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pobably the last drunk entry of 04 [10 Dec 2004|03:00am]

went out for some dirnk sn and got pretty buzzed.
met some chicks out for some drinks and somehow got convniced that a book club is a good thin.
ate at norms with ed and juco met us after hw wentnto vine at vine.
i had spincah stuck in my teeth for mostof the night
i looekd at my self inthe mirror and saw het spinahc.
i pickedit out.

i asked these girls if iw was hard to meet eligible menn in LA.
they said it's hard to meet nornmal men in LA.
i told them i wouldn't know if wit was hardoto meet normal men in LA cuz i'm not really into men.

they went:



yah. i'm not really a good comedian.
i can make really good sock putppets tho.

ed passed out norms.

up in five hours.

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the truth about brokers. [09 Dec 2004|11:24am]
[ music | jingle bell rock ]

brokers = lazy fucks

me: hello

michael: it's michael. what time is our luncheon today.

me: 11:30?

michael: shut up. that's in 10 minutes.

me: no you shut up. you asked.

michael: goddammit these bullshit lunches.

me: ok. it's at 12:30

michael: shit. asshole. ok. i'm off to buy the unwrapped toy.

me: i got johnny to pick one up for me last night.

michael: ok. you're no better than me.

me: no i am not.

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bladda bladda lava lava [08 Dec 2004|11:24pm]
[ music | depeche mode - here is the house ]

sometimes my mouth gets me into so much trouble.

there are times i need to smile and just nod.


good boy.

someone shove a sock in my piehole. please.

especially when i drink.

do me a favor and just knock me the fuck out.

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and my friends who let me blather on.

shame on you.

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hello. wednesday [08 Dec 2004|11:57am]

i need to get away.

far far far away.

i need to get away.

for more than several days.

and if i don't get away.

not away but here i stay.

i am sorry to say.

im gonna kill someone.

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two shakes right, two shakes left, spin, left kick, doe see doe [07 Dec 2004|11:30pm]
[ music | that dj vu ]

i think i've found a new favorite lick.

[info]subprime_crime, i liked your earlier two tracks...but this track is seriously off the chain.

1. download 'one chance'
2. drink two vodkaredbulls
3. tilt hat to the left
4. move your ass

shakedown 'at night' killed me.


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hm [07 Dec 2004|11:24am]
maybe it's time to move on.

monday monday monday [06 Dec 2004|02:44pm]
[ music | jermaine stewart - we don't have to take our clothes off ]

to give you an idea of how lame i can be, i stayed at home all day yesterday because i was hungover. instead, i should have been out shopping for a pair of dress shoes at kenneth cole using the e-coupon which expired last night.

so i'll presumably pay full price somewhere when i could've easily saved myself about 40 bucks.
retail assreaming.

i should've also gone to the gym yesterday after lunch, but instead i was sprawled on the couch watching the friends dvd season 7, admiring the mysterious grease spot on my pajama bottom and the obey t-shirts my sister got for me at their sample sale.

she reminded me that i paid 30 bucks for a shirt she saw on sale for 10 bucks. the rotten little biyotch.

so here i am sitting slightly reclined with my shoes off. i'm rubbing my feet together because they're a little cold. black dress socks don't really warm my puppies too well. i like how slinky they are so i can slip my shoes on and off without undoing the laces.

yes. i know.

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tacos [05 Dec 2004|11:33pm]
[ music | dum dee dum ]

tequila, tequila, tequila, soju, soju, soju, soju, tequila, tequila, bud light, soju, soju, coffee, vodka red bull, vodka red bull.

i don't remember half the shit from last night.

but that's just the way it goes sometimes.


i DO remember slurring and loud talking.

and some other shit i wish i could forget.

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age [03 Dec 2004|04:02pm]

everyday i sit face to face with little old women. most of whom are living alone. they tell me they have children that live close, but rarely sees them because they're usually busy.

there's an english lady that comes in every once in a while. she has trouble with her finances because her husband took care of everything before he passed away.

she has a daughter that lives 5 minutes from her, but has never bothered to visit her at the mobile home. the mother has to go to her house because it is more convenient for the daughter.

when i asked where she was now, the little lady said she was probably somewhere in hawaii with her family.

sometimes i wonder how far the quality of life has to swing to for a person to re-evaluate the cogency of their existence.

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sweet god almighty [03 Dec 2004|12:00am]
[ music | depeche mode - stripped ]

i'm jonesing for a fag so bad i could freebase our roof and suck the tar right off the fucker.


fffffffft. . . . . aaaaaaaah


screw what they teach you in school.



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reflection [02 Dec 2004|12:40pm]
[ music | the killers - mr. brightside ]

2005 is upon us.
it doesn't take a much for me to reflect on days past.
today it was a song.

