Castellón, España - April 21, 2004

The days are definetely getting warmer. Classes are great. Very interesting so far. The first two weeks are guest lecturers giving introduction courses. All related to ´Peace and Development´. Great for me as it ties in all these countries I´ve been visiting, studying, and reading about. Maybe in the future I can actually find a real job related to things I´m actually interested about.

Lots of amazing people in the program. Mostly extremely well-traveled and fluent in several languages. Everyone has been everywhere. Its very good company and very interesting people. Lately I´ve been hanging out with an Italian guy who spent a lot of time working for an NGO in Cuba. Another guy I know is a Haitian guy from Miami who does translating work. Many people from everywhere including USA, Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, Congo, Kenya, Western Saharra, Italy, Germany, Austria, UK, Ireland, Norway, Portugual, Spain, etc. There are others, but those are just the ones that came into my head.

Today we watched some interleague soccer because a team from the course plays. Pretty interesting as 4 of them were from the States and 3 of the 4 take all the courses in Spanish. Pretty amazing. I was goofing off with the soccer ball and realized I had never really know much at all about soccer whereas its natural for just about everyone else in the world except North Americans. Not sure how the other Americans got so into it, and were so competitive as well.

The hardest thing so far is time management. The social life here is just incredibly active. I want to spend an hour or so studying Spanish, but its difficult enought just finding time to do the readings each day and whatever else needs to be done, much less extra stuff like the language studies - which is also important to me.

All is going well.

Next Journal Entry in Spain:
April 25, 2004

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