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Stressed bosses stress out their workers

Stressed-out British bosses are passing on their anxieties to employees, according to a new report.

Research by Taylor Nelson Sofres found that 76% of UK workers believe their bosses' inability to deal effectively with their own stress leads them, in turn, to cause more stress to the people around them.

The survey identifies various examples of management behaviour which causes stress in the workplace.

71% of respondents said they found being criticised in front of colleagues extremely stressful, and 70% of workers were frustrated by unnecessary meetings which wasted their time.

Some 69% of respondents said feeling as though they were not being listened to was a cause of anxiety and uncertainty.

Martin Addison, from Video Arts, who commissioned the survey, says: "Managers constantly claim that their employees are their single most valuable asset.

"Yet what they consistently fail to recognise is that their behaviour directly impacts upon the people around them - for better or worse."

Mr Addison adds: "Usually, what it comes down to is a lack of experience and know-how. Often, the case is that managers simply don't manage -they react."


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