1 year ago

i moved back to LA from SF. i remember thinking no more dew drenched 6am mornings. no more sitting shivering my arse off in my orange colored room cursing my roommate for being such a cheapass.

i had just broken up with my then gf who lived back east...following my 4th and final trip to new jersey. right girl at the wrong time...and place. cest la vie.

and there i went. i ditched [info]tailor_made yet again. i friggin left you in santa clara for a girl of all things back in 2000 and i left you again three years later when you finally moved to the city. i'm such a great friend eh? i still feel rotten about that.

5 years ago

that would be 1999. taylor and i were finishing up at palmer college. i was dating my ex leigh at the time. a very tumultuous time in my life.

i dyed my hair blond for the first time. i still chuckle when i remember the looks i got from elderly korean folks at the market. there's this old man that i used to run into every once in a while. he came up to me shaking his head in disapproval muttering 'no goot. no goot.'

let's see. tay and michelle were still married and we all lived with our friend slow matt. we called him slow matt because he was...slow. he went to uc santa cruz. nuff said.

i remember many nights with leigh, [info]kttle, and her ex at random clubs. i'd watch her get loaded quite often. surprisingly, i didn't drink that much when i was dating her.

10 years ago

i was 22. do i even remember 22?

i was finishing up at ucla. every night was basketball night. followed by super big gulps at 7-11 and $1 big macs. i remember buying 20 big macs at a time. we'd eat about 5 in one sitting and freeze the rest for the next day.

we would smoke at least a pack a day. how did we play basketball you ask?

rippedfuel baby.

it was also the year of street fighter II, nba jams on nintendo, and my last experience with shrooms.

i think back to all the studying i did for the mcats and dats...and how i never used the scores and it drives me nuts. hell. i can say the same about chiro school. going through all that shit and not even using a bit of it now.

crazy i say.


now you go.

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tacos [01 Dec 2004|01:19pm]
[ music | interpol ]

i've been eating a lot of tacos lately.
two weeks ago i went on a fish taco bender. two trips to taco nazo in rosemead...and fish tacos at the green burrito on off days.

i had el taco last week for dinner one time.

taco taco.

i'm about to poop out a pupuseria.

i ♥ tacos. our pre-xmas party at johnny's will have two taco ladies making us carne asadas all night long. beer, tequila, and tacos. near a bonfire with a sombrero on. takin shots of patron silver. i can't wait.

they soak the mini-corn tortillas in oil then heat them up on a grill. you get a choice of 4 meats:

- lengua
- carne asada
- chicken
- chorizo

they bring their own:

- cilantro
- 3 types of salsa
- radishes
- jalapenos
- grilled peppers
- onions

i try to stay from lengua. not much of a tongue guy.

well, only when i...


who likes reposado better than silver?

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how pathetic am i? [30 Nov 2004|09:50pm]

pretty damn pathetic.


my name is h.

i am writing this entry from [info]spokensoul's iBook G frickin 4 because i got trashed by myself last night cruising the internet.

i was polishing off the rest of the wine when i had to reach for a phone that was going off at fucking 12 midnight.

i'm like. who the fuck would be calling me so frickin late on a school night?


doesn't really matter.

i knocked the glass of wine over and the shit inside went all over my pretty new laptop.

i don't know if it's completely dead. i'm waiting for it dry the next couple days. if it doesn't work, then i'll have to take it in.

god i'm so smooth. it's so frickin sexy.


don't drink and computer.

(does wine really mess up laptops?)

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so wear a hat if you're embarassed. [29 Nov 2004|06:09pm] line at blockbuster.

me: shit. hold up. i need to see if a movie is there.

sister: oright. what are you looking for?

me: damn. it's princess diaries 2. it's not out for a couple weeks. i'm so disappointed.

sister: (looking at me) yeah. i'm disappointed too.

me: what. the first one was really good.

sister: uh huh.

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girls [29 Nov 2004|04:15pm]

some girls are so frickin cute.

and i get these great ideas...

and i think to myself.

'self. i can totally picture you dating this chick.'

but then i realize that she's really young. really.

and that people have gone to jail for stuff like this.

then it's not such a great idea.

the end.

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joke [29 Nov 2004|12:19am]
[ music | suzanne vega - thin man ]


this is what happens when h doesn't go out on the weekends.
this is what happens when h doesn't drink on the weekends.
ok. i lied.
i'm havin a glass of wine right now.

i was gonna write about 'supersize me'...but i feel fat and lazy so i won't tonight.
(i watched 6 dvds over the weekend btw)
click here to find out which ones YOU ARE SAD AND NEED A LIFE H )

so instead. here's a blond joke.

A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get it started."

Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"

The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger."

Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.

She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says: "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger."

He takes her hand and says, "Second, I want you to relax.

Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then....." he sighed, "let's put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box."

