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    ATSIC Stunned by Minister's Comments on Stolen Wages

    9 September 2002 - A senior ATSIC official has expressed outrage at comments by Queensland Aboriginal Affairs Minister Judy Spence that monies stolen from Indigenous workers by previous Qld Governments hadbeen paid back in full by the 1990s.

    The Beattie Government has offered a "take-it-or-leave-it" compensation package of $56 million.

    ATSIC North Queensland Commissioner, Jenny Pryor, whose own mother had wages stolen, said she was stunned by the Minister's comments as reported on ABC radio yesterday.

    "It appears this Minister, having failed to coerce our Elders into accepting the government's paltry offer, is now trying to rewrite history by claiming there are no monies owed," said Commissioner Pryor.

    "This new tactic is despicable and one that is no doubt aimed at further confusing the Queensland public and our old people.

    "In trying this on, however, the Minister has been a bit too smart because she is now unable to explain to the Queensland taxpayer why the government is prepared to offer $56 million to compensate workers for monies she now claims were repaid in the 1990s.

    "Minister Spence claimed to the ABC that the she can 'clearly trace' the repayment of the stolen wages. Well, it's now time to put up or shut up and provide to ATSIC and the Queensland public this so-called evidence of repayment.

    "I can tell her categorically that my mother and other family members have never been repaid the thousands of dollars owed to them.

    "Perhaps the Minister spent too long in the Townsville sun but what ever her reasons for this outrageous rewriting of history are she owes the Queensland public the truth and the Queensland Indigenous community an apology," said
    Commissioner Pryor.

    "It is time for Premier Beattie to ensure his Minister stops her attempts at confusion and explains once and for all what the Government's position is."

    Source: ABC Indigenous news


    Stolen Wages - Minister Judy Spence

    Presenter: Stephen Austin

    9 September 2002 - Think for a moment - what do you think is a reasonable amount of money for your life's work?

    Aboriginal people used to work in Queensland for what could almost be described as slave conditions.

    They got paid, around 32% less than white workers, and the money was held by the state government in a trust.

    When years later Aboriginal people found out and said they wanted the money back, the government said: "Oops sorry, we can't find what we did with it!"

    The current Beattie government has made an offer of between $2,000 and $4,000, saying: "Take it or leave it, and by the way if you take it and later find out you're owed a lot more, you can't sue us for it."

    Why is the government taking such a cold and seemingly unjust position?

    To explain the governments thinking I spoke to the Queensland Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy, Judy Spence - Audio in RealMedia format.

    Source: ABC Brisbane


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    Further information:

    • Money that's black and white and spent all over
      The dollars may appear black, but there are plenty of "grey" areas. Not all native title dollars are being used to Aboriginal advantage. They are being used to help those opposing native title claims. They are being used to help other landholders and the nation deal with the fallout of a High Court decision - the landmark Mabo finding in 1992 that native title exists.

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    Support Indigenous Queensland workers who have not received wages for which they are entitled
    Support the Stolen Wages campaign. From 1904 to 1987, the Queensland Government withheld or underpaid wages earned by Aboriginal workers; a fraction has been offered as a settlement. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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