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 Previous winners
Tuesday September 18
Raise a glass to Esther Leslie who gets to rent a row of vines for a year in a French vineyard after correctly answering that Lille football team's nickname is The Hounds.

Monday September 17
Correctly answering that Moulin Rouge has taken just under £5.5 million at the UK box office has won Claire Bellis dinner for two at Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons.

Tuesday September 11
The latest Oakley sunglasses have been won by Alison Collins for knowing that Hayden Christensen is the star of the forthcoming Star Wars Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones.

Monday September 10
The night in the Savoy has been won by Heather Alderson for telling us that the Viennese observatory was shut down for hiding a brothel.

Sunday September 9
Correctly answering that Victor Meldrew would be more popular as a driving instructor than Tony Blair, Dean Gee has won a flight simulator experience.

Saturday September 8
Correctly anwering that Liz Taylor excorted Michael Jackson to this 30th anniversary celebrations has won Anne Smith a chauffeur driven limo for a day.

Friday September 7
Derek Young will be going on a Royal Mint tour after correctly answering that a hard-up mother-of-five found $120,000 on her way to a pawn shop.
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