Friday, December 10, 2004

Too much of everything is just...BAD... 

I'm sure you all know what I mean, right? I mean...sure, I like sweet, caring people who check upon me...who like to see how I'm doing or what I'm doing et cetera. I just can't stand it when someone keeps calling me every 15 minutes when I'm not available - hello, when someone doesn't pick up the phone, then that means he/she's freaking busy or away from the phone, DUH! I will pick up the phone when I can, you know. I will return their phone call when I can. Why do some people have to just get on my nerves by just calling me so many times? Okay, I admit that I'm someone who needs some room for myself...some space on my own, but come on...wouldn't you be somewhat annoyed?

It's the same routine every single day. I receive a phone call and get the very same question. "Where are you now?" And the answer is so freaking obvious. "In my office, workin'." I don't think that answer surprises anyone anymore, but I get this response. "REALLY?!!!!!" Even more annoying, I'm asked to do something beyond my control. "Leave work ASAP, come home and sleep early." I mean...every evening at around 7 p.m. A few hours pass. I get a phone call again. "Where are you? Didn't I ask you to come home ASAP and rest?" I get even more annoyed if I'm busy working when I get a phone call like this. Just_imagine.

How old am I? I think I'm far too old to be receiving phone calls like this, every_single_day. Sure...someone can worry about me or about my health...or everything else, but his/her concern shouldn't make me feel that I'm being somehow harrassed if you know what I mean. Too much of concern, worry...or whatever it is...makes me harder to breathe. Of course, I like to think or feel that someone worries about me and all but I'm just someone who enjoys being alone at the same time. I just need to take some please-just-leave-me-alone-for-a-while time. Loss of freedom...that suffocates me.

Too bad that I miss living alone. Thank you and I love you, but please know that too much of everything is just as bad as too little of everything.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Oh yeah, I so very admit that I have no life. Do you know what time I finished working last night or what time I got home? UGH, my life sucks so bad... I worked until 1:30 a.m. and it was 2 a.m. when I got home. You just never know what you put yourself into until you actually realize what you've done to yourself or with your own life. I feel like a slave, ugh... :S I gotta go now before I get into trouble getting caught doing this.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Reasons why I dislike bananas 

Basically, I'm sick of bananas because I ate them too much back in the States... Living alone and having a busy life, you don't always get to cook, you see...and bananas used to be my munch, breakfast, meal, dessert...basically everything... Ugh... Plus, bananas get ugly if you just leave them for a few days and...ick...smoosh and ugly... You don't even get to put them in the fridge (even though I do just because I hate smoosh and lukewarm bananas, HAHAHA)...ick.

Well, there's this other reason...that you might be laughing hearing about. Well, I've heard about people who got killed by banana skins (well, it's a funny way to put it, but it's true) because they stepped on those banana skins that some inconsiderate people threw it out (grrr...), fell and hit their head on the ground very hard (I dunno why but I can't stop thinking why I sound so childish when I talk about this...I know it's probably the way I talk about this specific topic, but it's just funny...).

The funniest thing is that this happened to me last night. Well, you might be wondering why I'm still alive...that's right, that banana skin couldn't get rid of me. I was ballet-ing (or you can say stretching my legs...widely...oh yea, very much so) on the middle of Teheran Avenue (one of the biggest streets with lots of office buildings and everything else in Seoul, near Kangnam station, oh yes, very crowded at all times) and I couldn't balance myself... Luckily, I was with my colleague and she pulled my arm and stopped me from stretching my legs (of course each leg separately - you get the picture, and oh, FYI, I was wearing a wrap skirt...o_O) all the way (I'm not inflexible, but I'm not as flexible as a ballerina either...) but I was busy trying to fold the wrap of my skirt so that I could cover up whatever was about to reveal - but believe me, nothing was showing after all. Thanks to my colleague, I'm still alive...and it's good that I decided to wear a loose wrap skirt instead of some relatively tight (please no, don't imagine anything hot here! :P) skirt suit yesterday morning. Otherwise, the skirt would've been ripped off or something.

To Be Continued...

