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Account Gone Bad | 03.14.05

Account gone bad

So its been a bit gloom and doom with my main account. The Client has been an asshole since I’ve been here but now they are looking to take most of the work from us. So the jumping ship has started already. Most of the senior account staff are leaving in droves. If we get final word that the work is gone, we are going to have mass layoffs in the creative also. Doesn’t look good.

A silver lining though for me, I’ve got a call from another ad agency who is looking for someone like me to run their creative shop. Been in a few meetings with them already. I’ll see where it takes me. Maybe more pay, less asshole client? That would be great.


MIA | 03.08.05

Wow, its been a while since I last post. Lost of things been going on. Well on the work front, the Drug company pitch went well and we'll waiting word if we go it or not. Then there was the a client review we have to pitch for also. That was in Denver. It went ok. I think we lost the work. That happens in this business. Sometimes its just time for a client and agency to part ways. In this case, I don't mind if this client left, they were huge assholes. Most clients are, but these guys were the biggest. Unfortunately, they also have a big budget, so there will be some changes if we lose them.

As for personal, nothing much is going on. My wife and I are talking about having kids (crazy). I've also been thinking about leaving advertising. I've been doing this for over 15 years and while I enjoy doing it, I feel like doing something else. What else, I don't know yet. I guess I have to figure that out before I can move on.


the Client SUX | 02.07.05

The client is an a-hole. The last couple of days have been really bad for us at the agency. The client has decided to put the account up for review, again. This is after we just came thru a review for the overall business and keep only one part. Now they want to put that part up for review also. What a bunch of a-holes!

So just got out of a briefing conference call, and the vibe was bad. There is definitely a conspiracy going on with one of our main client contacts, who seems to be going to bed with one of our competitors. This is the same competitor who just won the other part of the business. HMMMMMMM.

Accounts in review. What’s this? Well it means that the client wants to put the account up for bidding with the incumbent agency against new suitors. Clients do this for many reasons; one they may hate the current work from their agency or they may want to get cheaper prices. Our client definitely fits the latter. They are one cheap f’ing bastards. But our client is out of control….two reviews back to back?

Personally, if my agency could afford it, I would just let this client go. They aren’t worth the hassle and they are a bunch of numb-nuts. Unfortunately, it’s a multi-million dollar account, so we can’t blow them off (plus we don’t have another client to fill in the space). So we have to be the stupid clown monkeys and jump for this client.

I have advertising (on days like this). Remember, rule no. 1 in advertising, the client is always right.


iPod Nation | 02.02.05

So this past x-mas I received what is one of the most talked about consumer products in the world right now, a iPod. Now, I knew about the iPod way back, seen all my young designers listening to theirs as they worked but I never really wanted one. It seemed interesting but I didn’t feel like paying money for one.

Well, now that I got one, I totally get what people are saying and feeling about it. It’s a life-transforming tool. Basically, the reality or physical aspect of this transformation is that all the boxes where I kept my music CDs are now all transferred to this little electronic box. All my music is now in my hand, available at any time. I bring my iPod to work, listen to it on the subway, in front of my computer, when I drive my car (with the add on product “iTrip”). This is an incredible device. You really have to use it to understand the empowerment you feel.

Now, would I buy it with my own money? Hmmm, maybe. I’m actually very interested in getting a iPod Shuffle. Apple is definitely on a roll.

In fact, I’m slowly realizing how much I’m buying off Apple. I brought a new G5, I have a .mac account, I’ve been buying songs off iTunes, and I even own some of their software (Final Cut Pro). So I figure, you know, since Apple is becoming part of my life, might as well as buy the company. Ok, so I can’t really buy the company but I can buy some stock. Which I did today. Its high, at $70 a share but I think they are going to do really well in 05. Oh, by the way, I’m looking at getting a Mini Mac also.

Check this article on the iPod accessory universe that is being created. It’s a movement and it won’t stop. Sorry Microsoft.


Insomnia | 02.01.05

I’m tired. I was up till 5am last night, eating nuts and watching cable news. Oh, I played a little John Madden Football also. Geez, I got to stop doing this. I’ve been having a really bad case of insomnia the last few days, which is funny caused Brand Z (new biz pitch I’m working on is about insomnia). Maybe Brand Z will give me some samples, to help me with my problem. But the funny thing about the ad business, since I’ve been working in this industry, the client never gives us free samples. Coca-Cola…..free coca? Nope. Popsicle….free Popsicles? Nope. So I doubt Brand Z will give us anything. But I can sure use it.

Meanwhile, last night I had the client call from Hell. Basically we have a website that’s taking over a year to launch. The reason was the client kept on asking for changes, and we had different client contacts over that span. So we had this client call which was to get final approval before launch, we get on the call with 4 new people we never heard from. So they take a look at the site and ripe it apart. But the worst part was they were complaining about features that the previous client contact specifically asked for. This was bizarro world. I actually was pretty fired up and giving back some of the stuff they were throwing at us (not usually a good thing to do with a client but this client definitely deserved it).

Some examples:

Client: FYI, the link to the press release doesn’t work.

Me: FYI, you never gave us press releases.

Client: This navigation doesn’t work. Its illogical and stupid.

