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US police name two held over terror attacks

Two men arrested in Texas as part of the investigation into the US terrorist attacks have been named by police.

Ayub Ali Khan and Mohammed Jaweed Azmath were detained by police as they travelled on a train from St Louis, Missouri.

They have been taken to New York for questioning.

Justice department sources say they had been on a flight from Newark to San Antonio, Texas, on Tuesday when it was forced to land at St Louis because of the immediate ban on flights in the aftermath of the attacks, CNN reported.

They had taken the train to San Antonio after landing in St Louis, and were detained for carrying box-cutters and having no legal identification.

One man arrested in New York's John F Kennedy airport has been held as a "material witness", a legal procedure which allows him to be held because of the likelihood he knows something which can help the investigation.

US officials continue to believe would-be terrorists are still at large in the country and have not ruled out the possibility of more attacks.

One official told CNN: "There is reason to believe not all the perpetrators are dead or in jail."

And Senator Joe Biden, a member of the Senate's intelligence committee, said it was apparent that several cells had worked to plan and co-ordinate the four attacks.

Police are looking for people who provided homes, credit cards, cars, mobile phones and laptop computers to the men.


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