Visitor-Submitted Photographs and Scans:

Many of the visitor submissions are found within the exhibits of this on-line museum, with crediting found in the Sources and Credits page.

Special submissions (displayed in order of receipt):

"All Saints' at Dusk" by Maggie Rutherford.

"Green by Spring" by Sybil Baxley.

"Setting Sun at the Cross" by Maggie Rutherford.

"Yankee Invaders" by McCollum Kane.

"Yankees Against Independence" by McCollum Kane.

("The Confederates were the last true Americans, and they better represented the rebellious ideals of the American flag of independance than did the Yankees who fought under it during the invasion. Today, our American flag unites us all during this war against Islamic terrorists, just as it did during our Cold War against Communist imperialism, but we should never forget how it was misused by the North against the South during 1861-1865." -McCollum Kane.)

"Yankee Horde," by McCollum Kane.

"Cross and Spire at Sewanee," by Maggie Rutherford.


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Franklin County Secession

Polk and Forrest Together Sewanee Military Academy At Sewanee Sewaneeana Essential
Sewanee Library



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