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Monday, November 22, 2004

Partying all weekend long but feeling alive and rejuvenated. I can't remember getting so much restful sleep all in one weekend. You 97 girls are such pimps. When I’m around you guys, I feel like I’m 18 again. So very silly. 


Let’s play quickie catch up. In a NUTSHELL, here’s what comes to mind in regards to what I’ve been up to…


I spent the last few months:


Reading, reading reading - been obsessed with novels, re-examining decisions in my life, getting on and moving forward, partying – partying – partying, spending time in l.a., trying to consider more the needs of those I care for, all the while putting MYSELF first. (“Yah maybe I’m selfish, I want ME to myself I can’t help it” *wink~*), considering my next relocation, climbing the corporate ladder, family…      


Tonight is all about baked Doritos and Sex & the City w/ my merbear. It’s actually quite the supreme combination.   

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

i can't believe how long it has been since i've made an appearance. every now and then, i still check a select few of your xangas (that contain some sort of substance) to keep up w/lives. many things have changed. some remain the same. i think i'll keep this mini comeback short and sweet. in a sense I feel like Mase in an unobtrusive, unremarkable kind of way - sans the scantily clad ghetto video hoes and p.ditty. It's just me.

Allow me to begin my foray back into the xanga world by dedicating this entry to he whom I thought I knew, but never really KNEW until now. I am astounded by your heart of gold; gold which seems to dim in light of the authenticity and consistency of your very character. You didn’t deserve what I made you face last week. However, you confronted it with the kind of dignity and decorum that doesn’t seem to exist within anyone anymore. I know things have been mended but I don’t have the words to describe how sorry I still am for my actions. Thank you for understanding my seemingly convoluted state of mind. You’ve graciously earned my loyalty and trust.

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