Note: This entry was actually written last Friday at work during break. I'd rather finish this incomplete entry now but I'm still at work, so...bear with me. Laterrrr...!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Handwriting Analysis 

Thanks to Christopher (he's way too sweet! :D), I happened to take this handwriting analysis and it's pretty interesting.'s kind of scary that it is...sorta...(well, more than sorta) accurate. :S I'm kind of embarrassed to post this thing right here, but here it is anyway. :$

Jae has a healthy relationship to the past and is ready to move on. Jae is ready and willing to get started living now and planning for the future. Jae is leaving the past behind and moving on to what she perceives as an exciting and enticing future. (My comment on this: YAY!!! :D)

Jae has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. She lets new people into her circle of friends. She uses her imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.

Jae is selective when picking friends. She does not trust everyone. She has a select group of people that are truly close to her, usually two or three. She is careful when choosing her inner circle of friends.

Jae is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time. (My comment: Eh... Urgh...)

Jae is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. She needs to visualize the end of a project before she starts. She finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said she plans everything she is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Jae basically feels good about herself. She has a positive self-esteem which contributes to her success. She feels she has the ability to achieve anything she sets her mind to. However, she sets her goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". She has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, she will not take great risks, as they relate to her goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, her self-perception is better than average.

In reference to Jae's mental abilities, she has a very investigating and creating mind. She investigates projects rapidly because she is curious about many things. She gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but she soon must slow down and look at all the angles. She probably gets too many things going at once. When Jae slows down, then she becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, she must slow down to do it. She then decides what projects she has time to finish. Thus she finishes at a slower pace than when she started the project. She has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. Her mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. She can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Jae can then switch into her low gear. When she is in the slower mode, she can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. She is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Jae is secretive. She has secrets which she does not wish to share with others. She intentionally conceals things about herself. She has a private side that she intends to keep that way, especially concerning certain events in her past.

Jae will demand respect and will expect others to treat her with honor and dignity. Jae believes in her ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. She has a lot of pride.

Jae is a very emotional person with a broad range of emotions from the highest highs to the lowest lows. She feels emotional situations very strongly. She'll flash to the very peaks of elation, sweeping everything before her. Then, for some reason unknown to herself, she will burn out emotionally. These mood swings can be very disturbing to her. Sometimes, she feels that she can no longer produce anything. But, after given some time alone to "recharge her emotional batteries", she will spring back into action. Because Jae feels situations intensely, she relates easily to others' problems. If she is not careful, when she comes into contact with someone who is in a depressed frame of mind, she will also suffer the same emotions and change moods. Jae reacts impulsively, without much thought before hand. She may plan everything in detail before she even begins, then do it completely different when the time comes to carry it through. Jae has a strong need for affection. She thrives on touching and being touched. Jae desires being told that she is loved, every day. She enjoys being the center of attention. She loves attention, sometimes she even retells stories that got her attention earlier. Jae has the possibility of being a actor or natural born salesperson, simply because she relates so well to other people. She likes expressing how she feels, what she is doing, and what she plans to do. She is a people person. She will work most efficiently in a people orientated job as opposed to a job working alone on an assembly line (that would drive her insane).

The data input indicates Jae's balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

Jae can be defiant. She sometimes has the attitude that if someone doesn't like it the way she is doing it, then they can just "go to hell!" This trait may reveal itself in a rebellious nature that is always ready to resist forces which she thinks are infringing upon her freedom of action. (My comment: URGH!!!)

Interesting...scary at the same time though. :$

Thursday, November 25, 2004

What am I doing here...? 

So here I am, thinking, alright, getting any job experience is important and not goofin' around and earning money is also important, but I may not survive if I do keep going on like this. It's NOT about working late or working long hours or getting paid more or having better benefits, but it's about people. How cruel/mean/wrong can some people be? Does anybody know? I've always believed that there's no one who's born evil, but maybe I was too naive to have such a belief. How far do you think some people can go, in terms of purposedly giving other people a hard time?

I really don't want to quit. But if I think of what's better off in the long run, I may have to. After all, I work to live better, not the other way around. Thinking this way, I may have to quit just to live. It's either me having to learn how to be nice (instead of being pissed off) to always angry/evil people or me having to quit.

I'm sometimes amazed by certain people. They seem to have so much time having unnecessary interest in other people and what they do. They watch you 24/7 because they want to pick something tiny about you that they can talk about, that can make your reputation really really bad. I mean...I don't get it. I think I don't even have enough time for myself but these people can live talking about people people...fore good!

