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Ananova is a new kind of news service.

It isn't bound by the old values of what's important and what's trivial; it doesn't recognise the need to separate broadsheet from tabloid, or highbrow from lowbrow. Instead, Ananova's agenda is whatever you want it to be.

You can choose from more than 2,500 different kinds of content, requesting e-mail alerts on anything from global warming to Anthea Turner, from club listings to international affairs. Like we said, the agenda is yours.

At Ananova, we're turning the tables. What used to be decided by the producers of news - the media bosses, the editors, the journalists - is now decided by the receivers - you. You ask us to contact you with the news that you're interested in and we'll get it to you as soon as it's available. There isn't a news service that's any quicker or more precisely tailored to your information needs.

It's because of this that you'll find Ananova a more useful news service than any others. We're not the kind of news service that tells you that tickets for the Robbie Williams tour have all sold out. If you've told us you're a Robbie Williams fan, we'll alert you the minute tickets go on sale and help you to buy them there and then.

And because Ananova is the kind of news you've decided you want to hear, it'll give you stuff to tell your friends about; stuff to talk about in the pub; fuel for your social life.

Forget the old idea of news as something you sit around passively reading or watching or listening to. This is news that involves you: news you can act on, news you want to hear.

It's your news on your terms.

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