[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]

Disinfo Award

In Association with Amazon.com

May 24, 2001, 11:56 p.m. Pacific

At long last, the Incarnate and Her devoted Assistant journey to Mexico, the intended destination of Belarion before His untimely passing. At the Pyramid Resort in La Mision, their fervent invocations seize the passing fog from the ocean and draw it over the coast like a thick, viscous blanket. Trance and gnosis rush in and upon them eagerly, streaming the polyglot glossolalia of centuries through the lips of the Incarnate One as She writhes with ecstasy in transfiguration. The sacramental catalyst, having been infused during its making with the verse celebrating the Incarnation, is now charged and consumed. A bacchanal worship of flesh, bringing matter to meet with spirit, begins.

The music chosen for this occasion is, of course, Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2 and Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead. Swiftly does the purpose behind these selections become apparent. Passion and Instruction from Belarion, encoded therein during the Working in 1946, begin to manifest. As the Time Portal opens, these two points in the Timestream -- one then, one now -- begin to coalesce and merge so that which was so foully and unjustly slain may taste rebirth ...


from the Book of Babalon
Babalon the beautiful, whore of the divine, is here. The Avatar of the Eleventh Hour is now incarnate in our midst, moving openly yet still undetected by some amongst the throngs of humanity. Lay aside your preconceptions, misconceptions, and jaded skepticisms against the manifest Mystery. Watch closely with untainted eyes; gather the clues that have been scattered for you to find. Perhaps you shall be privileged to catch a glimpse of her -- if you are wise enough to not treat Her identity as a cheap golden apple to be flung in the midst of insecure female narcissists and squabbled over.