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Beckhams' parish church seeks roof help
Parishioners at Victoria and David Beckham's local church are appealing to the couple to help them raise £290,000 for a new roof.
00:32 Wednesday 7th November 2001

Study finds wealthy attend church more
People living in prosperous areas of England are more likely to attend church than those in poorer communities.
00:47 Tuesday 6th November 2001

Christians and Muslims must live in harmony, says Archbishop
The Archbishop of Canterbury says Christians and Muslims must find a way to live together in harmony or face a bleak future.
15:52 Saturday 3rd November 2001

Drivers can avoid tickets if they pray with police priest
Polish drivers who break the law can avoid a ticket if they pray with a police priest.
12:11 Saturday 3rd November 2001

School takes right-to-smack campaign to High Court
A Christian school is fighting for the right to smack its pupils.
12:29 Thursday 1st November 2001

Priests say smoking is blasphemous
Priests in a Romanian county want smoking banned in graveyards because it's blasphemous.
11:48 Thursday 1st November 2001

Archbishop wants children to dress as saints for Halloween
The Archbishop of Birmingham is urging Catholics to dress their children as saints rather than witches on Halloween.
12:59 Wednesday 31st October 2001

Church aiming for psalm record
A church congregation in Norway is aiming for another place in the record books by singing the entire psalm book in one go.
13:10 Wednesday 24th October 2001

Bible sales see huge increase since September 11 attacks
Bookstores are reporting huge increases in Bible sales and Nostradamus books since the US terror attacks.
09:01 Wednesday 24th October 2001

Christians protest over Dracula Land plan
Clergymen in Romania have joined demonstrations against government plans to build a Dracula theme park.
11:26 Tuesday 23rd October 2001

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