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Friday August 8, 2003

Quote of the Update
Giles: "I believe you are both profoundly stupid."
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Last Five Reviews
Name Game Date
The Latest - FIRST LOOK - The Rebirth for Doom II
FIRST LOOK - The Rebirth Doom II 2003-08-09
Doom 64 - The Absolution Doom II 2003-08-08
Fearcraft Quake 2003-02-12
Brumal Quest Quake 2003-02-11
Todesangst 2 - der echte Feind Half-Life 2003-01-26

NOTE TO SELF: Find other quote sources

Site was down for a little bit while I switched servers. I've finally added a new review of the Doom 64 TC. It's an excellent conversion, but in my opinion the source material was seriously flawed, and as a result, this TC is too. But if you like the original, then you should love the TC.

Some notes on the recently released WolfenDOOM EX. It is someone else's revision of the WolfenDOOM Original Missions that I worked on a while back with Laz Rojas. Because he has not converted many of the things I coded into the engine, the game is unplayable, the lack of a key dropped by Hans Grosse being the most notable flaw. This thread on Doomworld sums everything up, and includes a ZDoom mapinfo lump to split the thing into episodes (not sure if the secret levels will work right though). Essentially, it's only useful for DM, because co-op players will hit the same problems as single players. James Haley and I are planning on using Laz's original versions as test exercises for the upcoming Small scripting language for Eternity, so you shouldn't be stuck with my crusty old Boom ports forever. But then again, you may be.

It is with much regret that I have given up hope on Mordeth. In spite of much pestering I have not received an e-mail from project leader Gaston Lahaut in ages. I just don't have the time anymore, and with no feedback from him on numerous issues and no seriously needed help coming from the community (and the little that came being about as useful a used condom)...well, the words "sinking ship" pretty much sum things up. If Gaston does re-emerge, then I believe he will get the project out eventually and with the upcoming features of the Eternity engine it should be pretty close to what he originally envisioned. But I'm done waiting.

I will most likely be doing no more for the Doom Millennium project either due to time constraints and because, well, I'm an idiot. It's basically still in limbo awaiting Zaldron's boss sprites. From the engine perspective, two things need to be done - the boss, a massive and time consuming undertaking due to the creature's complexity, and the weapon particle code needs revising to fit Eternity. As I cannot make heads or tails of said particle code, it makes revising it rather difficult. If you're a more savvy coder than me and want to help the guys out then please contact project leader Steve Dudzik. Even if the boss never materialises the project will still get released, so your efforts should not be in vain.

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