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12 Reasons Why - Newsletters
1/ Direct to inbox – people deal with them as part of their personal daily workload of correspondence

2/ Ability to target precisely – you can have different newsletters for different contact groups easily so making them more relevant

3/ Ability to track interest and readership – you can see which stories and information interested people most

4/ Easier to spread to new people – new people can subscribe easily (if you want this!) so allowing others to benefit

5/ Can cover more than one person in an organisation – a single newsletter might only reach the secretary of a community group, for example. With email you can send to all the trustees, staff, volunteers and even the users of your community group at no extra cost.

6/ Easier to separate out summary and detail
– detail can be hidden by being a click away so improving the clean look and accessibility of your communications

7/ Allows more regular communication – a harvard business review study showed that people trust regular communications (daily newspapers) more than they do irregular ones (monthly magazines) – email communication could be shorter and monthly instead of long and bi-monthly. This improves trust and “mind share” for sccf and its objectives

8/ Quicker to put together
– I create and send a reasonable monthly newsletter for 700 subscribers in about 5 hours using the MicroAid tools. IT tools are more productive than the old cut and paste method.

9/ Easier to respond to
– people can simply hit the Reply To button to make an enquiry, respond to requests

10/ Builds a platform for other communications in the future – surveys for example.

11/ Opportunities for your news to spread –. Electronic newsletters can be repackaged and published on other sites. Google uses a technology called “RSS” to read all the newsletters and repackage them for its site. The BBC Community team are already piloting this with one of our customers.

12/ Better quality - With a good template form system even non-journalists can make elegant digestible news copy. See this example that the street kids of Griya Asih have put together http://www.griya-asih.microaid.net/pi_newsletter.php?action=read&NewsletterID=293 – All their newsletters: http://www.griya-asih.microaid.net/news.htm