Ugh, I'm too sleepy... Time for me to go hit the hay now. Write more later...

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Kim Jungle is back for real - in like a year, yay!!!

It's a bit late to talk about this but... 

THE RED SOX WON!!! YAY!!! And I want one of these... :P

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Yea, I know, I know...update in a long long while. Sorry about that...but I'm telling you, "work can possibly keep me this busy!!!" For those of you who don't live or work in probably have no idea what it's like working here. I'm telling you...for the past few weeks, I worked from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. or 12 a.m. almost every night. Well, I have most of my Saturdays off but that's the only day of the week that I can actually sleep in, you see. UGH... Even though I haven't been updating, don't worry...I have not forgotten you all! :D

Yes, I have no life and I admit it. I've been working like crazy and I can't even believe I'm doing this. When my friends over here told me that they worked until 12 a.m., I laughed and said, "Aww, you poor thing, I know life can be tough...but I can tell you one thing. I'm not going to do that... It doesn't matter what my job will be and how my life turns out to be, but remember, I'm not doing that crap." Now what? I am going through the exact same thing. Isn't life ironic? Maybe, I'm the one who's ironic and nonsense.

Well, now, the fun part (well, I'm evil and I think this might be fun for you and sorry, I can't shut up. :P) is here. Well, well, not exactly fun, but the ranting time has come. I haven't been able to rant here for a long while so my brain has gotten messed up and it's now rotten - yeah, it's the rotten Jae's brain talking here, mowahahaha. <--- Wait, don't you think my sense of humor has gotten dorky... UGH, I've been working too much. Please bear with me. And FYI, I think the rotten brain has taken over my body already. :S So...where should I start - okay, now you get the idea that this post is going to be looooong, hahaha? So many things I felt, heard, spoke for the past few weeks... First of all, I've realized...(even though I might change my position on this matter later on) that there's no such thing as a dream job. Work is no joke. Every job you ever wanted looks so cool and all but there is and always will be at least one thing that you would hate about it. Am I right on this? I know I might be so hasty to already talk about this sort of thing since I've been working here with this specific company for a month now, but that is how I feel and...that is what some of my coworkers have been telling me. My case...well, I have a few things I don't like about my new job - well who doesn't? I hoped and thought I'd have some chances to speak English while working here, but I actually don't. Well, many things have to be sent in English (emails, documents, reports and such) and you don't necessarily get to use your English that much. Needless to say, I don't get to speak in English...except when I have small talks or joke around with the head of the company who's British. I'm afraid I'm losing my English, to be honest. Don't you think I sound a bit...erm, unnatural or something? I don't mean that I sounded so very natural before when I blogged since English is my second language anyway but still... I'm worried. This part of my job is a bit disappointing. Plus, I understand that this is an entry level job and it could involve with some simple data filing and stuff, but that's not exactly what I wanted to do. Well, I don't exactly know what I want to do, but this wasn't exactly it. I know I complain too much...I should just take what I have and shut up, but I'm just saying this is what I've been thinking of. And yeah, the part you've been dying to hear about...the short guy! (the drums play, heh) Well, as I told some of you, he acted a bit nicer for a while and now? UGH, UGH, UGH. I've never had such a snobby person around me in my whole life (yes, for twenty freaking seven years, I'm telling you, I'm telling you!!!!!!!!!!!) and ugh... And the worst thing is that...I don't know if anyone can be such a snob with what she/he's got. See...he's nothing better than me (according to my cool boss). He went to P_ _ _ _ _ University in the States and he's so damn proud of it. :S He says he needs someone to work part-time with him for data entry for a week or two and that person can't be someone who went to school in Korea. I asked him what kind of data entry job this would be and he went, "Well, for this job, the person needs to read English (who doesn't these days, dumbass? - excuse my language) and has to be logical (ugh, college students here aren't logical? Is that what he's saying?)." I went, "Just hire a college student or a recent college grad and I'm sure he/she will do fine." He says no. Well, good luck finding someone who's possibly studied abroad. I know it wouldn't be easy to find that person. Would you work for him? Would you do that, getting paid 5o bucks per day (9 to 6 shift, well, the official hour can get longer!!!) if your English is darned good and you have a degree from a foreign university? Whatever...I don't know. It's just annoying that he keeps asking me if there is someone around me who'd be willing to work for him, ugh. I don't want to be blamed for introducing my friend to this job and to this guy!!! Hell, no. I hate working with him every Monday. I already hate Mondays more than enough...and I hate them even more now just because I have to work with him, ugh. I have to work on this report that he sends me but guess what... He sends it at 6 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. or whenever convenient for him - what an ahole. So...unless I finish this report, I can't go home or have dinner or whatever. And he doesn't apologize. He says he was in a meeting. Well, that is what he cares about. I don't care how long his meeting lasted... All I care about is I get that darned report from him before 6 p.m. so that I can work with it to send it to the headquarter of the company. His report contains so many errors too and when I go talk to him about them, he says I must be wrong. WTF! Why, why, and WHY I'm the one to be thought of being wrong?! WHY?! Thank you very much. The report is numerical and I majored in something called accounting and he majored something called general management. I explained why I think he's wrong and I'm right and he doesn't listen. He keeps repeating that I'm wrong. Why would anyone do that? Why, how can someone be that egocentric and...ugh. I have to confirm his errors and fix them before I send the report to the headquarter and he won't confirm with me sometimes. He sends me that crappy report of his at 7 p.m. and goes home straight. And guess what, I work on the report and find errors and he's not there. I mean, come on, I've been working in groups with many different people so many times back in college and I've never had anyone this irresponsible and mean. Yes, I'm comparing kids in college with this person on a real life job...and he's not even close to those kids who're in their early 20s. He's 29.

