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US terror attacks
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BREAKING NEWS: The Archbishop of Wales has warned that any retaliation by the US needed to be about more than just revenge. Full story


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Reader calls for world to unite and support US

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Amit Patel: All I can say is that I am disgusted as to what has happened and that justice has to be done. I believe the world has to unite and support the USA in this and put a stop to all this evil that is happening around the world.

I was disgusted to see what happened in the bombing of the American Embassy in Nairobi and I believe that Osama bin Laden was behind all this and should be found.

All my prayers go out to the families who have lost their loved ones and I will pray for them everyday.

Mike: As an American raising a family just across the river from the Trade Centre nightmare, I can tell you that I am angry and confused about how anyone could justify a direct attack on a non-military target.

Some of your readers point out the IRA as an example of US-based terrorism. Isn't it true that private citizens may support the IRA, but that the US government does not?

The freedoms we have here - to support and believe as we wish - are at the core of the hatred that Islamic radicals have for the West. What we as a nation do NOT do is fly planes into other countries' buildings.

Be warned, world - if you thought the USA was too much in your face before, just wait and see what you're going to get now. Since the Middle East cannot seem to police its own people - and since Osama the Coward has brought this to OUR shores and to OUR cities - it's up to us to lead our allies and to show the world the way it's going to be done from now on.

Margarette Stevens: What a sad, sad world we live in. Thousands of bodies have not even been dug up from the wreckage, yet alone identified or buried and 'developers' are already talking about building on the site. How insensitive can you get?

Pete Burgess: Re: Rebuilding of the WTC. What better message could be sent to the terrorists? What better monument could be built for the people who died? Rebuild the WTC exactly as it was before.

Send the message that the terrorists died for nothing. Tell them they wasted their existence. I feel sure that some of the people who died would consider it a fitting response. You may knock us down, but we will return, stronger than before.


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