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and it took me like 3 hours to lose 10 bucks playing holdem friday night.
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party monster [28 Nov 2004|01:03am]
[ music | yaz ]

'Talk Show Host: Is it true your son gave you ecstasy pills?

Elke: He told me it was a headache pill.

Talk Show Host: And what happened when you took it?

Elke: Well, my headache went away.'

...whole time i was like "the limelight...Ohhhhhh" , "dj keoki...Ohhhhhhh" , "hey isn't that fez?" , "how come nobody got shingles in the movie? wotta gyp"

still. a FABULOUS movie.

this is how he looked after being FABULOUS...

one more quote from the movie.
'If you are going to be a superstar DJ, there are three simple rules you need to remember.

No 1: You can always rely on Studio 54 compilation set, the pre-mix. They last for hours.

No 2: Madonna always works.

No 3: When all else fails, play techno. It’s nondescript, non-recognizable and everybody will think you’re so cutting edge.’

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post lunch coma [24 Nov 2004|01:07pm]

seriously, it never fails whenever i go to pick up lunch when i'm famished. the reason why i was so famished is because i didn't eat any dinner last night, and the only thing i had this morning was a nature valley bar with a frickin v-8.

so i get to the hat over here in rosemead to pick up food for the branch and i'm staring at the menu all wide-eyed because i seriously want to devour anything that is deep-fried and rich in carbs. i could hear the oil crackling back in the kitchen and the smell of smoked pork bellies was makin my right leg shake uncontrollably. i had to make my move quickly.

johnny had brought his lunch so he didn't want anything, but said that he wanted some of my onion rings (which btw is off the frickin chain at the hat). unfortunately i wasn't going to have onion rings with my pastrami burger. i wanted chili fries. and the beanpole stripperchick just wanted a pastrami sandwich cuz she's worried about her bloopy ass or something...but johnny wanted onion rings. the dilemma.

i had no choice but to get both the rings and the fries.

and now i'm in a food coma.

my shoes are off. top button undone. just chillin here tryin not to fall asleep at my desk.

thank god for the day of giving thanks.

a reminder to all hosts that enemies will bring food and good tidings before massacring your kind, raping your women, infecting you with smallpox, and passing legislation to increase regulation of your casinos.

happy turkey day.

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resistance is futile [23 Nov 2004|11:48am]

i have to learn that some powers that BE are much larger and stronger than i can even fathom. fucking BE.

my old boss used to tell me, "if they're smaller than you then pound the shit out of them, if they're larger than you then just smile and relax".


and relaxing.

we are the hue.

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goddamn pictures. again? [22 Nov 2004|03:48pm]
[ music | the animals - the house of the rising sun ]

yes. he/she/it is your bundle of joy. sometimes god bless couples with twins...or triplets even. but parents have got to know that some people get sick of looking at pictures of your little bundle of shit-squirtin joy.

parents must also recognize what a cute baby is...and isn't. not all babies are cute. some have elongated foreheads that make them look like manilla colored sleestacks. i think forcing pictures of your alien-child on friends and strangers and expecting them to gush with compliments is quite retarded. no one should be subjected to this weird and unusual form of punishment.

it's almost as fucked up as forcing someone to listen to your bitching about your menstrual cycle. or you droning on about your boring ass job which you think is the bomb dizzle, but in fact is making me do the head snap behind my monitor so i have to tell you that i'll brb and then proceed to block your ass on aim.

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two years and change... [22 Nov 2004|10:31am]

since i started LJ.
i'm sure i'll have to put an end to this one day.

i think i'm happier than i was last year. it's hard to tell these days. is happiness something you feel when you're content with your current situation? or is happiness the blurry drunkenness you share with close friends before a satisfying meal at 4am?

or is it cleaning up a soiled diaper and tucking your child into bed?

we're all working toward a goal.

i'm wondering if my goal looks anything like yours.

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hm. [21 Nov 2004|03:37am]
[ music | jo sung mo - to heaven ]

i keep folding the note over and over again. the corners have been rubbed down and are now rounded. whenever i open it to read, i always notice the spot of ink on the lower left hand corner. it's been a while now, so the spot is no longer a dot, but more of a smudge and a bit lighter. i know i can read without moving my lips, but whenever i revisit this note i find myself mouthing every word, one after another. i don't know why i've kept this note. i usually discard notes after a while, because that is what i do. i discard things. but somehow this one managed to find its way into a book that i no longer read. i read this note on days like today. i can't quite determine what type of day today is. but it is. i also can't explain why i need to read it with the lights dimmed and in bed with my covers over me.

but i do.

