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Monday, February 27, 2006

Ode to service jobs

Thanks to store #1168, I have finally been broken. Rebuking peers, parents, and not even God has been able to humble my prideful ass... but somehow 1168 succeeded. Let me elaborate if you don't mind. Due to desperation I've gone against my beliefs and got a job in retail. Even though I'm not as much of someone's bitch as if I was a waiter... I'm still someone's lapdog. Through this experience I've gained a few nuggets of wisdom and I am bitter sweet about it. During my first couple shifts I was assigned in zone one which covers the main entrance.  Not only is it the worst place to be stuck in,  I have to meet and greet customers with a smile on my face.  The company expects us all to be like Nina, the friendly African-American company standard. It's hard to do when I meet total douche bags who treat me like I'm below them. My icebreaker starts with "How are you?" and the answer (if I get one) is, "I'm just browsing." First of all, pay attention to my question jackass. I especially love it when I don't get a response at all to sweet kickers like "Look at all the snow, is it cold outside?" Maybe I don't speak up enough so I'm usually forgiving about that. What pisses me off the most though is when I ask to help them. If they say no I usually leave them be but then I'll see them tearing into the graphic t-shirt table for a XXL size shirt. WE DON'T EVEN MAKE ANY! Lose some weight fat ass! Now I'm stuck with reorganizing twenty different stacks of t-shirts because someone didn't realize that everything is already organized by size. To top it off, they already ignored my original offer of assistance. Trust me, I'm the fricken expert! I know the store better than your mom, you piece of crap. Lastly, don't go around unfolding shit, trying on tons of clothes, and not get anything. You're just wasting your time, and my time. Seriously... don't be an asshole. Usually it's the people who've never had a real job that act pull this sort of thing, and they don't realize how inconsiderate it is. So once again, thank you store #1168 for making me a little bit nicer and more considerate to my fellow man. At least now I treat employees of other establishments with respect... like God ordered us to.

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