November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving. I have too much to be thankful for to list those things here, so I won't, but I am thankful I will be spending mine in the Windy City. Enjoy.

November 24, 2004
The biggest gym night of the year
Best night to work out: the night before Thanksgiving, when people with actual social agendas are out getting polluted at the bars. No waiting for the treadmill. No sirree.

November 21, 2004
Meat loaf: It's what's for dinner
My recipe for meat loaf changes to fit what's on hand. A friend inspired me to cook this tonight for dinner. Tip for singletons: Make an entire batch, split/third/quarter as necessary, and freeze. I know the loaf in the photo looks huge, but it is really about 3/4 lb. of meat total, on a half sheet pan (full sheets won't fit in the oven).

UPDATE: OK, here is the finished product. Recipe forthcoming. (More...)


First flip
Hey, you two, check these out.

These are, in fact, the first eggs I have successfully flipped in a pan, sans spatula. They did not break, though I did overcook them a little, and you can see they picked up a little bit of color (GASP).

But not bad for the first time, eh? I must defer to the master for his opinion. Chad, do I get an "A" for effort?


November 19, 2004
When in angst
...And teenage girly angst, listen to Avril with one of your bestest buddies.