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Forum RPG
Posts: 453

Time Posted: 12:40
Date Posted: 24th of Oct
Don't worry Tsunami, although the game is highly addictive it will become boring eventually like all other games. I never actually got bored of the game, but when my 36th level character died I called it quits. lol. Yeah, I wasn't happy.

I recommend using the druid. The spells are useful, and with the survival skill (especially if it has a high score) you should be able to start out the game well by searching for food in the wilderness repeatedly. Of course, we all know that the beginning is the hardest part so this is vital.

Make sure you have alot of carrying capacity, and you might want to just drop your items in town which you can pickup later. (Otherwise they may become rusted if it starts to rain.)

You will get satiated, and then bloated after awhile. Keep searching for food and you will start gathering seeds. Gather ALOT, infact get as much as you can. Once you are burdened by the weight of your massive piles of seeds, go into town and sell them all by piles of 100. Repeat this process until you have as much gold as you want.

Now that you're filthy rich with gold, go to the outlaw town to the south of the first town and see if they have some good weapons and armor for sale. If you're lucky, they'll have some magical weapons or items. It's random with each new game, so you never know what will be in stock. Chances are though, that they have a bunch of crap.

So, here's what you do. It's too dangerous to travel around much as this stage so I recommend going to the first town, talking to either the girl, the elder, or the sheriff, and go straight to the caves. Just kill like crazy with your spells, and go back out of the caves and get food with survival and heal if necessary. Then keep doing this until your level gets to about 10 or so.

By now you should have found fairly good weapons and armor unless you're very unlucky. Don't go to the northwest cave because the monsters that spawn here get harder as your levels increase. I mean HARD. You will die if you try to hunt there too long. Instead, try the southeast, northeast, or eastern caves. Eventually if you're lucky enough you will enter a dungeon level where you hear the jingle of coins.

Now it's time to kick some ass. First of all, the dungeon shops are loaded with cool weapons and armor. Since you're rich from selling the seeds, you're gonna be loaded for bear. Plus you can slaughter monsters and sell the gear you find at this shop. Either way, this is your ticket to success. Find a dungeon shop. Good luck. =) Also let me know how far you have advanced in the game, and tell me of your adventures so far.
"This ain't nothin, I been through much worse than this." On the 8th day, the hobo said to Billy, "This ain't bad. I can be comfortable anywhere." "You can?" asked Billy. On the 9th day, the hobo died. (Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut)

"Some people say that I'm a horrible person. This is not true. I have the heart of a young man. I keep it in a jar on my desk." (Stephen King)
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Elite member
Posts: 221

Time Posted: 15:28
Date Posted: 24th of Oct
Thanks for the advice. Two humorous deaths to report so far:

1) The unfortunate L1 char who decided to take on a room full of ghost bats, died of unnatural old age and ended up with a negative point score.

2) The L1 wizard who encountered a monster in a corridor and tried to fire Magic Missile at it. Unfortunately I lazily pressed the wrong arrow key and the missile was fired at the side wall and rebounded multiple times across the corridor, making rather a mess of him. I felt quite sorry for the guy - after all, it was my fault not his.
Treiben Sie nicht den Teufel mit Beelzebub aus!
Last on: 13th of MayQuote this post   Edit this post Top of RPG Forums
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