Me: Well, just to give you context, this project has been going on for a year, we went thru 4 different set of revisions and the navigation you are talking about was a specific ask by the previous client before you.

And then they ended up talking to each other on the client call. For half an hour, while we just sat on the phone listening. Clients like this, you have to get rid of. They’re trouble. When you’re a great creative agency, you don’t take clients like this. You take clients like this when you can’t chose your clients and you need the money. We need the money.

Afterwards I went to this event at the MOMA, which just reopened. The MOMA was my favorite museum in NYC. It was pretty nice, the renovations were great and it was good to see their collection again. I wish I brought my digital camera, cause we basically had the museum to ourselves and I could have taken some great pictures. Oh well. Next time. (moral of the story: there is no “next” time so be prepared.)


Monday already? | 01.31.05

So its monday and it feels like its going to be a long week. So besides the two major accounts I have to manage, I'm working on this new business pitch. So this pitch for brand Z, is due in two weeks.

We had to start by getting briefed on the demographic target. So we were supposed to have a meeting this morning at 9:30am. Now, in case you don't know the industry, creatives never come in before 10am. Creatives like to get started later in the day. Maybe their cortex isn't awake till then, or something.

I we had a 9:30am meeting, on a monday and I was the only one there. Yep, good way to start the week.

So anyways, we finally got the meeting done, once everyone came in. Brand Z, is going to be a boring pitch I think. Found out the target audience is 40-50. Hmmmmm, not the most exciting group.

I'll talk more about Brand Z down the road.

Interesting thought on Iraq | 01.31.05

I've been reading this blog for some time now. He had a great entry about how everyone is praising the recent Iraqi elections except for....

Read and find out


Iraq Elections | 01.31.05

I was up late last night watching the live iraqi elections on the cable news channels. It was truly inspiring to see a group of people embrace something we Americans take for granted, the right to vote for our leaders. It wasn't perfect, and it won't change things right away for the mess that is Iraq right now, but the hope that you saw in people's faces, in their smiles, in their dances was incredible. I was in awe of the historic moment that was happening. And the funny thing, people heard bombs going off in the morning and didn't know if they may die in a insurgancy attack, but they came in masses to vote. Wow, congrats to the Iraqi people.

As for the cable shows and their handling of the news, it was quite interesting (as is usually the case with all these different cable news shows). The most appalling was MSNBC news. All they had was americans, talking to the cameras with abstract backgrounds. They were obvisiously in some safe haven, away from any voting spaces or on the streets themselves. And all they did was talk about what they "heard". What kind of reporting was that? It was in sharp contrast to CNN, which let their international team cover the Iraqi elections. You kept on seeing CNN reporters at the voting spaces, talking to voters, talking to Iraqi security forces, to US troops. You really felt you were there and saw what was going on. Of course CNN mentioned and was able to show that the voters were coming out in force. Meanwhile, MSNBC's talking heads kept on talking about the "threat of violence" more so then the voting. And it was funny that not one can be seen at a voting space. It makes me wonder about the reporting coming out of mass media outlets like MSNBC. Of course on Fox News, everything was great. But Fox News is the pom pom squad of the Bush Administration. Even I will admit to that. But even Fox News went to the voting spaces and interviewed people.

Saw John Kerry on Tim Russert talking. What a worm. So happy he wasn't voted president, and it showed why. On a incredible day in Iraqi, all he would say was it was "good" but won't change a thing cause Bush sucks. Thats great support by a potential president. Hmmm, I thought he said during his concession speech that he would do all he can to bring harmony to the the country. Him and his fat drunk friend Ted Kennedy are doing a great job so far. If you want to hear what John Kerry said, read the transcript.

Interesting note. In the interview, he actually mentions that he never signed a 180 form document with the government to release all his medical records from the Navy. This was so 180 degrees (no pun intended) from the elections when he told everyone that he has released all his records to the public. (FYI: the 180 form document must be signed from the individual to make all their records open to the public. John Kerry has avoided doing this and lying about it.) He says "yes" to Tim Russert, but I would like to see if he actually does it. Read the transcript and see for yourself.


All about the Money | 01.30.05

So a funny thing happened to me at work. It happens all the time in corporate america. One of my designers (I manage a group of creatives: writers, designers, art directors, etc.) told me they received a offer from another company...for more pay! My designer is a young kid, this is his first job out of college. He's been at my company for over a year now and he wants to make a little more money then what he is making now (for his 200.00 jeans habit, iPods, trips to England, etc.)

So, I was faced with an dilemma, do I counter offer or let him go. Well, he's a good kid and very talented. The sort of person you want to grow into a company, and let him one day take your position. So I talked to HR and my boss and we put out a counter-offer.

This happens all the time. And I played this game myself. Unfortunately, this usually happens at companies that are reactive instead of proactive. He was due a review for a while, and forces outside of my control wouldn't let me give him a review (hence the opportunity to give him a raise). So, what my designer had to do is get another offer before he can get more money from us. We were lucky, he's happy here and he likes his boss (me =), so he decided to stay. But alot of times, people may just take the money and run.

Thats when you will know if a company is good or not. If they take care of you, especially with the money. I learned that my company sits on their hands with stuff like this. Thats not good. You take care of your own, especially if they are good. Or they may one day fly away.