Min Jung

"Did it hurt?" "What?" "When you fell from heaven?" "Not as much as my boot up your ass if you don't step off in the next 5 seconds."



Filed under: General — 10:11 pm

Hey, have you ever had one of those moments when you wanted to sock someone?
Right in the lip?
As in a

“Hey you, you fucking hypocrite and myopic fuckhead! Get your head out of your ass for a moment and see that the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around you! How dare you act and voice such a selfish opinion about certain things like you’re the only one entitled to that! And yet you’ve been personally responsible for denying that same thing to others?! Do as a say? Not as I do?! Right. Cuz that’s sane and fair. In case anyone hasn’t told you lately, you’re an idiot!”


Well, maybe it’s just me but listening to the Clash and Garbage for a few hours or so while driving will begin to roll angry thoughts in your head. And hey man, that’s ok. I’ve forgotten or been trained out of the belief that feeling angry was wrong. Feeling angry is NOT wrong. Behaving based on it, well, occqasionally can be. But it’s been a long time since I’ve used the energy from Anger to get me going on stuff. It’s not a bad thing actually, when channelled appropriatly.

In other updates
* In Michigan now.
* I took a nap with my Dad on the living room floor. He looks very healthy and good. This makes me extraordinarily happy.
* My stepmom cooks rawking good food and I am full.
* I already miss Xxxtine and her family. They were awesome hosts and great friends.
* I’m planning on visiting an organizaton that I helped found 8 years ago later in the week. Anyone in Ann Arbor wanna meet for a coffee
* Work, shmerk. This is nice to have the time off and I haven’t even checked work email once. Wow. Could this be self balance?
* I had a day dream flash the other morning while driving with Xxxtine. At a wedding reception all the parents of my best friends whom I’ve gotten to know over the years were there. The Fords, the Michaelsons, The Lees, The Sues, and the Miguels. I rather like that idea quite a bit. Since losing my Mother, I’ve naturally gravitated towards the parents of my friends. I get giggly talking to them. I love hearing their life stories and their advice. I don’t even mind their nagging a little regarding this, that or the other.
* My bedroom always looks smaller every time I come back here for the holidays.
* My dad has mastered double clicking…and is playing puzzle games on the computer. Brilliant. He and the step-mom quarrel over thier turns on the computer.


And funny

Yet again the Yahoo Groups find me as a destination site for fetish joy!

24 Hours In Toronto

Filed under: General, Mischief & Events — 11:18 pm

And I feel like a farking Rock Star.

Lets start off with a 4:30 AM flight out of SF.

And a 12:30 Arrival in Chicago.
And after a few hours in layover, a 6PM arrival in Detroit.

Add to that a 5 hour DRIVE from DTW to a rawking GTA Bloggers party per invitation of Rannie and hosted by Joey. Was greeted with screams by Steve, Winona, and others. Caught up and giggled with Paul, Brent, and James. Sipped Ice Wine for the first time and shared it with Jeremy.

Pix from the party are here.

For you lazy folks who don’t like to click links, here’s a picture of me licking a bottle of icewine.

Lucky bottle.

Then add a lovely night of heavy and well earned sleep at the home of Ms. Xxxtine.

A splendid Northern Chinese dimsum lunch/dinner, some shopping where I bought beautiful bitchy red shoes (pointy toes) and a surreal fashion show titled “No Kimono” with shadow dancing music, an outfit that looked like the lovechild of a homeless man’s jacket and ballerina’s tutu, and an extraordinary collection of dresses crafted from sheets of pure, crisp, white paper with japanese brush paintings delicately addorning details of flowers and vines along sleeves and skirt hems.

A late sup of Congee with Roast Duck. Hurray.

And I’ve just watched a commercial for some excercise program called “Yoga booty ballet". Yeah. Think about that for a few seconds and try not to laugh.

Tomorrow, a pre Xmas holiday dinner with friends. I swoon.

Hmmm so for whatever reason my voicemail seems perdunkled and I can’t get into it. Get back to you on Tuesday when I get back to the US.


Small things

Filed under: General — 1:14 am

Small things will make you cheerful for a moment.
Like, for instance, a drunk SMS message from someone darling far away.

It says

“You are beautiful”

I grinned at midnight last night when I received it, and slept peacefully.

It was nice.


One day at a time.

Filed under: General — 10:09 pm

Every day this week I’ve watched a sappy movie and teared up.
And I love it.
And I’m not going to apologize to anyone about it.

Hi, I’m Min Jung.
I’m a cheeseball and I cry at movies.


Warning Canada.

Filed under: General — 11:29 pm

This Friday I am going to Toronto and will be there until Tuesday.

I’m planning on hanging with Rannie and Christine and whoever else is around.
Will you be around?

Ping me.


Gorgeous and Hideous Honesty

Filed under: General — 1:12 am

So here is something that you should know in case you should find yourself in a similar position:

Alcohol (even damn good scotch) plus meds do not mix.




Filed under: General — 9:30 pm

That I have enough friends and enough leftovers to last a lifetime.

Yes I’ve been quiet here on the blog of late.
Can you dig this, my website is blocked from work.
This means no blogging or ability to check email while at work.

Which means that I *should* be more productive, huh?

We’ll see.


I must be from Sextron

Filed under: General — 4:48 pm

This explains an awful lot.

Could I possibly be from Sextron? It would explain that whole dating for tech support thingie...

Funny Thunk

Filed under: General — 2:59 pm

I don’t like boogers.

Not really a picker. Stopped eating them (sometime before I start smoking) and have a pet peeve about those who pick and flick while driving. I only clear out my nose while in the shower. The steam and hot water, I think makes it less bothersome and gross. Even the word is gross.

Instead I call them boogies.

“You have a boogie up your nose.”

And when some special friends blow their nose and shake their head from side to side in grief from being sicky poo, I’m entirely likely to break out in to song.

“Shake shake shake,
shake shake shake,
shake your boogie.
shake your booooogie”

Updated Photo Gallery

e-mail: minjungATminjungkim.com
AOL IM: mjkim1974
Yahoo! IM: minjungkim_hi
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