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eniar.org uses the Google search engine and only searches on pages which Google has indexed. However this indexing happens frequently so displayed results should come from all but the most recent documents. All the latest news documents are listed in indexes in the news section, some are linked from 'recent items' on the homepage. Results will highlight the term(s) sought in the text content.

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Search tips

  • Google will search for and highlight text content.
  • If you get no results try refining or narrowing your search by adding more words to the search terms you have already entered or rephrasing.
  • Excluding Words
    You can exclude a word from your search by putting a minus sign ("-") immediately in front of the term you want to avoid. (Be sure to include a space before the minus sign.)
    For example, the search ' Australia -Howard'  will return pages about Australia that do not contain the word "Howard".
  • Phrase Searches
    You can search for phrases by adding quotation marks.
    Words enclosed in double quotes ("like this") will appear together in all returned documents (unless they are stop words, special common words that require a "+" sign -- see the Google search basics page for details).
    Phrase searches using quotation marks are useful when searching for famous sayings or specific names.


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You can make a difference
There is a hidden health emergency in Australia that demands our immediate attention
Aboriginal life expectancy is twenty years less than other Australians. Indigenous infants die at the same rate as those in impoverished countries.
›› Support the Healing Hands Indigenous Health Rights Campaign.