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DocBernieGetting pimped, doing scutwork, taking call, becoming a doctor (a lifelong endeavor)
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Country: United States
State: Midwest USA

Interests: I'm a Christian medical student trying to stay true to my calling to become a compassionate and competent physician.
Expertise: Hmm....these days all I seem to do is take patient histories, do physical exams, and stay up late. BUT I can also operate a forklift, take apart a motorcycle, and sew buttons back on my shirts!
Occupation: Student
Industry: Medical

Email: email me
AIM: bernie0622
MSN: berndog

Member Since: 7/21/2004

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Interesting quote.....can surgeons perform miracles?

"It was like peeling an orange," said Dr. Joshua Sonett, one of the surgeons, about removing the tissue.

By the end of the operation, Clinton's lung "was very healthy and looked excellent," he said. "We expect even better than a full recovery."

How can you have a "better than full recovery"? That doesn't make any sense. You either recover fully, or you don't.....you can't recover more than fully, unless you are able to regress to a more youthful state......those wacky surgeons....

Anyways, I have a theory about Michael Jackson and his frequent trips to the hospital claiming illness (2 bouts of the flu and 1 episode of back pain) and missing or arriving late for court. I think he's actually being passive-aggressive. He is actually defying the rules of the court and trying to establish that he is above the law. He accomplishes this by feigning illness and thereby choosing to appear in court when he wants, not when the judge requires. Anyway, the judge threatened to forfeit Michael's $3 million and issue an arrest warrant if he wasn't back in court in 1 hour. He arrived in a little over an hour.

Do you think he'll get off, er, I mean, will he be found guilty or not guilty?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Interesting article about recent events in Middle East. Democrats supporting President Bush?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Beautiful Sunday afternoon.....mid-60's. Went for a jog.....it's supposed to rain for a week. Gotta get it in while you can.....

Tomorrow I'm on consult service. Presentation on psychotherapy tomorrow afternoon. Back to the Court Clinic on Tuesday.

Oh, and how could I forget....I decided this weekend that I'm going into Internal Medicine. It was up between Neurology and IM, but after much consideration (and a "consultation" with my father) I've made my decision.

I was gonna apply for both Matches and see what I got offered in each and take the "better" of the two, but realistically, that's just way too much time, energy, and money. Also, I think it'd be more fruitful to concentrate on one Match and complete a solid application and interviews, rather than trying to get two sets of apps and recommendations, and then fly around the country twice trying to interview for IM and Neuro.

So, internal medicine, here I come. Gonna try for a Gastro elective in July. Abstract for a case presentation around the same time. My Acting Internship in August. Step 2 exam in September or October. I'm psyched!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

This is the 2nd time in a row.....I seem to get sick right after returning from a trip.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

OK, this is weirding me out a little bit. I've been getting several visits to my site from government computers. The State Dept, Customs, VA, Patent/Trademark Office.

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