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Name: Mike Woo
Country: United States
State: California
Birthday: 12/3/1975
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Member Since: 4/12/2003

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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

the plot thickens.


some interesting links.





daymn - i've been working on this forever. heh.

i stole this from melody ... something to do while i'm bored at home on a long wed nights. bleh. this is a work in progress.

7 Things That Scare Me
1.  my dad when i was a wee lass
2.  eagles might win the super bowl
3.  redskins might not make a wild card spot
5.  failure
6.  heights
7.  got lost in compton once when i first moved to cali. that was pretty freaky

7 Things I Like
1.  redskins
2.  a belly laugh
3.  interesting conversations
4.  seasonal changes (east coast)
5.  random emails from wayyy back when friends
6.  speaking korean. tho i suck

7.  norebang

7 Things I hate
1.  eagles
2.  cowboys
3.  arrogance
4.  disloyalty
5.  doing laundry
6.  ironing
7.  hang overs

7 Things In My Room
1.  desk
2.  bed
3.  korean flag
4.  family picture
5. computer
6.  tv
7.  cross

7 Things About Me
1.  a ham
2.  pretend i’m a rock star a norebang
3.  christian
4.  i live on the edge - wild man! heh
5.  love the redskins
6.  i eat beef
7.  hold grudges

7 Things To Do Before I Die
1.  watch a redskins game
2.  start a business
3.  buy a house for my folks
5.  hit ... 5 continents
6.  an extra in a movie
7.  live a good life. just like the old perp in - saving private ryan

7 Things I Can Do
1.  play the guitar
2.  ride a motorcycle
3.  crack a joke or 2
4.  sing at norebang for hours
5.  drive a stick
6.  tae kwon do - like 99% of all other koreans

7 Things I Can’t Do
run a marathon
be subtle
3.  kayak - inside joke
4.  take titanic seriously
5.  robot dance - inside joke

7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
1.  humor
2.  faith
3.  cast iron stomach
4.  emotionally stable
5.  can carry/add to a conversation
6.  flexible
7.  cute

7 Favourite Movies
  graveyard of the fireflies
2.  chingu
3.  the way home
4.  shogun (really a mini-series)
5.  conan series
6.  shaolin soccer

7 Things You Say The Most
1.  you wanna hear something funny?
2.  dude
3.  heh heh heh
4.  i’m hungry
5.  what do you want to do?

7 Favourite Songs
1.  park ji-yun - sky blue
2.  tupac - life goes on
3.  gigi d'agostino - i still believe in your eyes


random im conversation a friend - heh. for your amusement and posted with permission.

friend: i'm still learning
me: surfing when i want to
me: learning what? about life?
friend: yeah
me: i can teach u that
friend: haha
me: it's so easy ...
friend: i cant be raisin no ghetto kid
me: haha - kids like you
me: haha
friend: like you!
me: haha
me: man u're ghetto to the core
friend: i'm buying my wife
friend: from
friend: you with me?
me: haha - naw korean
me: it's more expensive but cuter - haha
friend: noway, thats like buying a haydai
friend: hyundai
me: hyundai r reliable
me: 10 yr 100,000 miles

friend: damn


mike anderson is being assigned overseas at the end of october due to the war. he'll being working the frontline as a infantry mortar-man commander in kosovo - i think? or is it iraq? this all sorta bites cuz he just got married. anyway, we need more peeps like him in the army - big bad mofo who'll bang heads for his country. well, we're throwing him a farewell gig october 2nd at my pad - we'll send the bald menace out with a "bang." may the good Lord protect his fat butt.