They voted for Hamas not only because they felt that social services would be better provided and because Fatah was so corrupt. They also voted for a party whose political platform calls for the destruction of Israel.

HAMAS IS not interested in a Palestinian state. They advocate an Islamic nation - one that cannot be separated from the rest of the Moslem countries that have taken a dangerous and frightening turn toward a religious fundamentalism that could engulf the entire region (if not the world) in a horrible conflagration, especially with Iran knocking on the nuclear door.

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Post comment | Terms
35. Liberal Jews
The General - Canada (03/15/2006 23:54)
34. chesed and the P.
menno - netherlands (03/15/2006 23:54)
33. Aid to suffering Palestinians
Stewart - USA (03/15/2006 23:49)
32. Forman is not only liberal; he's a fool
Richard A. Berg, PhD - Neve Yamin, Israel (03/15/2006 23:39)
31. Similar experience
Paul - USA (03/15/2006 23:25)
30. Poor Liberals
Hessel - USA (03/15/2006 23:17)
29. humanitarian aid
guilherme albagli - Brazil (03/15/2006 23:11)
28. Liberals loose wars
Aaron - (03/15/2006 22:44)
27. Organization of thugs
Alex - (03/15/2006 22:20)
26. My Experience with the liberal left
Claude Franklin - Oregon, USA (03/15/2006 21:56)
25. Our GOOd rabbies
Egon - USA (03/15/2006 21:48)
24. Maurice-Couldn't agree more
Lauren - (03/15/2006 21:27)
23. Fund the Murderers?
Drunk with Fools - (03/15/2006 21:24)
22. Caught Blind
David - USA (03/15/2006 21:10)
21. Doing good sometimes requires being nasty.
Michael - USA (03/15/2006 20:52)
20. Caught in a bind
Robert Stevens - (03/15/2006 20:49)
19. "Jewish moral rightness, we must release.."
YochiB - USA (03/15/2006 20:39)
18. To Stanley: liberal turned realist?
Alexander W. - Canada (03/15/2006 20:30)
17. Jews of the holocaust/Jews of the left...
leo - usa (03/15/2006 20:21)
16. Caught in a bind - liberal Jewish community
Joel Hersh - USA (03/15/2006 20:17)
15. Knee-jerk libralism
Saul - from the US Left (03/15/2006 20:14)
14. What Does This Say About "Liberal" American Jews
Ben Israel - Israel (03/15/2006 20:04)
13. Betteer uses for the money
Maurice MD - (03/15/2006 20:01)
12. Liberal
Yored - HaOlam (03/15/2006 19:48)
11. Moral irresponsibility
Peter Yurowitz - USA (03/15/2006 19:44)
10. Set things straight
Oreet - Israel (03/15/2006 19:33)
9. Rabbis for Selective Human Rights
James Michael Price - U. S. A. (03/15/2006 19:30)
8. "Liberal" Jews
mordechai - (03/15/2006 19:03)
7. Yasher Koach
Mike - USA (03/15/2006 19:02)
6. Same drek- different process in getting there
Ori - Israel (03/15/2006 18:41)


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Rabbi David Forman
Photo: Rabbis for Human Rights


Caught in a bind
Comments: 35

Hamas the pragmatic
Comments: 33

The IDF decides to fly blind
Comments: 4

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