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[20 Nov 2004|12:18pm]
[ music | lu's brother - turkey mix ]

i'm waiting for my last appointment to show up.

i need to hit the gym to-day. imperative.

not to be avoided.

precor - 5 mins : level 8

military press - 4 sets : 10x : 95/115/135/115
cable crossovers - 4 sets : 20x : 40/50/50/40
lateral raises - 4 sets: 10x : 15/30/35/30
dips - 4 sets: 20x: body weight

stairmaster stepclimber - 15 mins : level 5
precor - 15 mins : level 8

flat crunches - 4 sets : 25x
lat crunches - 4 sets : 25x each side

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interesting conversation [18 Nov 2004|02:14pm]

8pm last night

me: fooj. sorry i didn't get back to you sooner.

fooj: no problem. i hear you and my ex exchanged some notes on friendster.

me: yeah. she got hella hot over the shit i told you a while back.

fooj: she's kinda weird like that. i remember it took her ages to introduce me to her friends. half of which were guys that had a crush on her. one even tried to flex on me at a bbq one time.

me: flexed on you? you were her fucking boyfriend. what the fuck is that gonna solve?

fooj: yeah. he was disrespecting me in front of everyone so i went up to him and said this: "yo pretty boy. i don't know who the fuck you are, but you're messing with the wrong person. i'm a very nice guy. but if you disrespect me one more time i'm gonna mark you up. i'll demolish your face so bad you won't be pretty anymore. i know it matters a lot to you to be a pretty boy. but if you continue to fuck with me i will mark up your face so bad your mom won't recognize you.

me: (cracking up) fooj. you've always had a way with words.

*moral of this story: boys and girls can't be friends.

actually...not the moral of this story.
just taking a breather at work.

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easy sell. [18 Nov 2004|10:05am]

6pm yesterday

doink: yo bitch

me: i'm still at work. what's with the namecalling.

doink: yo bitch. i don't wanna hear nothing from you. you're coming out to visit us for new years.

me: SIGH. dude. why does everything have to be such an event.

doink: i don't want to hear it. get a ticket. come whenever you want. stay as long as you want.

me: isn't it freezing over there?

doink: i have a jacket.

me: so what about ed and juco.

doink: they said yes...and to convince you to come.

me: last year we played video trivial pursuit and passed out midnight. it was pretty nice actually.

doink: the wife and i are going to rent limos and we're going out.

i think i know what's happening. they're trying for a kid pretty soon, so i think this is their last hurrah before becoming real adults.

so it looks like NYE in boston.

i hope i don't wind up making out with a hairy italian dude at midnight.


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rhythm. [17 Nov 2004|06:26pm]
[ music | above & beyond - no one on earth ]

there's something so soothing about doing the nordictrack with a hat on.

put on a comfortable pair of sneakers.
wipe your brow.
close your eyes.

and let the beats take you away.

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wei gus [17 Nov 2004|10:06am]

i feel like i should make the trek to vegas this weekend to support [info]edje88. he's playing in a poker tournament with a grand prize of $20K. would be a totally buck wild time if he actually won the pot. i mean WHEN he wins the pot.


but the reasons i should not cannot go:

1. i have appointments up the ying/yang.
2. i can still hear the 3 card poker/357/blackjack tables calling my name.
3. i'll be there in a month for "training".

if you win ed. i want a facial and a massage at a daiye spa.

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dear lurkers [17 Nov 2004|01:34am]

if you would like to discuss whatever i wrote in my entries, please address it on my blog. if you are too shy, then email me with your comments. i'm not a big fan of cluttering up other people's entries with conversations that should remain on my blog.

and just to clarify one thing.

fetish according to

1 a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : PREPOSSESSION c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
2 : a rite or cult of fetish worshipers


and if my entry doesn't pertain to you then it really shouldn't bother you.


now chill back holmes.

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3 topics - w/ beans, arroz, and a med. drink [16 Nov 2004|02:07pm]
[ music | jason mraz - the remedy ]

this will be the first weekend off in 5 weekends. partying last weekend was not intended. was bullied into partying all night. must've looked and sounded like a crackwhore at work on sunday. by the time i finally got home sunday i felt like i could shit a pack of cigarettes...lit.

this week: dvds and pizza. i swear to gizzle.

again. the broken record i am. god it's painful to read such a confident blog about what's wrong with men, when the problem obviously lies within you. i DO NOT understand this facade you persist on presenting to a public that probably needs a barfcan everytime they turn to read your entries. i feel my enamel on my teeth eroding already. please. i like my teef.

what i thought was a friendly friendster note from a friend's ex in san friendcisco turned out to be a rather vicious attack. i guess she felt that i should've kept quiet when i found out she was previously married. i chose to tell my very close friend after they broke up that his ex was previously married. you seriously think i would've kept your secret? goodness gracious. silly rabbit. dix before chix.

