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BREAKING NEWS: The Royal Ulster Constabulary has been accused of failing to meet targets for reducing burglary, car theft and drug crimes. Full story


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Protester appeals against jail sentence for politician cream pie attack
A protester who squashed a cream pie in the face of an Australian politician has admitted he acted stupidly.
21:33 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Students pelted with cow pats in second-hand car competition
Students in New Zealand have been pelted with cow pats and food slops in a competition to win a second-hand car.
21:29 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Parliamentary debate interrupted when toddler's cuddly toy hits MP
A New Zealand parliamentary debate was interrupted when an MP was hit by a cuddly toy.
20:50 Wednesday 19th September 2001

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Footballers' wallets stolen during match with police
A Yorkshire pub football team's changing rooms were burgled during a match against the local police.
19:51 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Lucky leg break for Oz lottery winner
An Australian man won the lottery because he broke his leg and had to go to hospital
16:17 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Dead goats and rubbish greet Mombassa's tourists
Rubbish collectors have dumped a dead goat and piles of rubbish around a Kenyan tourist resort in a row over unpaid wages.
14:56 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Woman faces £5 fee to use garage across road
A woman faces paying £5 just to fill up at a garage opposite her London home if a new scheme by Ken Livingstone gets the go-ahead.
13:15 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Boy's faked kidnapping sparks police search
A 13-year-old boy has faked his own kidnapping to avoid getting into trouble over being late for school.
11:15 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Gamers betting sex with girlfriends during competitions
A politician claims Thai teenagers use sex with their girlfriends as stakes in video game competitions.
11:12 Wednesday 19th September 2001

Divorce can be contagious in the workplace
A Swedish study, has found divorce can be contagious -but only among men.
10:19 Wednesday 19th September 2001

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