Previous Anniversary Events at THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH:

"We need to remind ourselves of it."  -"Traditional Ideals of Sewanee," 1907 SEMI-CENTENNIAL CAP AND GOWN

The Semi-Centennial 1907-

"...for the purpose of establishing an institution of higher learning, upon and enlarged and liberal scale, for promoting social order, civil justice and Christian truth; an institution that would be in every way worthy of the South and would supply its needs... They were not attempting an experiment."  -THE 1907 SEMI-CENTENNIAL CAP AND GOWN

Semi-Centennial ribbon.

Semi-Centennial invitation.

The75th 1932-

Commemorative CAP AND GOWN issued.

The Centennial 1957 - 1958-

Title Page:


The Founding of the University of the South and its First Administration, 1857-1872

by Arthur Benjamin Chitty, Jr.

Published in anticipation of the Centennial of the University in 1957.

The University Press, Sewanee, Tennessee, 1954 (Reprinted with New Preface in 1993, Proctor's Hall Press, Sewanee.)

"The fourth influence entering the Sewanee tradition was the aristocratic influence of the Old South... Sewanee became repository for the hopes and dreams of the Old South... The Old South continues to be venerated at Sewanee.  Its customs are perpetuated and its families live on."  -Arthur Ben Chitty, RECONSTRUCTION AT SEWANEE

The Centennial Medallion, 1857 -1957; All Saints' Chapel viewed from St. Augustine's Avenue (historical view now obliterated by the new cafeteria).

"The University of the South was to stand significantly upon a mountain- to give out light to the surrounding valleys and lowlands.  The noble work of these men and others after them is today a monument to their wisdom and zeal."  -Forward in CENTENNIAL CAP AND GOWN, 1858 - 1958

"This genuineness, this depth, this graciousness of spirit that Sewanee has stood for is what our world needs in its leaders during this time when secularism and confusion are at their zenith.  Sewanee is faced with the responsibility of sustaining her traditions another hundred years... a learned gentleman, because he is the embodiment of Sewanee and representative of the traditional ideals of the Old South..."  -CENTENNIAL CAP AND GOWN, dedicated to Dr. and Mrs. George B. Myers and Abbott Martin

The 125th 1982-

Commemorative MEN WHO MADE SEWANEE issued, with updates by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ben Chitty, 1981.


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Franklin County Secession

Polk and Forrest Together Sewanee Military Academy At Sewanee Sewaneeana Essential
Sewanee Library



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