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Buffy's Brown-Eyed Boy on Speedos, Spanish Dancing and Kissing Charisma

This week, Nicholas Brendon--aka Xander--was live with Wanda. Read on to see what he had to say about real-life vampires, real-life love and his really big private part.

Tune in every Monday at 6 p.m. ET to scoop up the TV dish--and maybe get your questions answered!

Hi everyone. We've all been waiting for this "guest spot" for some time, so without further ado...heeere's Nicholas!

From Mary98: Will Xander and Willow ever get together?
You just keep watching, because I can't talk about that.

From willowxnb: Nicholas, do you know how hot you are?
Well, about 98.7, I think, but I'm running a bit of a fever right now, so I'm 99.

From HoneyNut3: Do you really have a twin brother, and does he look exactly like you? Is there really a picture of both of you on the net?
Yes. Yes. No.

From missbuffysummers: Is there really a Buffy soundtrack coming out?
That's actually out of my department. They don't keep me abreast of subjects like that.

From ben: Do you really like Charisma Carpenter?
I like her. But do I like like her? I don't think my girlfriend would be very happy. But we pass notes at work, since we're in high school and all.

From zak_z: If you could write a storyline for Xander, what would it be?
I would probably be the dictator of Cuba and smoke cigars, because that's power, baby. Xander needs more power.

From Cat: Is there any chance your brother Kelly might appear on Buffy? It would be a great opportunity to get into an evil-twin premise! Does he act? I'm a triplet, and I'd probably break out in giggles trying to do anything serious with my brother and sister.
I've just broken out in giggles reading that whole thing. We've talked about it, but there's nothing set in stone.

From vision_skater: Nick, have you and your twin ever pulled the ol' switcheroo?
No, we actually have compassion for people.

From missbuffysummers: Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have a dog named Zoey that I rescued from Hollywood High, where kids were feeding him gum.

From Cathy: How do you like being compared to Matthew Perry of Friends?
I don't know. I just do what I do. I like to give people big guffaws.

From claire_s: What would you change about Xander?
I would probably give him more chest hair.

From Erin: Do you have a younger brother, about age 12, who looks like you?
I have two younger brothers, 15 and 13. I would say there are some similarities. They're adorable. They're gorgeous.

From rbsayre: Happy Birthday next week! Any plans for the hiatus? Like maybe a film?
For film work, as of right now, no. Right now, I'm moving and making personal changes.

From packh8r: What position did you play in baseball before your injury? I play first base.
Right field.

From vision_skater: Whaddaya think of Dawson's Creek?
I think those kids are very attractive and talented.

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Oprah THS: How she broke big-time barriers; 8p

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