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BREAKING NEWS: New York's mayor has announced that a memorial for the victims of the World Trade Centre atrocities will be held at Yankee Stadium at the weekend. Full story


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Australia prepared to send troops for US anti-terrorism war

Australia says it is prepared to send troops to help the American war on terrorism.

Prime Minister John Howard says it's time to pay back the US for its support during World War 2.

He says there's no point in Australia being an 80 per cent ally.

He said: "We should be a 100% ally of a country that was a 100% ally of Australia in World War 2 and made the difference between our survival or going under to the Japanese assault."

He added: "We leave open the option of any kind of military involvement which we are capable of. And, yes, that includes troops."

This is the first time he has explicitly mentioned "troops". Previously, he'd left the commitment open-ended, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

He said Australia sent special forces to the Persian Gulf three years ago, although they weren't needed.

"It's a very serious, unprecedented assault on so much of what we stand for. It is a time for a strong response. And that is what I am giving. And I know that the Australian people will overwhelmingly support it," he said.


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