Most of people at work are nice. I think I'm lucky enough to have those nice and loveable people working around and with me although I'm about to share several sad incidents that had happened a few weeks ago with you. I know I'm an entry level and I'm new here and that does not mean that the President's secretary can ask me to do some of her job. Simple errands...that you don't even need to use my rotten brain. I've never known anyone that evil and mean. She asked me to go get coffee at Starbucks nearby once when some people from the headquarter came visit a week or so ago. She asked the other girl who's new to do the exact same thing...many more times than she asked me. Going to Starbucks, going to the post office to send her private mails (bills), going to the tax office and such... They are what the other new girl had to do. That was what she was asked to do by the President. She is a secretary, not me or the other new girl. She asked me to go get documents from several people and go to Kinko's to make them into one packet. I really wanted to say no to what she had to ask me to do but I just couldn't. Well, I kind of did yesterday. I was so very busy working on this inventory (and believe me on this...all the numbers on our inventory are just so messed up. Nothing matches and I don't know how they've been coming along... They should've been doing this a long while back but they didn't and they are now trying to do this and...unfortunately, I'm the one who's doing this thing that contains like 300 different products. Not just the numbers, but the product codes are sorta messed up too. Not so much fun, but oh well... To be honest, the company has had a lot of problems - I heard and the numbers tell you a lot about it. - and it's amazing that it's been running as if nothing happened. And...not so great, but the morale of people at work is pretty bad. Anyway, enough on this.) So, I was working on the inventory and I was asked to do this specific job directly by the financial controller of the company and you see how pressured and busy I must have been, right? I didn't even get to have lunch or take the bathroom breaks, seriously. And she comes, and asks, "Are you busy now?" I was so annoyed and well, actually, I was too busy to get even annoyed. I went, "Yes, very." And she goes to the other new girl and asks, "Are you busy now?" Anyone at work could tell she was freaking busy...she was literally running around. The girl said, "Yup." That mean woman (well, she's 35 years old and I refuse to call her a girl. Maybe, I should start calling her an ajumma, hahaha - nice slam, Jae.) complains so loudly and goes out, so I'm guessing she must've been trying to ask either the new girl or I to go run errands. She keeps bragging about the fact that she was in San Diego for the period of 6 months and the fact that she worked in an Italian clothing brand, Ferragamo. That is just so trivial and she thinks she's a big shot. Ugh...and she's so close to that short guy, yet they keep talking sh_t about each other to other people, haha.

Well, I'm just babbling way too much and this must stop, right? I still consider myself lucky though, to have nice people around me and a cool boss. Life isn't too bad when you think this way but you don't always get to think that way. No matter what, life goes on and you gotta deal with it. I gotta go get ready to deal with...UGH...coming Monday. Wish me luck! ;)

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