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ornamental chicken salad. [16 Nov 2004|12:19am]
[ music | green river - creedence clearwater revival ]

why do fuckers get so offended when i tell them they have an asian fetish? i tell my friends that have a blond fetish that they have a FUCKING BLOND FETISH. if you shit your pants and i tell you that you smell of shit then don't deny that you have shit in your pants. BECAUSE YOU SMELL LIKE SHIT.

personally. i don't think there's anything wrong with having a fetish. it's all a matter of preference right? because i think short hair and long faces are attractive doesn't mean that i'm creepy right? but if i only date women with these features, will i be labeled as having a fetish? ew ew. fetish. ew. he must molest barbie dolls too. right?

but i'll be honest. as an oriental male, when i see gay-ass buttfucks only comment on asian-female blogs it makes me want to upchuck putrid shitjuice. not because they have an asian fetish. but the way they try so fucking hard to be down.

yo yo.

i'm down.

i lived there.

i'm down.

what i've learned about the blahblahblah culture based on my internet studies, i've learned that blahbblahblah.

blahblahblahblah. why yes. my last 15 girlfriends have been asian.

have you SEEN 'hero'? it's like a totally chinese movie. quentin tarentino made it y'know. he's down too.


ok. i haven't ranted about this in a while. i'm gonna stop now and stroke my new laptop.

i would cross-post this on [info]asam and [info]the_anti_azn but two cunt moderators banned my squirrelly ass last year for speaking my mind. fascist pigs.
fucking laurel and hardy they are.
stroke this cuntbags.


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nice [15 Nov 2004|05:21pm]
[ music | modest mouse ]

random acts of kindness blow me away sometimes. i remember turning to this girl saturday night and telling her how nice she was. as i sat in the back of her car dumbfounded i was trying to figure out why this random girl was so nice to us. there could've been an ulterior motive, but if there was, i hope i never find out.

could it be because animeboy was passed out on the couch and her friend wanted to jump his bones? was she trying to be a good wingwoman?


i should really stop thinking and go home already.

i think beer is a really good idea. ice-cold golden goodness and a hoagie. with salami. yes pinky. tonight, we take over the world.

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[14 Nov 2004|09:11am]

i love you no matter what because you stick around even after all my abuse.

and because of that i must be the best to you.


you are to me.
is all i can see.
there is no fee.
to get the best from me.

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trabajo [12 Nov 2004|02:02pm]
[ music | duke ellington - don't get around much anymore ]


i had a day off yesterday, but i have to work this sunday morning at 11am. saturday night there's a birthday party i have to attend at the factory, so there's a very good chance that i'll be inebriated during work.

good news: my new laptop is waiting for me at the rosemead branch. it is 17 inches of hunka throbbin love. i put in two trades this morning and just ate lunch. my day is pretty much over. i'll be driving over to pick up my laptop as soon as i finish this entry.

i love lackluster fridays.

i'm trying to focus on this entry but a 5'8" latina just walked into the lobby and is waiting for one of the girls to help her. she has golden highlights in her shoulder-length hair and has the body of a beach volleyball player.

le sigh.

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veteran's day [11 Nov 2004|09:13pm]
[ music | lynrd skynrd - 3 steps ]

i never know when the holidays are. people have to tell me several days in advance that i don't have to go into work. works out pretty well. unexpected days off = good time.

after work and working out i ventured out and had some beers and overpriced sushi near the beach in santa monica last night. god i love hefeweizen.

about half an hour later we were hungry again so we went for the 1.50 sandwiches near ucla. waited nearly 30 mins with drunk college students before i got my salami sandwich with the works. they skimped on the salami. god i love salami.

oh well. it's a holiday today. nothing can go wrong.

passed out on the carpet in century city. slept from 3-11 then drove home. ate. then slept again from 1-7. i think that's 14 hours of sleep. god, sleeping fucking rocks. about a month ago i woke up at 8am on a saturday one time and it pissed me off so bad because i couldn't fall back asleep.

i hope i never get to the point where i HAVE to be up and running around by 8am. i think the longest i've slept is after a weekend of hard partying in sf. i came home after the third day and passed out in our hottub. [info]tailor_made once told me that i was in my room sleeping for so long he thought i had died or something.

too bad those days are long gone.

why does being an adult have to be so painful?

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probably the most original meme i've seen [10 Nov 2004|06:54pm]

lifted from [info]mwuajeee. who btw operates on a whole 'nother wavelength. if i scalped her and squeezed her brain i'd probably get a glass of orangina.

[info]margimello and i are probably the only crackheads bored enough to do this:

i am starving: because i didn't eat dinner. after the gym i'll probably get peer pressured into drinking with my friends in westwood somewhere. damn you friends from hell.

my skin is dry: because real men don't use moisturizer. water is sufficient.

