
1694-1778:  Life of Voltaire

1711-1776:  Life of David Hume

1712-1778:  Life of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1713-1784:  Life of Denis Diderot

1723-1790:  Life of Adam Smith

1732-1809:  Life of Franz Haydn

1740-1780:  Reign of Maria Theresa of Austria

1740-1786:  Reign of Frederick II of Prussia

1756-1791:  Life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1759-1797:  Life of Mary Wollstonecraft

1762-1796:  Reign of Catherine II of Russia

1771-1796:  Reign of Gustav III of Sweden

1776:  Smith, The Wealth of Nations

1776:  Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

1780-1790:  Reign of Joseph II of Austria

1784:  Kant, What is Enlightenment?

1792:  Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman