In Association with

The Official Jack Parsons Dossier


Beloved of Babalon (M. Staley)
JWP: Antichrist Superstar! (R. Metzger)
Sorcerous Scientist (D. Chapman)
The Babalon Working (A. Mitchell)
The Black Pilgrimage (R. Pardoe, J. Nicholls)
Jack Parsons: King of the Rocket Men (C. Bennett/Fortean Times)

Other Background Materials:

FBI Investigation File on Jack Parsons, part 1 (PDF)
FBI Investigation File on Jack Parsons, part 2 (PDF)

(Note: these scans were obtained from the Internet under the Freedom of Information act. is not responsible for the poor quality of these PDFs and will be working to produce clearer scans in the future.)

For further research on Jack Parsons, Babalon.Net recommends:

coverSex and Rockets -- the first full-length biography about Jack W. Parsons. Sex and Rockets plumbs the depths of Jack's contributions to the science of rocket fuel and engages in meticulous reconstruction of the Babalon Working. (Read the Webmaster's review)
Read the Review from Ghosts and Scholars


from the Book of Babalon