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Readers give more of their views on Question Time

Ananova: The BBC's switchboards were jammed by callers angry at anti-American comments during last night's Question Time programme. Do you agree with angry callers, or is criticism of US foreign policy justified?

Emma: I am disgusted at the way many people are now attacking America's foreign policy. It doesn't matter what they do they will never be able to please everybody. I hope America is able to find the culprits and bring the justice deserved for those killed or injured.

Ella Johnston: Two days earlier, eight people were killed in southern Iraq when British and American planes bombed civilian areas. To my knowledge, not a word appeared in the mainstream media in Britain. An estimated 200,000 Iraqis, according to the Health Education Trust in London, died during and in the immediate aftermath of the slaughter known as the Gulf War.

I don't like hearing when anyone gets killed needlessly. I am currently waiting to find out if a loved one is alive or not but that does not mean that I am blind to the situation. No-one deserves what happened on Tuesday but let's gain some perspective and take some responsibility. If we all do that maybe we can avoid more bloodshed on both sides. Stop the blood lust and remember that we are all human beings.

Robbie: Why there is such anti-American feeling in Europe I do not know. Many people in Britain and France in particular are spectacular in their childlike begrudge of the USA. I suspect the grudge is not to do with American foreign policy but more to do with inherent misty-eyed nationalism harking back to the "glorious" empires of said countries.

I'm ashamed of this anti-American racism displayed quite openly by bitter little Englanders. Terrorists kill because they can, not for a cause. Just go to Northern Ireland to find that out.

Andrew Cruickshank: I have no words for what the BBC did last night. I was ashamed of them. Over the years the BBC news has become more and more self-righteous. They seem to know all the answers, they know what will and won't work. But I don't see them taking responsibility for the protection of our citizens and way of life. Instead they arrogantly justify themselves as being a bastion of our freedom and of quality broadcasting. Yet the irony is that the BBC is fundamentally undemocratic. I have no choice whether to pay a TV licence whether I choose their service or not.

Frank Gesoff: This is not about having views which are pro-American or anti-American. We absolutely should be critical of the policies of our governments as well as those of other governments. If we disagree with these policies, we absolutely should make our views known and actively campaign, peaceably, for change. By all means, let's debate these issues.

However, that is not what the events of Tuesday (September 11) were about. Nothing can justify the unmitigated horror and murder that was perpetrated by the individuals responsible for these acts of violence. No matter how much one disagrees with the policies of the American government or any other government, the meticulously planned and large scale murder of innocent civilians can not be explained by discussing the politics and policies of their homeland. These were acts committed by cold-blooded murders, not political activists.

This is not about politics. This is not about policies. This is about murder. Let's try and keep this in context. And please, think twice before venting your anger and frustration on innocent people around you who quite likely share the same views as you do.

Richard Robinson: I think it was disgusting and did not reflect the true views of the English people. I am utterly disgusted by the way the BBC acted.

Nigel Scott: In my opinion a lot of the animosity directed towards the USA is due to simple jealousy. Their athletes, music, films, economy, technology, landscape, culture, opportunities, standard of living, etc, etc, set them head and shoulders above the rest of the world and these people, in predominantly deprived third world countries, are simply jealous of America and hide that jealousy behind religion.

Alex Peterson: The tragic events of Tuesday cannot be excused or justified in any shape or form. But they should be discussed. We are calling this an 'attack on freedom and democracy' and thus must prove ourselves able to live up to those principles. Do we want to censor our media in the same way as non-democratic states do?

Niall: I watched Question Time and was shocked at the anti-American bias on the programme. It was in no way reflective of the massed views of this country and seemed to be full of people ideologically committed to slamming the US whatever. As Blair said, this was an attack on democracy. If they can attack the US in this way they can attack any democracy in this way. Changing your foreign policy as a result of an act like this is a surrender to the terrorists and an inducement for similar acts from other groups pushing their own agendas. US foreign policy is not perfect but it has not purposefully gone out of its way to kill thousands of civilians.

Tony: I suppose none of the people who have given their opinion on this page would change their mind if it was their family, children and friend that were dead. The BBC should have cut the programme. It was an affront to the families of the British dead.

Luke: Obviously there have been many shameful things in the history of US foreign policy, though it's important to balance these against the fact the US paid for and fought for the defence of the free world from both Nazism and Communism when it could have retreated into isolation. This may sound crass but until we learn to use less or other energy sources (which the public has shown no appetite for) we are all complicit in the more unpalatable aspects of US foreign policy in the Gulf. Similarly, unless we fancy Saddam Hussein developing weapons of mass destruction we all ought to be thankful for the US stance towards Iraq.

Clare: I didn't see Question Time but from what I've read and heard people saying about it, it makes me think it was pointless airing such a programme after such a huge disaster and that it serves only one purpose which is to stir up more feelings of anger and hatred amongst people. The thing is, no matter which way you look at it, thousands of people have lost their lives. They are of mixed race and nationality. They were simply earning a living when the horror occurred.

All I can think of is how unfair it is that so many hundreds of thousands of people, friends and family of the dead, are being put through continuous video footage of the disaster and continuous speculation on the way the American Government 'do business'. I also see people have been commenting on how horrible America is to other countries. What about how horrible these other countries' own governments are to their own citizens? Don't blame the people, blame the few in power who action these atrocities.

Salma: I am a British Muslim of Indian descent, and am absolutely appalled by the countless lives lost in such an inhumane act. No doubt fellow Muslims have passed away in this tragedy, and I know that many Muslims are saddened by what occurred. However this is the time to be analysing why such an act occurred. In my opinion, the US's foreign policy where it gives with one hand to the third world, and takes back everything it's given, and more, with the other, is despicable.

American citizens should vote with their hands and not their fists. They elected the governments who have funded terrorism, and who have given aid to the number one hate figure Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden may well be guilty, but has everyone forgotten what happened in Oklahoma?

This time is for thinking about what has occurred and why, and to remember blind retribution against more innocent people is not the answer. That would be like excusing the terrorists who committed these acts in the first place.

SB: I watched Question Time and I fully believe that everyone has a right to freedom of speech, but I could not believe some of the comments that were made by members of the audience and the panel.

I felt the programme became extremely anti-American with audience members saying America is hated throughout many countries in the world. This is totally unbelievable. I do agree that many countries have issues with America and believe that the USA has always known this.

Until Tuesday I was against revenge in any form. Events on Tuesday have now changed my mind. If these attacks have been carried out by those in the Middle East then the only way for America to act is to launch a counter-attack. People can not be allowed to get away this. Talking this over will not solve anything. We are talking about people who are not only prepared to kill thousands of innocent people but also commit suicide for what they believe.

My heart and thoughts go out to all of those people throughout world who have (or may have) lost friends and family at the hand of these monsters.

Caz: No-one is trying to suggest there is any justification for the atrocities committed earlier this week.

However, American foreign policy over the past 50 years has caused the kind of resentment that these lunatics feed on. Is it really so unnacceptable to suggest that we not only take swift action against terrorism, but also take action to resolve the situations that breed this violence?


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