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 US terror attacks 

A plane flies overhead as President Bush is giving a speech (AP) In the wake of the attacks...
Ananova will keep you fully informed on the military response being prepared by the US and its allies, including the ongoing search for Osama bin Laden.

And we'll have the latest on the criminal investigation, the impact on the UK, the plight of the victims and the effects on travel

Duchess tells of trade centre escape
The Duchess of York, who was due to be in the World Trade Centre on the day of the terrorist attack, has told of her lucky escape.
00:16 Thursday 4th October 2001

Thatcher condemns Muslim leaders' response to terror attacks
Baroness Thatcher has criticised the response of Muslim leaders in Britain over their response to the terror attacks in America.
23:31 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Gas masks 'could kill' says expert
Experts are warning thousands of people who bought gas masks after the US terror attacks they risk suffocating themselves.
19:02 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Alice Cooper opens haunted house to aid terror attacks relief efforts
Alice Cooper is opening a haunted house in Phoenix to raise money for the US terror attacks relief efforts.
18:30 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Osama bin Laden network suspect says he was tortured into confessing
A terror suspect who told investigators of his recruitment by Osama bin Laden's organisation for a suicide bombing against the US embassy in Paris claims his confession was made under physical duress.
18:29 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Blunkett details terror crackdown plans
David Blunkett has detailed plans to bolster anti-terrorist laws.
16:57 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Elvis Presley single to raise money for terror victims fund
Elvis Presley's version of America The Beautiful is to be released to raise funds for victims of the US terror attacks.
16:10 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Council worker faces sack over US attacks song
An Edinburgh council worker faces the sack after singing a derogatory version of 'New York, New York' to an American colleague.
16:04 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Guard left airport metal detector unmanned
An elderly security guard has been sacked for leaving his post at a Boston airport.
14:44 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

Afghan rebel leader Massood becomes a hero in Paris
A documentary film about Afghan opposition leader Ahmed Shah Massood has become a hit in Paris.
14:43 Wednesday 3rd October 2001

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