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Name: Sara Lee

Interests: raking in the millions with my flute playing
Expertise: self-delusionment about money-making potential

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Member Since: 8/26/2003

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Saturday, March 04, 2006


If you've ever wondered what Harry Potter would look like playing the violin, this picture is for you.  click on the above link to listen.  Korbinian Altenberger, current student, plays the Mozart violin concerto no. 3 with the NEC chamber orchestra.

NEC is one of my target schools, but it's in Boston which didn't give me the greatest first impression...but I always give things a second chance.

the second movement is total bliss.

p.s.  as is usually the case, ignore the french horns.  I think most instruments are similarly difficult in their own ways (though maybe the flute has some particulary challenging qualities, from as unbiased a point of view as you'll ever get from a flutist), but french horns have got to be the most cursed of all...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I haven't had a chance to really think about it, but once the house is sold (we have a potential buyer right now but aren't sure we can trust her yet) and I'm in the east, I won't have family or a home to come to here in Los Angeles....and I guess that means I won't be seeing LA again for a very long time....suddenly I feel a little remorseful for all the LA bashing I've been doing recently... I take it back, PV is gorgeous, LA people are wonderful in their laid-backness, and the sun and ocean are paradisaical...and I will miss not being an obvious minority and not having to be so aware of my ethnicity.  I know when I return I'll be marveling at this place.

Monday, February 27, 2006

the date and time have been set for my recital:  April 1st at 7:30 pm in Palos Verdes Estates....please email me for specifics...

it's gonna be a benefit recital for missionaries in Uzbekistan with my guitarist friend from USC (his girlfriend is a missionary in Uzbekistan).  We'll be playing the Piazzolla Histoire du Tango, as well as our own separate pieces.  Everyone is welcome, we need as big an audience as we can get! 

just a couple weeks after the recital, I expect to finally be leaving LA, where I've lived all my life...except for a year in Korea, but that was a temporary move...I'll be sad when the time comes...

*hi again* perhaps selfishness in the form of acting in one's own self-interest is getting an unfair beating today.  maybe selfishness in the form of disregard for other's interests is what I should be targeting. 

*addendum*  I should explain that the opening sentences were directed towards people who classify actions as either being selfless or not.  I do believe in altruism, and though I think we can't help but muddle it with self-interest to some degree, I appreciate the beauty of our reaching for it....I just get annoyed when people are so easily self-satisfied and don't question their own motives..

Pure selflessness doesn't exist, pure altruism does not exist.   Please stop patting yourselves on the back.  This morning I helped out an old lady after playing flute at church - yes, I wanted to help her, but I also did it because it was a nice gesture and I knew I'd be paid back with appreciation.  We're all reciprocal altruists at best.  Nothing so horribly wrong with that, but I DO have a problem when the minister calls tithing "selfless" behavior. especially when the whole sermon is peppered with "when you give, God will return it to you tenfold".  whether material or immaterial is besides the point.  I don't mind the fact that we can never be 100%  selfless, but I do mind all the stupid people who feel good about being such selfless people.  You gave SO THAT you could feel good.  duh

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I got back from my trip a couple days ago, and while I was originally going to move to somewhere within LA, I've pretty much decided I'm going to be moving to Connecticut this spring!

Will update with some trip details later... 

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