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Ananova readers react to US terror attacks

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Barry Laing: The attack on innocent civilians in America last week was unforgivable. No ordinary solider would go out of his way to kill as many civilians as possible. No, it is simply not done this way. There are people who would suggest that a diplomatic solution to this problem can be reached ... but how do you negotiate with people who have absolutely no regard for human life whatsoever? A diplomatic solution is always preferred, but in this case the solution is clear. The Taliban will not surrender bin Laden, as they are guilty of various crimes against humanity themselves in their own 'regime'. The case is clear, we must strike to prevent any more attacks against the free and democratic world, a statement that nearly every world leader has echoed.

Alan Hellen: I believe there should be a minutes silence before every sporting event to happen over the next year so that people don't forget about the horrid tragedy experienced in the USA. This should happen all over the world.

Zaheerah: As a Muslim, I believe as most Muslims do that the US attacks were horrendous, an act of terrorism. This has nothing to do with Islam, we believe that any person committing suicide as well as killing innocent people has nothing to do with Islam and is definitely not part of our religion. They will no doubt be sent to the fire of hell. So why are Muslims being blamed? Are Irish people blamed for the terrorism that the IRA cause? Remember that Blair is supporting the US who in turn support the IRA. Did fighting terrorism suddenly go out of the window? Where are the UN when President Bush is supporting the mass murders and war crimes against the Palestinians?

Lenora Kenwolf: I am an American and a Gulf War Veteran. It is hard for those in Britain to realise the tremendous pressure our president and media is placing on the American people to support all out, full-scale war. However, there is a small, but vocal minority (including myself) who advocate peace - especially in the face of a potentially genocidal war. In the area where I live, it's not even wise to voice your opinions on peace too loudly. Who knows what could happen to you? Foreigners who may appear Middle Eastern are being threatened and sometimes attacked. There are those of us who condemn this behaviour, but are we enough in the face of the onslaught of hatred out there? I don't understand what is happening here. This is not the type of behaviour I spent six years in the Air Force defending.

J. Patrick Kelly: I am so deeply thankful for the reader's responses in which they call for restraint and a clear head. I am a minister in a meditation church and during the weekend I conducted two prayer services and spent a great deal of time on tolerance, compassion and love. The more the word of tolerance instead of anger and hate, the better the society, the world. Your readers are so clear about taking the time to reflect, get the facts clear, before going to war. I just want to say that many of us in the United States are speaking out and saying the same thing. It is so important now to understand that all people are inter-connected and it does not matter the colour, size, gender, sexuality, or religion that separates us, it is hate and ignorance. Your readers give me encouragement to continue speaking out here in this country.


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