DVD: i watched about half of 'rules of attraction' last night. had to shut it off because there was too much humping and illicit drug use going on. HA.

yahoo messenger: rippedfuel00@ yahoo...had to add the 00 because rippedfuel@yahoo was taken. as soon as i got two invites i took possession of whiskeyagogo and ok that came out really geeky.

the time: time to hit the gym. i'm in my boxers, wife beater and black socks doing this infernal thing before the gym. actually...waiting for the 'phedra to kick in. VROOM VROOM.

boys: don't cry?

vitamin c: is really good for people with depleted serotonin. from what i hear.

pomegranate: whoever came up with the ad for POM is a genius. what a racket. i'd buy it. can anyone name the chick that ate the three pomegranate seeds in hades?

language: barrier is what we would have if i married someone from yugoslavia.

alcohol: is something i would like to try one day. i hear it makes for a great time.

korean boys: love to eat dogs and spray armani cologne. love driving lowered acuras. and looking exotic. and oriental like.

whitney houston: was a pot-head. then a coke-head. now a crack-head.

today's philosophy: what is. may not be.

* * *

your turn
i am starving:
my skin is dry:
yahoo messenger:
the time:
vitamin c:
korean boys:
whitney houston:
today's philosophy:

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that's what friends are for... [10 Nov 2004|02:47pm]


2:35 pm

doink: yo

me: yo

doink: so we're thinking about nyc for new years.

me: i heard. i dunno man. i've been spending so much money lately. i'll have to see.

doink: if we plan for nyc then the wife'll bring her friends to nyc...since we're all in boston.

me: yeah. that's great man. korean fob chicks in boston. i can ALWAYS use more of those.

doink: when are you going to settle down anyway? you're turning 33 in two months.

me: no shit man. don't remind me.

doink: you have to start thinking about having kids and stuff you know. you don't want to have kids too late and then die when they turn 25.

me: you're starting to sound like my mom. if i knew what the fuck i wanted then i'd be doing it right now. i'm just concentrating on buying a home and then another home for an investment. plus. it's been like ages since i've been on a date. i don't know if i remember what i'm supposed to do on dates anymore.

doink: whatever dude. just don't wait too long. you're always going to find someone that's younger, prettier, with a better job, and all that bullshit.

me: are you and grace going to try for a kid soon?

doink: in about 6 months.

me: i think age matters more for the chick when it comes to having a kid. grace is your age no?

doink: yeah. we'll be 32 next year.

me: that's why you gotta get them young and nubile.

doink: great. if i was single i guess i'd say the same thing.

me: don't get me wrong. i'd much rather be where you are. hugging a pillow to sleep every night isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

doink: h...that's pretty pathetic.

me: yeah. ain't it fabulous?

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from ie to firefox. [09 Nov 2004|06:17pm]

Better Browser Now The Best

IE killed my last laptop...err...rather all the spyware and pr0n sites killed it.

mozilla is the only thing that works now.

when my snazzy new laptop gets here i'm uploading firefox.

fight the power

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You won't believe the things I've seen Far beyond your wildest dreams [07 Nov 2004|07:17pm]
[ music | spook - things i've seen - on like repeat like forever like ]

i had written this thursday night after a couple with the homies...but due to my current technical difficulties, i was UNABLE to post it. so i saved it on word for another day.

after rereading it i thought this was just too gay even for my standards, so i decided to delete and forever hold my peace. but that's when i remembered a comment someone made about the "realness" of this whole online journal nonsense.

so here it is:

there's always something so naughty about sneaking out on a thursday night with the boys. hunkered over plates of comfort food and sipping on soju and beer....hashing over what is wrong, what is right, and what we know to be the ultimate truth. although i've known my buddies for close to 14 years, i still uncover truths about them that still surprise me. it's comforting to know that there are people i can turn to when i reach points of despair.

i don't care what label one puts on their life...what's important about life, and what one's ultimate goal is. all i know is that at the end of the day...and ultimately at the end of our short and long journey, all we want is to be loved. and loved well.

even with all my faults and shortcomings allow me to lay my head on your shoulder. and comfort me when i have fallen.

then i will be yours.


fact 1: normal and happy people do not keep online journals for the whole world to read.

fact 2: those that update their journal everyday have a severe mental illness and should seek counseling.

you can take "realness" and shove it up your ass.
thank you.
come again.

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quick questions [04 Nov 2004|01:58pm]

- does the ten second rule apply when you drop wet underwear on the ground en-route to the dryer?

- i was telling a friend that if a girl touches you often during a date then it means she's probably pretty interested in you. at what frequency would you say is a sure sign that she's diggin on what you have to offer? and does it matter where? the arm? the chest? the bum? ooh la la.

- do you think really strong women lose out? not strong as in physical strength or strong body odor, but women who are very ambitious. i've found that a lot of women who have all their shit in order careerwise seem to have a hard time finding men of their caliber. their biggest complaint is that 1) most men they meet for the first time seem intimidated, and 2) the guys that do hit on them are total deadbeats that want a free ride.

