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Country: United States
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Member Since: 6/27/2002

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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Oi.  I am so tired I don't even feel like studying tonight.  Hence this Xanga post.  Actually, I'm watching 'Antwone Fisher' right now.  If all the things that happened in this movie is true, it's truly horrifying what some people had to endure as children.

Speaking of which, there is something about being the mere presence of kids that tire me out.  Is that a sign of old age?  Is senility next?   Seriously, I just did not have the energy to get out of my apartment tonight and be productive.  Looks like I'll have to make up for tonight by getting up early tomorrow and studying in the morning before I head over to the Summer School to help out.  Tomorrow's activity:  bowling.  Aigoooo....

By the way, I retook the typing test yesterday and the stupid computer actually worked this time.  This was my third time taking it and though I made several mistakes (I was tired from Summer School), I still typed 72 wpm, which is about average.  Interview next week and I still don't have a letter of recommendation.  This stinks, I should just follow Cheryl's suggestion and check out Opportunity Specialists.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Thanks to Susie, I now have a Gmail account!  Woohoo!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Man, being with little kids is truly tiring, even though I don't really play with them.  Since I'm "between jobs" at the moment, I'm volunteering at the CFC Summer School in the afternoons.  I would help out all day, but waking up at 7a is rather difficult.  Anyway, I'm supposed to be studying in the mornings for my GRE, though that isn't working out too well.  *sigh*  Eh, I'm still studying in the evenings and my verbal, though not too shabby, can use a little work.  I'm scoring around 86% on the Antonyms, Analogies, and Sentence Completion practices.  I haven't taken a look at the Long Passage section, Analyzing section or Quantitative sections yet, though.  I'm really worried about the last section.  I hate math.

I should really be taking this test more seriously.  Although I had originally planned to not take it and apply to the Masters and Certification program at U of I, I thought it might be smarter to take my GRE and also think of applying to other schools, as well.  Actually, someone suggested that to me.  I guess I was being arrogant in assuming I would get into the one school I apply to.  Anyway, now that I am planning on applying to other schools, I have to find out what other schools offer Masters and Certification programs.  Well, as luck would have it, graduation from the Ms.Ed program at Northwestern also provides Certification, and it's only a one year program!  That's one year less than U of I and if I apply by the November deadline, I can apply for the Winter 2005 semester.  Like my Mom said, the sooner I finish, the better it is.

Thirty more minutes until I drive home.  Sheesh, a 3 hour drive and I'm tired from being with the little kids. 

Remember, this Sunday is Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

My score for the typing test didn't come out again!   

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Hmm...I guess I don't have to worry about gmail since all of my yahoo accounts have been increased to 100 mb each.  Nice.

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