WHAT DOES A DENTIST DO? toothpaste, floss and toothbrush
        A dentist is a doctor who cares for people's teeth.  Science has shown that failure to care for one's teeth can lead not only to mouth pain, the worst kind of pain there is, but also to other illnesses.  A dentist can help you avoid pain and other problems.
        There are several different kinds of dentists.  There are family dentists and dentists who make replacement teeth, there are dentists who do root canals and make tooth crowns, which are different from the kind of crowns that kings wear.  There are dentists who do surgery when there is a big problem that is in the gums.
        Dentists perform important work keeping us healthy and free of pain.  They also help us to look good by keeping our teeth attractive so that they look good when we smile. bright smile
        Many people are afraid of dentists because they use needles and drills. However, those are necessary to perform the work that our health requires. Sometimes a tooth gets a cavity and must be drilled to be filled so that the cavity is cleaned away and the tooth is healthy again. a tooth The little discomfort today will mean a bright smile for the remainder of the patient's life.
        By brushing the teeth and visiting the dentist for checkups a person can have healthy teeth forever.

        James's mother took him to visit the dentist.  They waited for a few minutes during dentist examining a boy's teethwhich James looked through a coloring book.  Then the doctor called them into her examination room.  Along the walls of the room were cabinets with many drawers.  The drawers were not deep like the drawers of a dresser but shallow.  Above the drawers were counters.  In the center of the room was a big chair with all sorts of equipment around it looking like so many mechanical arms.
        The dentist's assistant placed a device in the chair so that James could sit tall.  It was like a stool that fit on the seat and attached to the arms of the big chair.  The assistant placed a blue bib on him to keep his clothes from getting soiled.  Then the dentist smiled and said hello.  James greeted her in return.  She then asked him to open his mouth and he did.
        The dentist turned a light on that was so bright that James had to close his eyes.  "That's so I can see all of your teeth," the doctor said.  "I hope it's not too bright."
        "No," James replied.
        The doctor placed a small round mirror with a long, thin handle in his mouth. She then scraped with a sharp metal pic.  After a moment, she turned off the light and said, "Everything's fine.".
        James and his mother said goodbye to the dentist and left.

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