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disonance theory [04 Nov 2004|12:49am]
[ music | weezer - undone: the sweater song ]

i'm probably using this term improperly but whatevz. if you have a problem with it then take it up with [info]edje88. he's the psych major that edjmacated me to this theory a while back.


i knew a couple chicks. both friends. both hate their jobs. both hate their bodies. both hate hate hate. but won't do shit to change it.

if you're a normal fatass and you don't enjoy being a fatass then one usually gets off their fat ass and into a gym to work their fat ass off or decides to eat less so that their ass will no longer be...fat.

but if you're not a normal fatass then you'll eat about the same and not work out, but at the same time complain about the fatastic situation your squidgy butt is in.

i don't know if this person was constantly complaining to me about their job to gain sympathy or a free meal, but it was annoying either way. if you hate what you do, then change what you do. if you studied for a long period of time and think it's too much of a waste to change paths then don't. but if you don't then don't bitch and moan cuz no one's really gonna give a flying fuck. it's gotta be tiring pounding sand all the

you made your pretty bed. now sleep in it.


oh. another thing.

i've found that it's usually acceptable for guys to be depressed about their situation and mope and act all depressed. if a chick does it it usually makes us not want to be around you. unless you're really hot. but if you're really hot then you really have nothing to complain about. use your prettiness to get what you want. if it's a psychological issue then hit up a shrink and get some prozac.

or pound some ho-hos.

we like our girls pretty and perky.

perky = good
prime minister of malaysia = bad

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don't ask how i did this. just shake your head. [03 Nov 2004|07:40pm]

i've been known to do some bonehead shit.

but this takes the cake.

destruction of own property. that's like borderline retardation, no?

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wednesday runnings [03 Nov 2004|11:39am]

i'm on my way out to do battle with the 10 freeway. i ♥ LA.

1. those that leave anonymous tags on my journal calling me names. grow some balls and leave your name.


2. juco's bday is coming up this saturday. i hope he lasts more than 15 minutes. no predrinking this time karen. we promise.

3. i think i'm gonna be late for my meeting cuz of this damn entry. don't fail me now my fingers of fury.

4. i don't care if it's god that guides me through life, or if a presidential election isn't something to get worked up about. i voted for the losing team. and i really despise the winning team.

so blow me if i sound whiny.

or trite.

5. i'd throw a drink on your head and shove your nose up into your brain if i ever met you.

6. why won't lj update?

good day
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garbage [02 Nov 2004|08:43pm]

if bush fucking wins again i'm gonna chuck garbage out my window.

i cannot believe i live in the same country as fucktards that would vote for an inbred hobbit-trollboy.

edit 9:11pm pst

by my calculations he'll be short by 16 votes.

edit 10:41pm pst

this is sad.

our country...once again...will be run by a retarded 13 year-old.

four more years of this crap.

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itinerary [02 Nov 2004|12:30pm]

what i plan to do in san francisco.

with whoever decides to drive up with me.

when i decide on which weekend.

- intermezzo (berkeley): eat
- chachachas: eat
- new sun hong kong cafe: eat
- king of thai noodle house (on clement): eat
- foreign cinema: eat

- butter: drink
- cloud nine: drink
- blind tiger: drink
- rosewood: drink

i need to get away from LA.
like now.

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the good reverend [02 Nov 2004|10:07am]
[ music | norah jones - more than this ]

i remember having drinks and cigarettes with [info]fuckolars in north beach a couple years back when i saw a guy wearing a shirt that caught my attention. i haven't been able to shake this line from my head ever since...

I called on Dr. Johnson one morning, when Mrs. Williams, the blind lady, was conversing with him. She was telling him where she had dined the day before. "There were several gentlemen there," said she, "and when some of them came to the tea-table, I found that there had been a good deal of hard drinking." She closed this observation with a common and trite moral reflection; which, indeed, is very ill-founded, and does great injustice to animals -- "I wonder what pleasure men can take in making beasts of themselves." "I wonder, Madam," replied the Doctor, "that you have not penetration to see the strong inducement to this excess; for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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take this test and give me your results [01 Nov 2004|10:14pm]

i keep taking this test every 2-3 months to see if i get a different result. i seriously think there's something wrong with the program.

The Hornivore
Random Brutal Sex Master (RBSMm)

Don't ever marry, you're The Hornivore. Roaming, sexual, subhuman.

The Hornivores (you) are some of the most screwed up and naughty beings in the Universe. And their numbers are growing, mostly due to skipped or misused contraception. You care not. There's one thing you want, one sole need.

Half manly, half bestial, you act on instinct, and animal charisma smoothes the way. It's unlikely you're driven by much other than your own selfish, orgasmic requirements. Your appearance and personality have evolved for the hunt. Ass beckons, you oblige.

