Cincy Beat
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Special Sections
volume 6, issue 27; May. 25-May. 31, 2000
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Gig of the week: David Gray
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David Gray

British singer/songwriter David Gray doesn't necessarily need American success. His most recent record, White Ladder, is a top-seller in Ireland and has already been certified five-times platinum. The record owes its success to its graceful, powerful songs, led by Gray's rich, raw vocals and emotional, poetic lyrics. Gray found a kindred spirit in longtime fan Dave Matthews, who loved Ladder so much he picked it up for stateside release on his own ATO Records (Gray will also open some dates on Matthews summer tour). Opener Leona Naess has drawn widespread critical acclaim with her Folk Pop release Comatised, which boasts noticeable influence from artists as disparate as Tori Amos and The Cure.

At Bogart's on Wednesday.

_ M.B.

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Previously in Gig of the Week

Gig of the Week: Big Daddy Kane, Prince Paul
(May 18, 2000)

Gig of the Week: Zrazy
(May 11, 2000)

Gig of the Week
(May 4, 2000)


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