Saturday, October 22, 2005

Mundane - Saturday

Any day without drama is a good day. My goal for Saturday is just that - mundane. Typical Saturday consists crawling out of bed at 9, mowing (10 minutes of short work that used to be half day chore in Seattle), taking my tools out for a powertool fix, finding a reason to take a trip to homedepot (never failed at this), and optional shower before heading out to dinner.

So far today, got up at 9 and mowed the grass; watching tv (travel channel) with Ian, while Karen and Megan left for shopping. Well see what happens with the rest of the day.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Blog dajavu

Spent good part of last five minutes typing out a blog, and just as I was about to hit the orange publish button, the whole thing went blank. After another 5 minutes of pondering the mystery, I am now typing entirely different stuff. I was typing some gibberish about having to go home after typing in the blog, and something about it's getting late but still tourists are milling around outside.

I am just going to type stuff that makes no sense to me when I re read it later, like all my blogs, and just head home.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Rain - contrast

It rained overnite. First rain since we got here at the beginning of the summer. By morning there weren't much trace of previous night's rain, but ski were still threatening with dark clouds with type typical CA sun peaking out here and there. Nevertheless, it reminded me of Seattle, and also, brought to realization that how glad I am to be here where good weather is the norm. I can't imagine the whole winter being without sun again.

Just for contrast, here is drawing of our house in Seattle sent to us from realtor who sold the house for us.

Another contrast where that we had 5 acres of land to roam in seattle, but this is our side yard here.

Also, we didn't have an air conditoning in Seattle, but we have two here. Here is one of the hulking unit in the backyard

the whole week

Wow, can't think much of what I actually did the whole week. It seem a blur. Mostly what I remember is struggle in the morning to get out of bed. Rushing to shower and try to catch a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit - subway, or underground for brits). Read email or browse the web on my blackberry. Work, work, meetings, meetings, lunch, work, catch a BART back to home. Eat, rest, sleep. And repeat... four more times.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Still hard at work

It's a friday night. 9:50 PM to be exact. I am still working to finish up some presentations. My back is hurting and I need a beer. Actually, I am going to stop typing and go get a beer.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Coastal clean up

On Saturday, we went to the city of Martinez to volunteer for coastal cleanup. Bunch of people were meeting at church at 8 to go together. This meant that we all had to get up by 7:00 am. Getting up 7:00 AM on Saturday!!!! This is unheard of in our household, but we did get up, and we did make it there by 8! Quite a feat on its own, but we did worked on picking up a bag full of trash.

All clean:

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Left office little early today to attend first day of BSF at 6:30. Arrived little early and found place mostly empty. Set down and caught up on email on by blackberry while place slowly filled in. Looking around, I noticed most men were older than I was. This is pretty much the par. I guess younger folks are too busy to attend. I must admit there is measure of sacrific, but the class is more than worth it.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday is Sunday does

Got out of the bed at 10:00 this morning and rushed to shower before the church. Out the door by 10:30. Just in nick of time to make it by 11:00.. That is if I didn't make two wrong exits off the highway. Don't know what I was thinking, but I wasn't thinking about driving, evidently. We got there about 10 minutes after 11:00.

On the way back home, stopped at home depot to pick up some material for window framing. I bought a miter saw and stand from, which arrived couple of days ago, and I've been itching to try it out.

The saw works well enough, it's my skill, or lack thereof, this is the problem. I am sure I did the 45' for the window frame, but it wasn't quite fitting. I fill the gap with the wood filler and painted it. I hope the thing will look better after the paint dries. If this venture works out, I plan to frame all the windows, about 30 of them in all.