For the record, you can happily bang all personality types, however your match percentages might be low with the kinder, more sensible people of the world, purely because they all wish to avoid you. Good luck to them.

"One day, the villagers came with torches to the house. In the smoldering ashes, stray dogs looked for cooked flesh."

AVOID: The Priss, The Sonnet
CONSIDER: Half-Cocked, Genghis Khunt


Your exact opposite:
The Slow Dancer

Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer

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daylight savings confuses me [01 Nov 2004|02:12pm]
[ music | armin van buuren ]

friday night we all decided to go to arena. arena on thursday and saturday nights is very gay. i remember walking to circus on saturday nights and the dudes getting into arena would leer at us with looks of hunger in their eyes. quite scary.

friday night was pretty gay too. not gay as in homosexual gay, but gay like crappy gay. the only good part about that night was all the mars n mystere they were playing. nobody really knew what i was yammering about when i told them mars n mystere was old school.

and such.

so i met this aspiring actress from new york. a korean chick that is moving out here sometime next week to pursue a career in acting. i think i learned about her whole life history during the 2 hours i talked to her. she was very much into her craft and loved to talk about every detail. i've noticed that every actor i've met does that.


the next night the whole gang decided to head out to the factory for yet another gay asian party. it was in weho, at another gay club. thankfully, we knew a couple of the promoters so we got in without waiting and paid only $10 for the gay party.

my friend who couldn't get in should be thankful that she didn't go in. it was about 30x more crowded than the last time we were there. it was hotter than an ass sandwich inside which is why we spent most of the time outside in the smoking patio.

some of us got really trashed and wound up sitting on a toilet pondering about pissing. some of us went looking for our friend with the pissing problem, but couldn't find her because they really don't let dudes into the women's bathroom. trying to keep track of 15 asian people in an asian party really isn't that much fun. we DO all fucking look alike.

the actress was there again...this time she was really trashed and wouldn't stop talking about some national commercial she needs to land and the $600 dollar car payment she doesn't have to make, cuz her daddy makes them for her.

at one point in the night everything started to sound like "wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka".


at 4am we took it up a notch at eddie's. erika and jen were there snug as a thug in a rug. with a smug smile on their mugs like they just ate a ladybug.

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halloween [01 Nov 2004|10:06am]

i really don't know where to begin.
so i won't.

i want to close my door and crawl under my desk.

happy monday.

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my ring [29 Oct 2004|09:50am]

last saturday night i was so hammered i lost my ring at circus. the last time i remember seeing it was in line before entering. they have a metal detector so i pulled everything metal off my body and threw it in the little red basket off to the side.

when i walked up to the ticket counter to pay cover i noticed my ring was missing from my right middle finger.

this was post 7 grey goose and tonics at amagi's.

i feel like such the retard.

i miss my silver band.

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chut sarang [27 Oct 2004|11:50pm]
[ music | J - like yesterday ]

i place blame with myself. most of college i spent as a misogynist shitbag pothead wandering around the sculpture garden in my tan birkenstocks trying to find the ladybug with three black dots. there was a period of about a year when i didn't wear socks. there was also a period of time when i had to wear shades indoors and out.

i felt the world i lived in was meant for people of pure and virtuous hearts, which wasn't me anymore.

i mean, what did i know when i started college? it was before i grew the couple inches, so i was about 5'7" my freshman year at ucla. things seemed so new and exciting, away from home, being around kids that were just as excited from all over america.

then i met her.

she was a year older than me so i thought i'd just treat her like an older sister. she lived three doors down from me and we spent every afternoon talking about our past lives, future hopes, and loves that seemed so ethereal at the time.

even as i type this i can remember how scared and shy i was around her initially. she was so beautiful and had a certain presence that made most of the guys on our dormfloor nervous around her. i used to pay such close attention to her stories as she told me about her youth in hawaii. everything that came from her mouth was just so beautiful.

after a couple quarters i confessed to her that i had a huge crush on her and that i could not stop thinking about her. i gave her a kiss and she told me that she liked me too.

i was so young. i thought it was so dangerous to be dating someone a year older than me. but i didn't care. i was happy. i remember making a christmas card out of construction paper and putting hello kitty stickers all over it. i don't remember how i actually acquired hello kitty stickers back then, but i remember putting them on the card. *rolls eyes*

then it happened. the event that shaped my twisted opinion of women for the next 8 years. it probably still has an effect on me. actually. i know it still does. otherwise i wouldn't have been so bothered when i saw her picture on a san francisco party site.

after 14 years? wow. time flies when you're shooting chicks in the back with blowguns 4 stories up.


when i saw her holding hands with r.p. that day, my faith in whatever i thought was right and pure was demolished forever. i guess that's the day i grew up.

growing up.

is a bitch.

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